
时间:2017-06-01 03:27:50
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五年级英语的教案 篇一

Title: Lesson Plan for 5th Grade English - Article One


This lesson plan is designed for 5th-grade students to enhance their English language skills. The lesson focuses on improving their reading and writing abilities through engaging activities and interactive discussions. The objective of this lesson is to introduce students to different types of texts and enhance their comprehension skills.

Lesson Plan:

Theme: My Favorite Animal

Duration: 60 minutes


- To introduce students to different types of texts

- To enhance students' reading and comprehension skills

- To improve students' writing abilities


- Chart paper

- Markers

- Worksheets

- Pictures of various animals


1. Warm-up Activity (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by asking students about their favorite animals.

- Encourage them to share why they like those animals.

- Write their responses on chart paper.

- Introduce new vocabulary related to animals.

2. Reading Activity (20 minutes):

- Distribute worksheets containing short paragraphs about different animals.

- Instruct students to read the paragraphs individually and underline any unfamiliar words.

- Discuss the paragraphs as a class, providing explanations for any difficult vocabulary.

- Ask comprehension questions to ensure their understanding.

3. Writing Activity (20 minutes):

- Divide the students into pairs or small groups.

- Distribute pictures of various animals to each group.

- Instruct the students to write a short paragraph describing their favorite animal based on the picture.

- Encourage them to use the vocabulary learned during the reading activity.

- Monitor and provide assistance as needed.

4. Conclusion (10 minutes):

- Ask a few groups to share their paragraphs with the class.

- Provide feedback and praise for their efforts.

- Summarize the lesson by highlighting the importance of reading and writing skills.

Extension Activity:

For homework, ask the students to research and create a poster about their favorite animal, including facts about its habitat, diet, and interesting features.


- Monitor students' participation and engagement during the activities.

- Evaluate their reading comprehension through class discussions and comprehension questions.

- Assess their writing skills based on the clarity and accuracy of their paragraphs.

五年级英语的教案 篇二

Title: Lesson Plan for 5th Grade English - Article Two


This lesson plan is designed for 5th-grade students to develop their English language skills through interactive and fun activities. The lesson focuses on improving students' speaking and listening abilities by engaging them in conversations and discussions. The objective of this lesson is to enhance their oral communication skills and build their confidence in English conversations.

Lesson Plan:

Theme: My Hobbies

Duration: 60 minutes


- To develop students' speaking and listening skills

- To enhance students' vocabulary related to hobbies

- To improve students' confidence in English conversations


- Flashcards with pictures of various hobbies

- Chart paper

- Markers


1. Warm-up Activity (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by asking students about their hobbies.

- Write their responses on the chart paper.

- Introduce new vocabulary related to hobbies.

- Show flashcards of different hobbies and ask students to identify them.

2. Listening Activity (15 minutes):

- Play an audio recording of a conversation between two people discussing their hobbies.

- Instruct students to listen carefully and try to understand the conversation.

- Ask comprehension questions to ensure their understanding.

- Play the recording again if necessary.

3. Speaking Activity (20 minutes):

- Divide the students into pairs or small groups.

- Provide each group with a set of flashcards containing various hobbies.

- Instruct the students to have a conversation with their partner/group, discussing their favorite hobbies using the flashcards.

- Encourage them to ask questions and provide detailed answers.

- Monitor and provide assistance as needed.

4. Group Discussion (10 minutes):

- Bring the class together and ask each group to share their favorite hobbies and the reasons behind their choices.

- Encourage students to ask questions and show interest in their peers' hobbies.

- Facilitate a discussion by asking additional questions and providing feedback.

5. Conclusion (5 minutes):

- Summarize the lesson by highlighting the importance of effective communication and the benefits of sharing hobbies with others.

Extension Activity:

Assign the students to write a short paragraph about their favorite hobby, using the vocabulary and phrases discussed during the lesson. They can also create a poster or presentation to showcase their hobby to the class.


- Monitor students' participation and engagement during the activities.

- Evaluate their listening comprehension through comprehension questions.

- Assess their speaking skills based on their ability to engage in meaningful conversations and provide detailed answers.

五年级英语的教案 篇三


