
时间:2019-04-09 01:15:50
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刚出生的小娃娃英语日记 篇一

Dear Diary,

Today is my first day in this big, beautiful world. I am a newborn baby, full of curiosity and excitement. My parents are so happy to finally meet me, and I can feel their love and warmth surrounding me.

I can't see much yet, but I can hear the sweet sound of my mother's voice. It's like music to my ears. She sings lullabies to me and whispers words of love. I feel safe and loved in her arms.

I have been exploring my senses today. Everything is so new and fascinating. I love the feeling of my tiny fingers touching different textures. My parents have soft toys and blankets that I like to touch and cuddle. It brings me comfort and joy.

I have also been tasting new things. My mother feeds me milk from her breast, and it's the most delicious thing I have ever tasted. It nourishes me and makes me feel satisfied. I can't wait to try new flavors when I grow older.

Sleep is one of my favorite activities. I feel so peaceful and content when I am wrapped in a cozy blanket and cradled in my mother's arms. I dream of wonderful things, like flying in the sky or swimming in the ocean. I am excited to experience all these things for real one day.

Although I can't communicate with words yet, I can express myself through my cries and smiles. My parents are learning to understand my needs and desires. They shower me with love and attention, and I am grateful for their care.

I am so excited for all the adventures that lie ahead. Every day will bring new discoveries and experiences. I can't wait to learn how to crawl, walk, and talk. I want to explore the world and make new friends.

Thank you, dear diary, for being my companion on this incredible journey. I am filled with love and happiness, and I know that life will only get better from here.

With love,

Your little doll

刚出生的小娃娃英语日记 篇二

Dear Diary,

It's my second day in this amazing world, and I am already starting to learn and grow. Everything around me is so fascinating, and I can't wait to explore more.

Today, I had my first bath. The warm water felt so soothing on my delicate skin. My parents were very gentle and careful, making sure I was comfortable throughout the entire process. They washed me with a gentle soap and wrapped me in a soft towel afterwards. It was a refreshing experience, and I enjoyed every moment of it.

I have also been spending a lot of time with my parents, bonding and getting to know them better. They talk to me, sing to me, and read me stories. Although I don't understand everything they say yet, I can feel their love and affection. Their voices are like a familiar melody that brings me comfort and joy.

Today, I discovered my little hands. They are so tiny and adorable. I can't resist staring at them and wiggling my fingers. I have been trying to grab onto objects, but my coordination is still developing. I am determined to master this skill soon.

Sleep is still one of my favorite things to do. I sleep a lot, and every time I wake up, I feel refreshed and ready for new adventures. Sometimes, I have dreams that feel so real. I dream of flying through the clouds or chasing butterflies in a beautiful garden. I can't wait to experience these things when I am older.

My parents are taking good care of me. They make sure I am well-fed and comfortable at all times. I can already recognize the sound of their footsteps and their comforting touch. I feel safe and loved in their presence.

I am growing stronger every day. I can lift my head for a few seconds and make more deliberate movements with my arms and legs. My parents cheer me on and celebrate every little milestone. It motivates me to keep trying and improving.

Dear diary, I am filled with wonder and excitement about the world around me. I can't wait to discover more, learn more, and experience more. Life is a beautiful journey, and I am grateful to be a part of it.

With love,

Your little doll

刚出生的小娃娃英语日记 篇三



  In the evening, my mother and I went to grandma Yu's house。 Grandma Yu brought out a ne

w baby。 Ah, she's so cute!


  Look, the hair on the head is black and shiny, the little pink face is chubby, a straight nose and a cherry mouth are like drawing out, a pair of old closed eyes are like two black lines。 She doesn't care about our chattering discussion。 She is sleeping and dreaming!


