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电脑常用英语单词 篇一

In today's digital age, computers have become an essential part of our daily lives. Whether it's for work, communication, or entertainment, we rely on computers to assist us in various tasks. As we navigate through the world of technology, it's important to familiarize ourselves with common computer terms and vocabulary. In this article, we will explore some of the most frequently used English words related to computers.

1. Hardware: This term refers to the physical components of a computer, such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and central processing unit (CPU).

2. Software: Software refers to the programs and applications that run on a computer. Examples include operating systems like Windows or macOS, as well as productivity tools like Microsoft Office.

3. Internet: The internet is a global network that connects computers worldwide. It allows us to access information, communicate with others, and engage in various online activities.

4. Browser: A browser is a software application used to access and view websites on the internet. Popular browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.

5. Email: Email stands for electronic mail and is a method of sending and receiving messages electronically. It has become a primary mode of communication for both personal and professional purposes.

6. Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that allows computers and other devices to connect to the internet without the need for physical cables. It is commonly used in homes, offices, and public spaces.

7. Virus: A virus is a malicious software program that can harm a computer system by corrupting or deleting files, stealing personal information, or causing other forms of damage. It is important to have antivirus software installed to protect against viruses.

8. Firewall: A firewall is a security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic. It helps to protect a computer or network from unauthorized access or cyber-attacks.

9. File: A file is a collection of data or information stored on a computer. Files can be documents, images, videos, or any other type of digital content.

10. Download: To download means to transfer data or files from a remote computer or server to a local device. This is commonly done when acquiring software, media files, or other digital content.

By familiarizing ourselves with these common computer terms, we can navigate the digital world more effectively and better understand the technology that surrounds us.

电脑常用英语单词 篇二

As we immerse ourselves in the world of computers, it becomes increasingly important to understand the language and terminology associated with this technology. In this article, we will explore more commonly used English words related to computers.

1. Password: A password is a secret combination of letters, numbers, or symbols used to authenticate or gain access to a computer system or online account. It is crucial to choose a strong and unique password to protect personal information.

2. Backup: A backup is a copy of data or files made to ensure their preservation in case of damage or loss. Regularly backing up important files is essential to prevent data loss.

3. Keyboard: A keyboard is an input device used to enter text, commands, and other information into a computer. It consists of a set of keys, including letters, numbers, and special characters.

4. Mouse: A mouse is a pointing device used to control the movement of the cursor on a computer screen. It typically has two buttons and a scroll wheel for additional functions.

5. Monitor: A monitor is an output device that displays visual information generated by a computer. It allows users to view text, images, videos, and other visual content.

6. USB: USB stands for Universal Serial Bus and is a standard interface for connecting devices to a computer. USB ports are commonly used to connect external storage devices, printers, and other peripherals.

7. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is a wireless technology that allows devices to communicate and transfer data over short distances. It is often used to connect peripherals such as keyboards, mice, and headphones.

8. Printer: A printer is an output device that produces hard copies of digital documents or images. It can be connected to a computer via USB or wireless connection.

9. Browser: A browser is a software application used to access and view websites on the internet. It interprets HTML code and displays web pages to the user.

10. Search Engine: A search engine is a program that indexes and organizes information on the internet. It allows users to search for specific keywords or phrases and provides a list of relevant web pages.

By expanding our knowledge of these common computer terms, we can enhance our understanding and proficiency in utilizing technology.

电脑常用英语单词 篇三


  endofline 行尾

  enterchoice 输入选择

  entiredisk 转换磁盘

  environmentvariable 环境变量

  esc esc

  everyfileandsubdirectory 所有的文件和子目录

  existingdestinationfile 已存在的目录文件时

  expandedmemory 扩充内存

  expandtabs 扩充标签

  explicitly 明确地

  extendedmemory 扩展内存

  fastest 最快的

  fatfilesystem fat 文件系统

  fdiskoptions fdisk选项

  fileattributes 文件属性

  fileFORMat 文件格式

  filefunctions 文件功能

  fileselection 文件选择

  fileselectionargument 文件选择变元

  filesin 文件在

  filesinsubdir 子目录中文件

  fileslisted 列出文件

  filespec 文件说明

  filespecification 文件标识

  filesselected 选中文件

  findfile 文件查寻

  fixeddisk 硬盘

  fixeddisksetupprogram 硬盘安装程序

  fixeserrorsonthedisk 解决磁盘错误

  floppydisk 软盘

  FORMatdiskette 格式化磁盘

  FORMatsadiskforusewithmsdos 格式化用于MS-DOS的磁盘

  FORMfeed 进纸

  freememory 闲置内存

  fullscreen 全屏幕

  functionprocedure 函数过程

  graphical 图解的

  graphicslibrary 图形库

  groupdirectoriesfirst 先显示目录组

  hangup 挂断

  harddisk 硬盘

  hardwaredetection 硬件检测

  hasbeen 已经

  helpfile 帮助文件

  helpindex 帮助索引

  helpinFORMation 帮助信息

  helppath 帮助路径

  helpscreen 帮助屏

  helptext 帮助说明

  helptopics 帮助主题

  helpwindow 帮助窗口

  hiddenfile 隐含文件

  hiddenfileattribute 隐含文件属性

  hiddenfiles 隐含文件

  howto 操作方式

  ignorecase 忽略大小写

  inbothconventionalanduppermemory 在常规和上位内存

  incorrectdos 不正确的DOS

  incorrectdosversion DOS 版本不正确

  indicatesabinaryfile 表示


  indicatesanasciitextfile 表示是一个ascii文本文件

  mode 插入方式

  insteadofusingchkdsktryusingscandisk 请用scandisk,不要用chkdsk

  inuse 在使用

  invaliddirectory 无效的目录

  is 是

  kbytes 千字节

  keyboardtype 键盘类型

  labeldisk 标注磁盘

  laptop 膝上

  largestexecutableprogram 最大可执行程序

  largestmemoryblockavailable 最大内存块可用

  lefthanded 左手习惯

  leftmargin 左边界

  linenumber 行号

  linenumbers 行号

  linespacing 行间距

  listbyfilesinsortedorder 按指定顺序显示文件

  listfile 列表文件

  listof 清单

  locatefile 文件定位

  lookat 查看

  lookup 查找

  macroname 宏名字

  makedirectory 创建目录

  memoryinfo 内存信息

  memorymodel 内存模式

  menubar 菜单条

  menucommand 菜单命令

  menus 菜单

  messagewindow 信息窗口

  microsoft 微软

  microsoftantivirus 微软反病毒软件

  microsoftcorporation 微软公司

  mini 小的

  modemsetup 调制解调器安装

  modulename 模块名

  monitormode 监控状态

  monochromemonitor 单色监视器

  moveto 移至

  multi 多

  newdata 新建数据

  newer 更新的

  newfile 新文件

  newname 新名称

  newwindow 新建窗口

  norton norton

  nostack 栈未定义

  noteusedeltreecautiously 注意:小心使用deltree

  onlinehelp 联机求助

  optionally 可选择地

  or 或

  pageframe 页面

  pagelength 页长

  pausesaftereachscreenfulofinFORMation 在显示每屏信息后暂停一下

  pctools pc工具

  postscript 附言

  prefixmeaningnot 前缀意即"不

  prefixtoreverseorder 反向显示的前缀

  presetswitchesbyprefixinganyswitchwithhyphenforexamplew 用前缀和放在短横线-后的开关(例如/-w)预置开关

  pressakeytoresume 按一键继续

  pressanykeyforfilefunctions 敲任意键执行文件功能

  pressentertokeepthesamedate 敲回车以保持相同的日期

  pressentertokeepthesametime 敲回车以保持相同的时间

  pressesctocontinue 敲esc继续

  pressesctoexit 敲键退出

  pressesctoexitfdisk 敲esc退出fdisk

  pressesctoreturntofdiskoptions 敲esc返回fdisk选项

  previously 在以前

  printall 全部打印


