
时间:2015-02-02 05:23:50
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少儿英语短文故事 篇一:The Brave Little Turtle

Once upon a time, there was a little turtle named Timmy who lived in a beautiful pond. Timmy was very curious and loved exploring the world around him. One sunny morning, he decided to venture out of the pond and explore the nearby forest.

As Timmy made his way through the forest, he encountered many different animals. He met a friendly bunny who hopped around him, a wise owl who perched on a tree branch, and a playful squirrel who jumped from tree to tree.

Timmy was having a great time until he heard a loud noise coming from a distance. He followed the sound and discovered a group of hunters. They were setting up traps to catch animals for their zoo.

Timmy felt sad for his newfound animal friends. He knew he had to do something to help them. With his small size, he knew he couldn't fight the hunters directly, but he had an idea.

Timmy quickly crawled back to the pond and gathered all his turtle friends. He explained the situation to them and together they formed a plan. Timmy and his turtle friends would distract the hunters while the other animals escaped to safety.

When the hunters returned to their traps, they were surprised to see a group of turtles marching towards them. The turtles moved slowly but with determination. The hunters were puzzled by the sight and decided to catch them too, thinking they might be a rare species.

While the hunters were busy trying to catch the turtles, the bunny, owl, and squirrel guided the other animals to safety. They ran through the forest and found a new home far away from the hunters.

Back at the pond, Timmy and his friends realized they had accomplished their mission. They had saved their animal friends from being captured. They celebrated their victory and thanked Timmy for his bravery and quick thinking.

From that day on, Timmy became known as the Brave Little Turtle. He was respected by all the animals in the forest for his courage and selflessness. Timmy taught them the importance of helping others in need and how even the smallest creatures can make a big difference.

And so, Timmy and his friends lived happily ever after, knowing they had made a positive impact on the lives of others.

少儿英语短文故事 篇二:The Magical Paintbrush

Once upon a time, in a small village, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily loved art and spent most of her time drawing and painting. She dreamt of becoming a famous artist one day.

One day, an old man visited Lily's village. He was a painter himself and had a magical paintbrush. The old man had heard about Lily's talent and wanted to give her the paintbrush as a gift.

When Lily received the paintbrush, she couldn't believe her eyes. The paintbrush was made of gold and had a beautiful gemstone at the end. The old man told Lily that the paintbrush had special powers. Whatever she painted with it would come to life.

Excitedly, Lily went home and started experimenting with her new paintbrush. She painted a beautiful flower, and to her amazement, the flower bloomed right in front of her eyes. She painted a bird, and it flew off the canvas and perched on her windowsill.

Lily was thrilled with her newfound power. She painted all sorts of things – trees, animals, and even a castle. Each time, her paintings came to life. The village was amazed by Lily's talent and the magical paintbrush.

One day, Lily had an idea. She wanted to use her magic paintbrush to bring happiness to the people in her village. She painted a magnificent fireworks display in the night sky, and everyone gathered to watch in awe. She painted a feast with delicious food, and the villagers enjoyed a grand banquet.

Lily's paintings brought joy and happiness to everyone, but she soon realized that her magic paintbrush had its limits. The paintbrush could only bring temporary happiness, and the things she painted would eventually disappear.

Lily thought hard about how she could use her talent to make a lasting impact. She decided to paint a beautiful mural on the village wall. She painted scenes of love, friendship, and harmony. The mural reminded the villagers of the importance of these values and inspired them to treat each other with kindness.

Lily's mural became a symbol of unity in the village. People would gather around it, telling stories and sharing laughter. The mural brought a sense of togetherness that continued to thrive long after Lily's paintings had faded away.

Lily learned that her talent and the magical paintbrush were not just for her own amusement. They were meant to be shared with others to create a positive impact. From that day forward, Lily used her art to inspire and bring happiness to those around her.

And so, Lily became a famous artist not just for her talent but also for her kind heart. Her paintings touched the lives of many and reminded people of the beauty that exists in the world.

少儿英语短文故事 篇三





  Mark’s favorite cup is broken, and he feels unhappy. Susan sees and asks him, “ You look sad. What’s the matter?”

  Mark says, “There is something wrong with my cup.”

  Susan says, “Don’t worry. I can repair it.”

  Mark feels surprised and asks, “Repair? You can repair it? You?”

  “Yes. Believe me! Where is it?” Susan answers.

  “Here. My cup is broken. Are you sure you can repair it?” Mark takes out his cuo.







  “cup? 你以为是cap.”苏珊说道。说完他俩都笑了。

  Father’s Things

  When Peter is 17, he is as tall as his father. So he begins to borrow his father’s clothes when he wants to go out with his father’s clothes when he wants to go out with his friends in the evening. Father doesn’t like this. And he always gets very angry when he finds his son wearing any of his things.

  One evening when Peter is about to go out; his father stops him in the living room. He looks at Peter’s clothes very carefully. Then he says angrily, “Isn’t that one of my ties, Peter?”

  “Yes, Father, it is,” answers Peter.

  “And that shirt is mine, too.”

  “Yes, that’s your, too.” answers Peter.

  “And you’re wearing my belt!”

  “Yes, I am, Father,” answers Peter, “You don’t want to your trousers to fall down, do you?”










