律师常用英语词汇整理 篇一
As a lawyer, it is crucial to have a good command of English, as it is the language commonly used in legal proceedings and documents. To assist you in your professional journey, I have compiled a list of commonly used English vocabulary for lawyers. Familiarize yourself with these terms to enhance your legal communication skills.
1. Litigation: The process of taking legal action or the act of disputing in a court of law.
2. Plaintiff: The person or entity who initiates a lawsuit.
3. Defendant: The person or entity against whom a lawsuit is filed.
4. Jurisdiction: The power or authority of a court to hear and decide cases within a specified territory.
5. Evidence: Any material or information presented in court to support or prove a claim.
6. Testimony: Oral or written statements given under oath by witnesses during a trial.
7. Cross-examination: The questioning of a witness by the opposing party to challenge or discredit their testimony.
8. Subpoena: A legal document that requires a person to appear in court to testify or provide evidence.
9. Deposition: The sworn testimony of a witness taken outside the courtroom but under oath.
10. Verdict: The decision or finding of a jury or judge at the end of a trial.
11. Appeal: The process of asking a higher court to review and overturn the decision of a lower court.
12. Statute: A written law enacted by a legislative body.
13. Precedent: A legal decision or case that serves as an authoritative rule or example for future similar cases.
14. Settlement: An agreement reached between parties to resolve a legal dispute before a trial.
15. Discovery: The process of obtaining information and evidence from the opposing party in a legal case.
16. Damages: Monetary compensation awarded to a party who has suffered loss or harm due to the actions of another.
17. Liability: Legal responsibility for one's actions or omissions.
18. Injunction: A court order that prohibits or compels certain actions.
19. Confidentiality: The obligation to keep certain information private and not disclose it to others.
20. Pro bono: Legal services provided free of charge to clients who cannot afford to pay.
By familiarizing yourself with these commonly used legal terms, you will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of legal proceedings and effectively communicate with clients, colleagues, and the court. Remember, language is a powerful tool for lawyers, and mastering legal vocabulary is essential for success in the legal profession.
律师常用英语词汇整理 篇二
As a lawyer, effectively communicating in English is essential for success in the legal profession. To assist you in your professional journey, I have compiled a list of additional commonly used English vocabulary for lawyers. By expanding your legal vocabulary, you will enhance your ability to advocate for your clients and navigate the intricacies of the legal system.
1. Affidavit: A written statement of facts sworn or affirmed to be true, usually used as evidence in court.
2. Habeas corpus: A legal action that requires a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or court, especially to secure their release.
3. Tort: A civil wrong or injury caused by negligence, intentional acts, or strict liability.
4. Jurisprudence: The theory and philosophy of law.
5. Lien: A legal claim or right on a property as security for the payment of a debt or obligation.
6. Negligence: Failure to exercise reasonable care resulting in harm or injury to another.
7. Pro se: Representing oneself in court without the assistance of a lawyer.
8. Retainer: A fee paid in advance to secure the services of a lawyer.
9. Writ: A formal legal document issued by a court that commands or prohibits certain actions.
10. Indictment: A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime, typically issued by a grand jury.
11. Impeachment: The process of charging a public official with misconduct or abuse of power.
12. Appellate: Relating to appeals or the power to review and change decisions made by lower courts.
13. Probate: The legal process of proving a will is valid and distributing the assets of a deceased person.
14. Mediation: A process in which a neutral third party helps facilitate negotiations and resolve disputes.
15. Marital property: Property acquired during the course of a marriage that is subject to division in a divorce.
16. Res judicata: A legal principle that once a matter has been decided by a court, it cannot be litigated again.
17. Prima facie: Latin for "on first appearance." Refers to evidence that is sufficient to establish a fact or case unless disproven.
18. In camera: Latin for "in chambers." Refers to a private hearing or examination conducted by a judge.
19. Waiver: The voluntary relinquishment or surrender of a right, claim, or privilege.
20. Breach of contract: A violation of the terms or conditions agreed upon in a contract.
By expanding your legal vocabulary with these additional terms, you will be better equipped to navigate various legal situations and provide effective representation for your clients. Remember, continuous learning and improvement are essential in the legal profession, and mastering legal English will greatly contribute to your success as a lawyer.
律师常用英语词汇整理 篇三
Reckless driving
鲁莽驾驶 鲁莽驾驶有别于不小心驾驶(careless driving),鲁莽驾驶的情况比较严重,包括伤人及损毁财物等,刑罚比不小心驾驶重。
和解 通常出现于离婚案件中,当当事人委托律师办理离婚时,律师通常会签署一份和解书,表明律师责任只在替当事人办理离婚的申请,但没有向当事人提出和解的意见。
赎回 在楼宇按揭中,若借贷方打算将楼宇买出,他一定要先将楼宇从银行手中赎回,由于香港的楼宇买卖相当频繁,通常很少机会会先赎楼后卖出,大部份情况都是赎楼与卖出在同一天进行。
Refresher fee
大律师上庭之额外费用 大律师上庭前,通常会与当事人议定一个refresher fee即第一天上庭后的以后每天的费用。
Registered office
注册地址 注册地址是指有限公司在公司注册处内所登记的地址。注册地址在法律上有相当大的意义,因为根据公司法规定,若法律和司法文件送达到公司注册地址,这个送达便可以算是完成,除非有其它理由支持收件人没有收到文件的原因。
法律补救方法 指民事上要求法庭提供补救方法。例如在收楼令发出之后,租客只要有充份的理由,要求法庭暂停或延迟收楼,最常见是租客立即交付欠交的所有租金,收楼令便可以即可暂停。
还押 在刑事案件中,疑犯还押监房并另定一日子再进行审理。不过法庭亦可就个别需要而准许疑犯保释外出,等候审讯日子。
间接 若果我们说一件事件的发生比较remote,即其发生的可能性相当低,几乎低至零。
查询 在物业交易中,买方的律师其中一项责任,是要确保业权妥当,所以他有义务就卖家所提供的业权契据文件等提出查询。这个查询过程相当重要,因为若果经这个程序而发现业权有任何问题,买家可以以此作为踢契的根据。
Restraint of trade
限制从业 限制从业的情况,主要出现在雇佣关系上。很多时候,雇主会在雇佣合约上加上条款,限制雇员在离职以后,往别处地方工作或限制雇员在某特定时间内为其它雇主工作。这些限制有可能因地域或时间长短等而被法庭裁定无效。
Rule of law
宪法精神 指任何人均需要依据宪法的精神来办事。
印章 在任何契约上,加上印章表明契约的真确和有效。在物业买卖上,一个有效的交易,法例要求契据是要“S
ign seal and deliver”即需要签名、印章及送达,才是有效的一个交易。Secondary evidence
代替性证据 在交易上若原本的合约已遗失,不能证明曾有限制及保障双方的证明时,法庭很多时均会依赖这些所谓代替性证据。这些证据可以是双方来往的书信,双方曾签订的其它文件,以证明双方的合约意图。
Severance payments
遣散费 雇员若为雇主根据连续性合约工作满24个月,因裁员而遭解雇或被停工,便可享有遣散费。遣散费的计算方法,可参考法律常识版。
Sine die
无期 通常案件被无期押后,“adjourned sine die”即法庭没有制定一个押后的日子,除非一方将文件再整理好,再要求排期聆讯为止。
短暂形式的毁谤 这些毁谤的行为是口头形式的,但并不是透过传播媒介而发出,对针对的人形成短暂的毁谤性影响。
Specific performance
强制履行 对于合约违约一方对另外一方的一种补偿方法。若遵守一方已履行合约所要求的,他可以要求法庭颁一个强制履行令,强制违约一方要根据合约的条款进行。若在楼宇买卖的交易上,强制履行便要双方履行必买必卖的条款。
Statement of affairs
资产负债状况说明书 在破产申请上,破产人需要填写一份Statement of affairs,用以列出所有债权人的资料及所欠的债项,详情可参考法律常识版破产的部份。
分租 虽然在商业交易上,很多时楼宇均有分租的情况出现,但大多数的租务合约均有明文规定,不容许租客将楼宇分租,所以在租客决定将楼宇分租之前,最好先看清楚合约条款,避免日后与业主的诉讼。
代位 最常出现在保险的案件。例如普通交通意外,若车主已买了保险,保险公司便会代替车主的位置去提出诉讼或向受伤的一方作出赔偿。
Tenant in common
分权共有人 是物业业权拥有的其中一种形式。有别于联权拥有的长命契形式,各人所拥有的均为一个独立的'个体,并不会因其中一方逝世而令物业归于另一方。所以若找到买家, 分权共有人可以随时买出自己拥有物业的部份。
Tomlin order
汤林命令 和解令的一种。主要在民事诉讼中,双方达至一和解协议,并将双方要履行的职责,附于附表中。但这个命令只是暂停诉讼的执行,若有一方不依据命令的行为而执行,另一方可向法庭申请恢复先前的诉讼。
追查 若物主的对象被人盗去或用不正当的手段骗去,对象其后被人变卖,而买方亦清楚这对象从不正当的方法取得,物主是可以追查对象及起回不法取去对象变卖后所得的财产。
Training centre
教导所 为拘留年龄在14-21岁之间的少年罪犯的地方,少年罪犯在教导所所受的刑罚,一般比劳役中心为轻,教导所主要提供一个职业训练予少年,视乎个别情况,拘留年期大约为十八个月至三年不等。
侵越 若没有任何批准而擅自进入别人的地方是一个侵越的行为,若用之于个人身上,可以指非法禁锢或殴打他人的行为。
信托 在现今的商业社会,很多人均会成立一个信托基金,用以管理个人的财产。但另一方面在法律上,这个信托可以有很多重意义,例如在物业拥有上,土地注册处上的名称可以是一个人,但实际上这个人只是一个信托单位,为一个或多个人之名拥有物业。在这种情况,拥有人通常会要求受托人签署一份文件,以证明这个受托之安排。
Unascertained goods
未经确定的货物 在货物买卖的交易上,买方要求卖方提供例如十件货物,但这十件货物与其它卖方的货物完全一样,而卖方亦未就买方这个要求,而将这十件货物与其它对象分开,所以这十件货物可以说是一未经确定的货物。这个名词的作用是,若不幸货物在卖家货仓时被火烧毁,由于货物未经确定为买家的货物,故若有任何损失都会归卖家负担。
承诺 是一种自愿承担的承诺,在法律上可以用于很多层面,例如楼宇买卖将要完成,而卖家还欠数份契据未能赶及在交易前交到买家律师手上,通常卖家律师会给买家律师一个undertaking,在交易完成后的若干时间会将契据送上。另外在离婚诉讼上,若得到抚养权的一方希望带子女到外国读书,除了他要得到对方的允许外,法庭亦会要求得到抚养权的一方给予一个undertaking,承诺若有需要,会将子女带回香港。
Undue influence
不正当的施压 是一个阻止或防碍个人作出独立思考而作出决定的行为,最常见用于夫妇关系上,妻子因受到丈夫的不正当施压而向银行大量借贷最后无法偿还。
没有担保 在破产管理上,债权人可以分为有担保与没有担保的债权人,有担保的明显是有对象给债权人作抵押的,例如楼宇按揭便归于这类。而没有担保便是其它的债项,例如信用咭欠债等,在任何情况下,有担保债项一定比没有担保债项有保障。
Vacant possession
交吉的地产 在楼宇买卖交易中,除非连租约出售的物业,否则合约内必订明物业必须交吉予买方,如果到交易日期,发觉楼宇仍有人居住,卖方便因没有交吉地产而作毁约论。
裁决 指法官就案件所作出的最后决定。若果有陪审团的话,裁决将会由陪审团作出。
Vicarious liability
因他的作为的责任 若雇员在为雇主工作时所犯下的法律责任,其雇主亦需要为这事件负责,例如雇员受雇于车房工作,他需要将车泊好,但不幸地雇员将车撞毁,雇主亦要负上责任。
法律在无效 例如双方签订合约买卖一件货物,但其实根本上就未会有这件货件存在,那么这合约便可称为一无效合约。
Voir dire
独立聆讯 主要用于刑事案件人,聆讯被告人向执法人员所作的口供是否可信,并出于自愿的。
Voluntary disposition
无偿处理财产 在破产案件中,若债务人发现破产人在破产前蓄意将财产无偿转让予他人,来逃避破产责任,债务人可以要求将已转让财产与其它破产财物一并处理。
Ward of court
受法庭保护 若法庭发觉未成年人或因其身体的缺陷而需要法庭保护,法庭会颁令照顾这些人或会安排社会福利处或其它监护人代为照顾。
保证 在合约的条款中,很多时会有一保证条款,由卖方向买方提供货物质素的保证。但亦有很多情况下,卖方亦清楚列明不会为卖出的货物提供任何情度上的保证, 所以在签定合约时, 这些条款一定要仔细查阅.
遗嘱 在世人士为自己死后的财务及各项安排预先签定一份俗称所谓平安纸的文件。详情请参阅法律常识版。
伤人 刑事案件,以受伤的情况及伤人的意图而分开为伤人17、19、30及40,而以数目最细的伤人罪行为最严重罪行。
Writ of fieri facias
抄封令 很多时会与取回物业令状一起申请,主要是执达吏在收回物业时,一并会将在物业内的对象扣押,若有需要,便会将对象拍卖以用作偿还所欠的债项。
Writ of possession
取回物业令状 这个令状主要用于取回租出后的物业。在楼宇出租后,若租客欠租而业主欲取回物业,但他不可以随便开门入屋取回物业,他必须经过法庭程序而将物业取回。当然若租客肯自动签回一份退租书,这个步骤便可省回,亦可节省费用。