
时间:2014-05-01 01:23:26
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英文励志小故事双语 篇一:坚持到底的力量

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young boy named Jack. Jack was a hardworking and determined young lad who had big dreams. His dream was to become a successful businessman and provide a better life for his family.

Every day, after finishing his chores, Jack would spend hours studying and learning about business strategies. He believed that education and knowledge were the keys to success. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Jack never gave up on his dreams.

One day, Jack came across an opportunity to start his own business. He decided to open a small grocery store in the village. With his savings and a loan from a kind-hearted neighbor, Jack managed to set up his store.

However, the road to success was not easy. The village already had several well-established grocery stores, and Jack's store struggled to attract customers. Jack worked tirelessly, staying up late at night to come up with innovative marketing strategies and offer unique products.

Months passed, and Jack's determination started to pay off. Word began to spread about his quality products and excellent customer service. Slowly but steadily, more and more villagers started to visit Jack's store. His business started to thrive, and Jack's dream was turning into a reality.

Jack never forgot the difficult times he had faced. He believed that perseverance and dedication were the keys to success. He continued to work hard and expand his business. Eventually, he opened several branches of his grocery store in neighboring villages.

Today, Jack is a successful businessman, known for his integrity and hard work. He serves as an inspiration to many young entrepreneurs who are trying to make their mark in the business world.

This story teaches us the importance of perseverance and determination. No matter how challenging the circumstances may be, if we stay focused and never give up, success will eventually come our way.

英文励志小故事双语 篇二:相信自己的力量

In a small town, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was an introverted and shy girl who lacked self-confidence. She often doubted her abilities and felt inferior to others.

One day, Lily's classmate, Emily, invited her to join the school talent show. Emily believed that Lily had a beautiful singing voice and encouraged her to showcase her talent. Although hesitant at first, Lily decided to give it a try.

As the talent show approached, Lily started to doubt herself. She constantly worried about what others would think of her performance. She feared that she would embarrass herself in front of the entire school.

On the day of the talent show, Lily took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage. As she started singing, her voice trembled, and she struggled to hit the right notes. Lily felt her confidence crumbling and was ready to give up.

But then, something incredible happened. The audience, including her classmates and teachers, started cheering for her. They could see the passion and determination in Lily's eyes. Their support gave Lily the strength to continue singing.

As Lily sang, she gradually gained confidence. Her voice became stronger, and she started hitting the right notes. The audience was amazed by her talent and applauded her enthusiastically.

From that day forward, Lily realized the power of believing in herself. She understood that self-doubt was holding her back from reaching her full potential. Lily started to embrace her talents and worked hard to improve her singing skills.

Years later, Lily pursued her passion for music and became a successful singer. She performed on big stages and inspired many with her powerful voice and inspiring story.

This story reminds us of the importance of self-belief. We should never underestimate our abilities and let self-doubt hinder our progress. When we believe in ourselves, we can overcome any obstacles and achieve great things.

英文励志小故事双语 篇三


