
时间:2013-09-01 08:43:27
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简单有剧情的英语小故事 篇一:The Lost Teddy Bear

Once upon a time, in a small town, there lived a little girl named Lily. Lily was very fond of her teddy bear named Teddy. Teddy was her best friend, and she took him everywhere she went.

One sunny day, Lily and her family went for a picnic in a nearby park. Lily was so excited and brought Teddy along. They had a wonderful time playing games and enjoying delicious food. However, when it was time to go home, Lily realized that Teddy was missing.

Lily started to panic and tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked everywhere, but Teddy was nowhere to be found. Lily's parents tried to console her and promised to help her find Teddy the next day.

The next morning, Lily woke up determined to find Teddy. She made a plan and decided to retrace her steps from the previous day. She went back to the park and started searching every nook and cranny.

After a while, Lily noticed a small boy sitting alone on a bench. He looked sad. Lily approached him and asked if he had seen Teddy. The boy's face brightened up, and he said, "Yes, I found a teddy bear yesterday, but I didn't know who it belonged to."

Lily's heart skipped a beat, and she felt a glimmer of hope. The little boy led her to a nearby tree where he had kept Teddy safe. Lily couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Teddy sitting there, waiting for her.

Overwhelmed with joy, Lily hugged Teddy tightly and thanked the little boy. The boy smiled and said, "I'm glad I could help you find your friend."

Lily and Teddy returned home, and she couldn't stop talking about the kind little boy who helped her. From that day on, Lily realized the importance of kindness and always made sure to help others in need, just like the little boy who helped her find Teddy.

简单有剧情的英语小故事 篇二:The Magical Paintbrush

In a small village, there lived a young girl named Mia. She loved drawing and painting. Mia's paintings were so beautiful that people often said they looked like they came to life.

One day, an old man named Mr. Chen came to the village. He saw Mia's paintings and was amazed by her talent. Mr. Chen approached Mia and said, "I have a special gift for you, Mia. This is a magical paintbrush. Whatever you paint with it will come to life."

Mia couldn't believe her ears. She took the paintbrush from Mr. Chen and started experimenting with it. She painted a beautiful flower, and to her surprise, the flower bloomed right in front of her eyes.

Excited by the possibilities, Mia continued to paint various objects. She painted animals, trees, and even a small house. All of them came to life, and Mia felt like she had entered a magical world.

One day, Mia came across a poor old woman who lived alone in a small cottage. The woman was kind but struggled to make ends meet. Mia decided to use her magical paintbrush to help the old woman.

Mia painted a bag of gold coins and gave it to the old woman. The woman couldn't believe her luck and hugged Mia tightly. With the gold coins, the old woman's life improved, and she no longer had to worry about her basic needs.

Word spread about Mia's magical paintbrush, and people from far and wide came to see her paintings come to life. However, Mia realized that the paintbrush was causing more harm than good. People started fighting over her paintings, and greed consumed their hearts.

Feeling guilty, Mia decided to return the magical paintbrush to Mr. Chen. She knew that it was too powerful for anyone to handle. Mr. Chen understood her decision and praised her for her wisdom.

Mia continued her passion for painting, but this time, she used a regular paintbrush. Her paintings may not come to life anymore, but they still brought joy and inspiration to everyone who saw them.

From that day on, Mia learned the importance of using her talents responsibly and making a positive impact on the world without relying on magic. She lived a fulfilling life, sharing her beautiful paintings and spreading happiness to all.

简单有剧情的英语小故事 篇三




  A Cat Is Fishing


  A cat goes to a river every day. He wants to go fishing. But he can’t catch any fish.


  One day, he goes to the river as usual. Suddenly a fish comes out. He catches the fish. He is very happy. He forgets to put the fish in the basket. He dances and sings. He shouts, “I have a fish! I have a fish!” All his friends come to see him.


  “Where is your fish? Let us have a look at it. ” his friends say.


  “It’s there, near the bank.” the cat answers. But he can’t find the fish. When he sings

and dances, the fish jumps back into the river.



  Wang Xi-zhi is one of the most famous calligraphers during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped.

  absorbed the strong points of all the other schools of calligraphy, and developed his own unique style of writing. Because of his achievements, he has been honored as one of China's sages of calligraphy.

  One time, Wang Xi-zhi sketched in wood for an engraver to cut. Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood.

  "Ru Mu San Fen" is got from this story, which means the calligraphy is penetrating.

  Now it is often used to describe expressing sharp ideas or profound views.

  王羲之是中国东晋时代一个很有名的书法家,他从小就刻苦练字,从不间断。Later he





  简单的英语剧情小故事:Short Girl

  Margaret was a small girl. She was a little girl. All her friends were taller than her. She was shorter than all her friends. She wanted to be tall. Her mom told her not to worry. One day Margaret would be tall. One day she would be taller than her friends. One day all her friends would be shorter than her. She was happy to hear that. She onlyhad one question for her mom. When would she be taller than her friends? Would it be next year? She hoped it would be next year. She was tired of being the shortest girl.


