
时间:2015-02-03 07:29:23
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经典幽默的英文小故事 篇一

Title: The Mischievous Monkey

Once upon a time, in a beautiful forest, lived a mischievous monkey named Max. Max was known for his pranks and playful nature. He loved to tease other animals and make them laugh. One sunny day, Max decided to play a prank on his friends, the wise old owl and the clever fox.

Max spotted the owl perched on a tree branch, deep in thought. He quietly tiptoed towards the owl and swiftly snatched his glasses. Without his glasses, the owl couldn't see clearly. Max giggled as the owl stumbled around, trying to find his spectacles. The other animals in the forest couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

Next, Max turned his attention to the fox. The fox was known for being cunning and sly. Max decided to challenge the fox's intelligence. He placed a box of cookies near a tree stump and hid behind a bush. As the fox approached, Max called out, "Hey, Mr. Fox! These cookies are magical. If you can solve this riddle, you can have them all!"

The fox, intrigued by the challenge, eagerly agreed. Max asked, "What has a heart that doesn't beat?" The fox pondered for a moment and then confidently replied, "A painting!" Max burst into laughter and exclaimed, "Wrong answer, Mr. Fox! The correct answer is a deck of cards!" The fox couldn't help but laugh at his own mistake.

Max's pranks brought joy and laughter to the forest. The animals admired his mischievous nature and appreciated the happiness he spread. Although Max loved playing pranks, he always made sure not to hurt anyone's feelings. He understood the importance of laughter and believed that it was essential for a happy and harmonious community.

Max's pranks continued throughout the years, and he became a beloved character in the forest. From time to time, the other animals would play pranks on him as well, creating a culture of lightheartedness and camaraderie. Max's mischievous spirit reminded everyone to find joy in the simplest of things and to never take life too seriously.

In the end, Max's pranks taught the animals the value of laughter and the importance of maintaining a sense of humor. They realized that amidst the challenges and hardships of life, a good laugh could lighten the heaviest of hearts and bring people together. Max, the mischievous monkey, will always be remembered as the jester who brought happiness to the forest.

经典幽默的英文小故事 篇二

Title: The Clever Barber

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a barber named Bob. Bob was known for his excellent skills and witty personality. People from far and wide would come to his barbershop not only to get a haircut but also to enjoy his entertaining conversations.

One day, a man named Jack entered the barbershop and sat on the barber's chair. As Bob began to cut his hair, he noticed that Jack had a rather large bald spot on the top of his head. Being the clever barber that he was, Bob couldn't resist making a joke.

"Jack, I have a special treatment that can make your hair grow back overnight!" Bob exclaimed with a mischievous grin.

Jack, surprised but intrigued, eagerly asked, "Really? What is this magical treatment?"

Bob replied, "It's a secret potion made from the tears of a unicorn mixed with the feathers of a phoenix. But be warned, Jack, it comes with side effects. Your hair will grow so fast that you'll need a haircut every day!"

Jack burst into laughter, realizing that Bob was just pulling his leg. He appreciated the barber's humor and enjoyed the light-hearted atmosphere in the barbershop.

As time went by, Bob continued to entertain his customers with his witty remarks and jokes. His barbershop became a gathering place for the villagers, not only for a haircut but also for a good laugh. Bob's humor brought joy and laughter to the community, creating a sense of camaraderie among the villagers.

One day, a traveler passing through the village heard about the famous barber and decided to visit the barbershop. He was in desperate need of a haircut and hoped to be entertained as well. The traveler was not disappointed. Bob's quick wit and clever jokes had him laughing throughout the entire haircut.

Impressed by Bob's talent, the traveler suggested that he should perform in front of a larger audience. He believed that Bob's humor could bring happiness to people beyond the village. Bob, intrigued by the idea, decided to take the traveler's advice and embark on a new adventure.

Bob started performing in comedy clubs and theaters, bringing laughter to people from all walks of life. His unique blend of barber skills and humor made him a beloved entertainer. He travelled far and wide, sharing his talent and spreading joy wherever he went.

In the end, Bob's journey as a clever barber taught him the power of laughter and the ability to bring people together. He realized that his humor could transcend borders and cultural differences, uniting people through shared laughter. Bob's legacy as the witty barber will always be remembered, reminding us to find joy in the simplest of moments and to appreciate the power of a good laugh.

经典幽默的英文小故事 篇三



  a wealthy old lady who lived near dr. swift used to

send him presents occasionally by her servant. dr. swift took her presents but never gave the boy anything for his trouble. one day as swift was busy with his writing, the boy rushed into his room, knocked some books out of their place, threw his parcel on the desk and said, my mistress has sent you two of her rabbits.


  swift turned round and said, my boy, that is not the way to deliver your parcel(包裹) . now, you sit in my chair, watch my way of doing it and learn your lesson.


  the boy sat down. swift went out, knocked on his door and waited. the boy said, come in. the doctor entered, walked to his desk and said, if you please sir, my mistress sends her kind regards and hopes you will accept these rabbits which her son shot this morning in her fields.


  the boy answered, thank you, my boy, give your mistress and her son my thanks for their kindness and here is two shillings for yourself.


  the doctor laughed, and after that, swift never forgot to give the boy his tip.



  oe and fred were helping to build a house in a village. the weather was very warm, there was a lot of dust everywhere, and by half past twelve, they were very thirsty, so they stopped work to have their lunch. they found the nearest small bar, went in and sat down with their sandwiches.


  good afternoon, gentlemen. what can i get you? the man behind the bar asked.


  joe looked at fred and said, beer, i think. yes, a pint of beer each. is that all right for you, fred?


  yes, that's all right. fred said. then he turned to the man behind the bar and said, and i want it in a clean glass! don't forget that.


  the man behind the bar filled the glasses and brought them to joe and fred. then he said. which of you asked for the clean glass?



  miles sometime went to the barber's during working hours to have his hair cut. but this was against the office rules: clerks had to have their hair cut in their own time. while miles was at the barber's one day, the manager of the office came in by chance to have his own hair cut and sat just beside him.


  "hello, miles," the manager said. "i see that you are having your hair cut in office time."


  "yes, sir, i am," admitted miles calmly. "you see, sir, it grows in office time."


  "not all of it," said the manager at once. "some of it grows in your own time."


  "yes, sir, that's quite true." answered miles politely, "but i'm not having it all cut off."



