时间的英语短语 篇一
Time Flies: A Journey Through English Time Phrases
Time is an integral part of our lives, and it is no different in the English language. From expressions about punctuality to phrases about the passing of time, English is filled with idioms and sayings that reflect our obsession with time. In this article, we will explore some common English time phrases and their meanings.
1. "A stitch in time saves nine" - This phrase emphasizes the importance of taking action promptly to prevent bigger problems in the future. Just like stitching a small tear in clothing, addressing a problem early on can save you from more significant issues later.
2. "Time is money" - This popular phrase highlights the value of time and how it is equivalent to money. It reminds us to use our time wisely and not waste it, as time wasted is equivalent to money lost.
3. "Killing time" - When someone says they are "killing time," it means they are engaging in activities to pass the time when they have nothing else to do. This phrase implies that the person is not being productive during that period.
4. "Time flies" - This phrase expresses the idea that time seems to pass quickly. It reminds us to make the most of our time and not to take it for granted.
5. "In the nick of time" - If something happens "in the nick of time," it means that it occurs at the last possible moment before it becomes too late. This phrase is often used to describe situations where someone narrowly avoids a disaster or completes a task just in time.
6. "Better late than never" - This phrase suggests that it is better to do something late than to not do it at all. It emphasizes the importance of completing tasks, even if they are delayed.
7. "Ahead of one's time" - When someone is "ahead of their time," it means they possess ideas or qualities that are more advanced than their contemporaries. It suggests that they are ahead in terms of innovation or progressive thinking.
8. "Time heals all wounds" - This phrase implies that with the passage of time, emotional or physical pain will eventually fade away. It emphasizes the idea that time has a healing effect on our wounds.
9. "Time will tell" - When faced with uncertainty, this phrase suggests that the truth or outcome will be revealed over time. It encourages patience and the belief that time will bring clarity.
10. "Make up for lost time" - If someone tries to "make up for lost time," it means they are attempting to compensate for the time they have wasted or lost. This phrase emphasizes the importance of maximizing the time we have left.
English time phrases provide insights into our relationship with time and how we perceive its passing. By understanding and using these expressions, we can effectively communicate our thoughts and experiences regarding time. So, let's make the most of our time and embrace the phrases that encapsulate its significance.
时间的英语短语 篇二
Time Management: Unlocking Productivity with English Time Phrases
In today's fast-paced world, time management has become an essential skill. English, being a language of global communication, offers numerous time phrases that can help us effectively manage our time and boost productivity. In this article, we will explore some English time phrases related to time management and discuss how they can be applied in our daily lives.
1. "Time is of the essence" - This phrase emphasizes the importance of acting quickly and efficiently. It reminds us to prioritize tasks and make the most of our limited time.
2. "On the clock" - When someone is "on the clock," it means they are working or being paid for their time. This phrase encourages us to be mindful of our working hours and ensure that we are using them productively.
3. "Time block" - This phrase refers to the practice of scheduling specific blocks of time for different tasks or activities. By allocating time blocks, we can prioritize our responsibilities and ensure that we are dedicating enough time to each task.
4. "Running out of time" - When we are "running out of time," it means that we have limited time left to complete a task or reach a deadline. This phrase highlights the importance of managing our time effectively to avoid last-minute rushes.
5. "Time management" - This phrase encompasses the overall practice of organizing and planning our time efficiently. It involves setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and allocating time for each activity.
6. "Time-saving" - This phrase refers to techniques, tools, or practices that help us complete tasks in less time. It encourages us to seek out ways to optimize our efficiency and save time wherever possible.
7. "Time audit" - Conducting a time audit involves analyzing how we spend our time to identify areas of improvement. It helps us understand where we are investing our time and whether it aligns with our goals and priorities.
8. "Timeboxing" - Similar to time blocking, timeboxing involves setting specific time limits for tasks. It encourages us to focus on a task within a defined timeframe, helping to improve concentration and prevent procrastination.
9. "Time management matrix" - The time management matrix, popularized by Stephen Covey, categorizes tasks based on their urgency and importance. It helps us prioritize tasks and allocate our time effectively.
10. "To-do list" - A classic time management tool, a to-do list helps us organize and prioritize our tasks. By creating a list of things to accomplish, we can stay focused and ensure that important tasks are not overlooked.
English time phrases related to time management enable us to streamline our routines, prioritize tasks, and optimize our productivity. By incorporating these phrases into our daily lives, we can develop effective time management habits and make the most of the time available to us. So, let's unlock our productivity potential and embrace these time phrases to achieve our goals.
时间的英语短语 篇三
Time is money. (时间就是金钱或一寸光阴一寸金)
Time flies. (光阴似箭,日月如梭)
Time has wings. (光阴去如飞)
Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.
Time stays not the fool's leisure. (时间不等闲逛的傻瓜)
Time and I against any two. (和时间携起手来,一人抵两人)
Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kills himself.
Time spent in vice or folly is doubly lost.
Time undermines us. (光阴暗中催人才。或莫说年纪小人生容易老)
Time and tide wait for no man. (岁月不待人)
Time cannot be won again. (时间一去不再来)
Time is , time was , and time is past.
Time lost can not be recalled. (光阴一去不复返)
Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.
Time tries friends as fire tries gold.
Time tries truth. (时间检验真理)
Time is the father of truth. (时间是真理之父)
Time will tell. (时间能说明问题)
Time brings the truth to light.
Time and chance reveal all secrets.
Time consecrates: what is gray with age becomes religion.
Time reveals(discloses) all things. (万事日久自明)
Time tries all. (时间检验一切)
There is no time like the present. (现在正是时候)
Take time by the forelock. (把握目前的时机)
To choose time is to save time. (选择时间就是节省时间)
Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.
Procrastination is the thief of time.
One of these days is none of these days.
Tomorrow never comes. (明天无尽头,明日何其多)
What may be done at any time will be done at no time.
Time works wonders. (时间可以创造奇迹或时间的效力不可思议)
Time works great changes. (时间可以产生巨大的'变化)
Times change. (时代正在改变)
1. The homework is due two weeks from Monday.
在英文中要提到下星期一可以用 next Monday,下下星期一偷懒的话可以说 next next Moday。但是有时候这种说法并不是很明确。例如今天是星期日,那 next Monday 倒底是指明天的那个星期一呢?还是指一星期后的那个星期一呢?所以为了要区别二者间的不同,明天的那个星期一可以说 coming Monday,而一个星期后的星期一则是 one week from Monday。这样子就很明确, 而且也比较灵活。像三个星期后的星期一你总不能说 next next next Moday 吧? 这时用 three weeks from Monday 就没错了。
2. We have to submit the final report by Thursday.
英文里每种时间的单位都要使用不同的介系词,像年是用 in,例如 in 1999,月也是用 in,例如 in July,时间用 at,例如 at 4:55,日的话则是用 on,例如 on July 4,但是有时候也可以用 by 来表示在不迟于那个时间。例如例句 "We have to submit the final report by Thursday" 指的是下星期四前交,但如果说成 "We have to submit the final report on Thursday." 则是指星期四要交。二者意思不尽相同。不过这种区别对当学生的我们似乎没差,反正每次也是要拖到最后一天才会交。
3. Why do we have homework to do every other week?
Every other week 就是每隔一周, 如果是每隔一天就是 every other day。所以这里很明显可以看出来中文里的“每隔...”翻成英文就像是 "Every other..." 这种句型。例如你要说我每隔两天就要作一次运动,就可以这么说,"I have to work out every other two days."
4. I don't want to be the last-minute person next time.
Last-minute person 专指那种任何事情都要拖到最一分钟才作的人, 当然,根据每个人混的程度之不同, 也有人被形容为 last-second person, 或是 last-hour person. 这些都是用来形容那些喜欢临时抱佛脚的人。不过或许这就是人的天性, 像我而言就是不折不扣的 last-minute person.
5. Give me ten more minutes.
再给我十分钟一般老美会这么说,"Give me another ten minutes" 或是 "Give me ten more minutes." 这个 more 常常会出现在一个数字的后面指再多一点的意思。 例如还需要五块钱就是 five more bucks, 再来一次就是 one more time。
6. How much longer will it take you to get all of this stuff done?
"How much longer" 这句话常听老美说, 就是“你还要多久?”的意思。 (特别强调“还”这个字) 注意一下 "How long?" 跟 "How much longer?" 是不太一样的, "How long?' 是一开始的时候问的,"How much longer?" 是作到一半时问的。 例如有人要去割草, 你就可以问他,"How long does it take?" (需要多久时间?) 但要是经过了一小时他老兄还没割好, 这时候你就可以问他, "How much longer?" (还要多久啊?)
7. Now, we are out of time.
时间不够了最常听老美说的就是 out of time,像是有时候开会,时间快到了,主席就会说,"We are running out of time." (我们时间快用完了。)至于如果是时间已经超过了,我听老美都是用 "We are over time." 像上次我去学一门 Lindy Hop 的舞蹈课程,时间到了老师还不肯放人,结果还是有个同学提醒她,"We are over time."(时间超过了。) 她这才宣布下课。至于如果是时间正好到了,则是 "Time is up." 像每次考试时间到了,助教都会说这一句,"Time is up."
8. It took me a while to figure out how to do this problem.
花了多少时间要用 take 或 spend, 但二者所用的主词不同, 动词型式也不同。 Ttake 需要使用虚主词 it, 动词要用 to V,例如我花了五小时作功课就是 "It took me five hours to do the homework." 但如果要用 spend 的话, 则必须用人当主词, 动词要使用 Ving 的型式 (因为 Ving 前省略掉了一个介系词 in。) 例如, "I spent five hours doing my homework." 这二者的句型是截然不同。
9. You can take your time though.
Take your time 是一个很常用的片语,指的就是你可以慢慢来,不用著急。例如我们的校车每次停下来,车门一打开,司机就会说,"Take your time." 他的意思就是叫我们慢慢来,不用太匆忙。
10. Anyway, you got to do your research every single day.
都知道每天就是 everyday 吧!但是我想一定很多人不知道老美很喜欢用 every single day 来强调不但是“每天”,而且是“每一天”,大家听得出来这个语气上的差别吗?记得有一次我看电视影集 Full House,剧中的小女孩 Michelle 说要养金鱼,她的爸爸就提醒她,"OK, but you got to feed the fish every single day."(好, 但是你每一天都必须要喂鱼。)另外像是有些交通广播电台就会这么说,"We provide you the updated traffic information every single hour."(我们每一个小时都提供你最新的交通讯息。)所以不论 every single day 或是 every single hour 都是一种强调用法, 以加强自己的语气。