
时间:2013-02-03 09:12:33
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小学的英文及例句 篇一



1. Elementary school (小学)

- My sister is in elementary school. She is in the third grade.


2. Classroom (教室)

- Our classroom is big and bright, with many colorful posters on the walls.


3. Teacher (老师)

- Mr. Johnson is our math teacher. He is very patient and helpful.


4. Student (学生)

- There are 30 students in our class, including 15 boys and 15 girls.


5. Homework (作业)

- We have a lot of homework to do tonight. We need to finish it before tomorrow.


6. Playground (操场)

- During recess, we play on the playground and have a lot of fun.


7. Pencil (铅笔)

- Please sharpen your pencil before starting the worksheet.


8. Book (书本)

- Our English textbook is very interesting. It has many stories and activities.


9. Ruler (尺子)

- Use a ruler to draw a straight line on the paper.


10. Test (考试)

- We have a math test tomorrow, so we need to study hard tonight.



小学的英文及例句 篇二



1. Alphabet (字母表)

- The English alphabet has 26 letters, from A to Z.


2. Vocabulary (词汇)

- It's important to learn new vocabulary every day to improve your English skills.


3. Grammar (语法)

- Understanding grammar rules is essential for building correct sentences.


4. Phonics (语音)

- Phonics helps us to learn how to pronounce words correctly.


5. Conversation (对话)

- Practice having conversations with your classmates to improve your speaking skills.


6. Reading (阅读)

- Reading books can expand your knowledge and improve your reading comprehension.


7. Writing (写作)

- Keep a journal and practice writing every day to enhance your writing skills.


8. Listening (听力)

- Improve your listening skills by listening to English songs and watching English movies.


9. Speaking (口语)

- Participate in class discussions and speak in English as much as possible to become fluent in speaking.


10. Test (考试)

- Prepare for your English test by reviewing your notes and practicing past exam papers.



小学的英文及例句 篇三



  primary school


  Scientific stories titillate the fancy

of the school boys.

  科学故事使小学男生们的想象力活跃起来。The elementary grades

  小学班级The elementary grades;elementary teachers.

  小学班级;小学教师Children enter primary school at the age of 7

  孩子们7岁进小学。We all have learned the multiplication table in our primary school.

  在小学我们都学过乘法表。Elementary school enrolment begins tomorrow.

  小学入学注册明天开始。Children enter primary school at the age of 7.

  孩子们7岁进小学。Hao ding finished primary school at the children's welfare institution.

  丁豪在儿童福利院读完小学。Intake in state primary schools is down by 10%.

  公立小学入学人数下降了10%。Will it is better to send them to a private elementary school?


  adj. 初级的;基本的;最早的,原始的;原生的;首要的,主要的


  primary feather

  初级飞羽 A primary feather of a bird.

  翅前羽鸟的.初级飞羽 The Democratic primary was held this month.

  民主党候选人初选于本月举行。 These are created by combining the primary.

  这些颜色通过混合原色形成。This should be your primary concern!


  n. 学校,学院,学派,上学阶段;上课时间;学校全体师生;群

  v. 训练;教育

  This is the argument of the school.

  这就是流行学派的论据。the cock of the school

  学生中的头目;最横行霸道的学生 These are primary school pupils and those are secondary school students.

  有小学生也有中学生。The primary school is compulsory, and the pupils go to their local schools.

  初级学校教育是义务制教育,学生都在当地的学校就读。Reputation of undergrad school is important for grad school admission.




