
时间:2019-06-05 08:15:27
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蛋炒饭二年级英语作文 篇一

Title: My Favorite Dish - Egg Fried Rice

Hello everyone! Today, I want to talk about my favorite dish - egg fried rice. It is a delicious and popular dish in my country.

Firstly, let me tell you how to make egg fried rice. To make this dish, we need some rice, eggs, vegetables, and some seasonings like salt and soy sauce. First, we cook the rice until it becomes soft and fluffy. Then, we beat the eggs in a bowl and pour them into a hot pan. We stir-fry the eggs until they are cooked. After that, we add the cooked rice into the pan and mix it with the eggs. Next, we add some chopped vegetables and seasonings. We stir-fry everything together until it's well mixed and the flavors are combined. Finally, our delicious egg fried rice is ready to be served!

I love egg fried rice because it is not only tasty but also nutritious. The eggs provide protein, which is good for our muscles and growth. The rice gives us energy, and the vegetables add vitamins and minerals to our meal. It is a balanced dish that keeps us healthy and strong.

Moreover, egg fried rice is a versatile dish. We can add different ingredients according to our preference. For example, we can add shrimps, chicken, or even tofu to make it more flavorful. We can also add some spices like ginger or garlic to enhance the taste. This dish allows us to be creative and experiment with different flavors.

In addition to its delicious taste, egg fried rice is also very convenient. It is a quick and easy dish to make, especially when we have leftover rice from the previous day. We can simply add some eggs and vegetables, and in a few minutes, we have a satisfying meal ready to eat. It is perfect for busy days or when we want something delicious but don't have much time.

To conclude, egg fried rice is my favorite dish. It is not only delicious but also nutritious, versatile, and convenient. I love the combination of fluffy rice, scrambled eggs, and flavorful vegetables. I enjoy making it with my family and sharing it with my friends. I hope you all get a chance to try it too!

蛋炒饭二年级英语作文 篇二

Title: The Story of Egg Fried Rice

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a little girl named Lily. Lily loved to cook and experiment with different ingredients. Her favorite dish to make was egg fried rice.

Lily learned how to make egg fried rice from her grandmother. Every Sunday, her grandmother would teach her how to cook a new dish. Lily loved spending time in the kitchen with her grandmother, learning about different flavors and techniques.

One day, Lily decided to surprise her family by making egg fried rice for dinner. She gathered all the ingredients and started cooking. She cooked the rice until it was fluffy and cooked the eggs until they turned golden and scrambled. She added some chopped vegetables and seasonings, just like her grandmother taught her. Lily stirred everything together and soon, the delicious aroma filled the kitchen.

When it was time to eat, Lily's family gathered around the table. They took their first bite of Lily's egg fried rice and couldn't believe how delicious it was. They praised Lily for her cooking skills and asked her how she learned to make such a wonderful dish.

Lily smiled and told them about her grandmother's teachings. She shared how her grandmother taught her to always cook with love and passion. She also shared her secret ingredient - a pinch of happiness. Lily believed that when she cooked with happiness, it made the food taste even better.

From that day on, Lily became the family's little chef. She cooked different dishes every week, but egg fried rice remained her family's favorite. Lily's love for cooking and her passion for experimenting with flavors grew stronger each day.

As Lily grew older, she opened her own restaurant where she served her famous egg fried rice. People from all over the village came to taste her delicious dish. Lily's egg fried rice became a symbol of love, passion, and happiness.

And so, the story of egg fried rice continues to inspire people to cook with love and to always add a pinch of happiness to their dishes. It reminds us that the joy of cooking and sharing food with loved ones is a truly special and magical experience.

蛋炒饭二年级英语作文 篇三


  Egg fried rice is a colorful,tasty and easy-to-make dish.The main ingredients are long grain rice,egg and green onion for flavor and garnishing.To make it nutritious and colorful,you can add various vegetables such as carrots, sausage,bell peppers,peas and corn,etc..The enticing aroma of egg mixed with green onion and soy sauce always let your appetite inspire greatly。I like egg fried rice very much.



