
时间:2011-03-05 07:23:42
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嫦娥的玉兔英语故事 篇一

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl named Chang'e. She lived on Earth with her husband, Houyi. One day, the Jade Emperor in heaven saw Chang'e and fell in love with her. He wanted her to become his wife and live with him in the heavenly palace. However, Chang'e loved her husband deeply and didn't want to leave him.

The Jade Emperor was furious when he heard about Chang'e's decision. He decided to punish her by sending her to the moon, where she would live alone for eternity. Chang'e was devastated, but she had no choice but to accept her fate.

On the moon, Chang'e lived in a beautiful palace. She had everything she needed, except for one thing - companionship. She was all alone and longed for someone to keep her company. One night, as she looked out of her palace window, she saw a group of rabbits playing in the moonlight. She was immediately drawn to one particular rabbit who had a bright shining coat.

Chang'e named the rabbit Yu Tu, which means Jade Rabbit. She befriended Yu Tu and they became inseparable. Yu Tu was not an ordinary rabbit, he had magical powers. He could talk and had the ability to make medicines with his herbs. Chang'e and Yu Tu spent their days together, exploring the moon, and Yu Tu would make medicines for Chang'e whenever she felt sick.

Word of the Jade Rabbit's magical powers spread throughout the moon. Many other creatures on the moon came to seek his help. Yu Tu became known as the Moon Medicine Maker and he dedicated his time to helping others. Chang'e was proud of her companion and they lived a happy life together on the moon.

Back on Earth, the legend of Chang'e and Yu Tu spread. People started celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in honor of Chang'e's sacrifice and the companionship she found with Yu Tu. Every year, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, people would gather and look at the moon, hoping to catch a glimpse of Chang'e and Yu Tu.

Chang'e and Yu Tu's story teaches us the importance of love, sacrifice, and friendship. It reminds us to cherish the companionship we have in our lives and to always be there for those who need us. And every Mid-Autumn Festival, as we look at the moon, we remember the beautiful bond between Chang'e and her Jade Rabbit.

嫦娥的玉兔英语故事 篇二

Long ago in ancient China, there lived a young woman named Chang'e. She was known for her beauty, grace, and kindness. Chang'e was married to a skilled archer named Houyi, who was highly respected for his bravery and talent.

One day, the Jade Emperor in heaven was impressed by Houyi's archery skills and decided to reward him. He gave Houyi a special elixir that could grant immortality. However, there was a condition - the elixir could only be consumed by one person. Houyi and Chang'e were faced with a difficult decision. They both wanted to become immortal, but they didn't want to be separated from each other.

After much contemplation, Houyi decided to give the elixir to Chang'e, believing that her kind heart and pure soul deserved to live forever. Chang'e was grateful for her husband's sacrifice and drank the elixir. As soon as she did, she felt her body becoming lighter and lighter until she started to float. Chang'e looked at Houyi one last time before she ascended to the moon.

On the moon, Chang'e found herself alone in a magnificent palace. She missed her husband dearly and felt lonely. One night, as she gazed down at the Earth, she saw a group of rabbits playing in the moonlight. Among them was a rabbit with a bright shining coat. Chang'e named him Yu Tu, which means Jade Rabbit.

Chang'e and Yu Tu became fast friends. The Jade Rabbit was not an ordinary rabbit, he possessed magical powers. He could talk and was knowledgeable in medicine. Chang'e and Yu Tu spent their days exploring the moon and helping each other. Yu Tu would gather herbs and make medicines for Chang'e whenever she fell ill.

Word of the Jade Rabbit's magical powers spread throughout the moon, and many other creatures sought his help. Yu Tu became known as the Moon Medicine Maker and dedicated his time to helping others. Chang'e was proud of her companion and they lived a happy life together on the moon.

On Earth, people started celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival in honor of Chang'e's sacrifice and the companionship she found with the Jade Rabbit. Every year, during the festival, people would gaze at the moon, hoping to catch a glimpse of Chang'e and Yu Tu.

Chang'e and the Jade Rabbit's story serves as a reminder of the importance of selflessness, love, and loyalty. It teaches us to appreciate the sacrifices made by our loved ones and to cherish the companionship we have in our lives. And every Mid-Autumn Festival, as we look at the moon, we remember the beautiful bond between Chang'e and her Jade Rabbit.

嫦娥的玉兔英语故事 篇三



  Legend a long time ago, a pair of rabbit practice Millennium became immortal. They have four lovely daughters, all born to pure cute.


  One day, the emperor summoned the rabbits in heaven, it left his wife and children to be reluctant to part, stepping on the cloud temple. When it

came to the south gate, see too white Venus day will lead the moon from the side walk. Rabbit fairy know what had happened, he asked a guard's door god beside. After hearing her encounter, rabbit fairy feel the innocent suffer, sympathize with her. But his meager strength, can be of any help? Think of the man in the moon, how lonely sad, if someone with good, suddenly thought of their four daughters, it immediately ran home.

  一天,玉皇大帝召见雄兔上天宫,它依依不舍地离开妻儿,踏着云彩上天宫去。正当它来到南天门时,看到太白金星带领天将押着嫦娥从身边走去。兔仙不知发生了什么事,就问旁边一位看守天门的天神。听完她的遭遇后,兔仙觉得嫦娥无辜受罪,很同情她。但是自己力量微薄,能帮什么忙呢?想到嫦娥一个人关在月宫里,多么寂寞悲伤,要是有人陪伴就好了,忽然想到自己的四个女儿, 它立即飞奔回家。

  The Moon Fairy rabbit tell the female rabbit, and a child to say with the goddess of the moon. The female rabbit though deeply sympathize with the moon, but loathe to give up their baby daughter, this is tantamount to the heart of flesh cut it! Daughters also reluctant to leave their parents, with tears in her eyes. The male rabbit sincere words and earnest wishes to say: "if I were alone, shut up, you are willing to accompany me? The moon in order to save the people, compromised, we can sympathize with her? The children, we can't think only about yourself!"


  The children understand the father's heart, all wants to go. Two rabbits with tears in his eyes, smiled. They decided to let the youngest daughter.


  The little moon farewell parents and sisters, flying to the moon to live!



  Legend has it that there are three gods into three of the elderly poor, to foxes, monkeys, rabbits for food, the fox and the monkey had food to relief, only rabbit be at a loss what to do.


  Then the rabbit said: "you eat my flesh!"


  it into the fire, will he cooked, fairy touched, put the rabbit to the palace of the moon, the moon.


  Company E, and ramming ever-young medicine.



