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BEC高级商务英语难词拓展解析 篇一


1. Synergy: Synergy这个词在商务英语中常常出现,意思是“协同效应”或“协同作用”。它指的是当两个或多个因素联合起来时所产生的整体效果超过这些因素单独作用时的效果。例如,一个公司合并后,由于各个部门的协同作用,可以提高整体效率和利润。

2. Disruptive: Disruptive这个词在商务领域中常常用来形容一种颠覆性的技术或创新。它意味着这种技术或创新会对传统的商业模式或行业产生重大的影响和改变。例如,互联网的出现对传统的零售行业产生了颠覆性的影响,许多传统零售商纷纷倒闭或转型。

3. Benchmarking: Benchmarking是一种比较和学习的方法,通过与同行业或同类企业进行比较,了解自己的优势和不足。通过对比和学习,企业可以找到改进和提高的方向。例如,一家公司可以通过对比竞争对手的产品和服务,找到改进自己产品和服务的方法。

4. Paradigm shift: Paradigm shift意味着一种观念或思维方式的转变。它指的是当一个新的观念或思维方式取代了原有的观念或思维方式时,产生的巨大改变。例如,数字化和人工智能的发展已经引起了商务领域的观念转变,许多传统的商业模式和思维方式需要进行调整。

5. Stakeholder: Stakeholder指的是与一个组织或项目有关的各方利益相关者。这些利益相关者可以是公司的股东、员工、客户、合作伙伴、政府等。在商务英语中,我们经常需要考虑各方利益相关者的需求和利益,以便做出合适的决策。


BEC高级商务英语难词拓展解析 篇二


1. Incentivize: Incentivize这个词在商务领域中常常用来表示激励或鼓励。它指的是通过提供奖励、福利或其他激励措施来激励员工或合作伙伴做出更好的表现。例如,一家公司可以通过提供奖金或晋升机会来激励员工更加努力地工作。

2. Outsourcing: Outsourcing是一种将某些业务活动或功能外包给其他公司或个人的做法。这种做法可以帮助企业降低成本、提高效率和专注于核心业务。例如,一家公司可以将人力资源管理、IT支持等业务外包给专业的外包公司。

3. Sustainability: Sustainability意味着在满足当前需求的同时,不损害未来世代满足其需求的能力。在商务领域,可持续发展已经成为一个重要的议题,企业需要考虑环境、社会和经济的可持续性。例如,一家公司可以通过减少能源消耗、采用可再生能源和实施社会责任项目来提高可持续性。

4. Diversification: Diversification是一种通过扩大产品线、进入新市场或提供新服务来降低风险和增加收入的策略。这种策略可以帮助企业在竞争激烈的市场中增加市场份额和利润。例如,一家公司可以通过推出新产品或进军新市场来实现业务多元化。

5. Value proposition: Value proposition是指企业向客户提供的独特价值和优势。它可以包括产品或服务的特点、质量、价格、品牌形象等方面。在商务英语中,我们经常需要与客户沟通并传达企业的价值主张,以吸引客户并建立竞争优势。


BEC高级商务英语难词拓展解析 篇三



  agent 1 代理商,代理人

  例:He is an authorized agent for a large insurance company.

  agent 2 作用力

  例:We believe that business can be a powerful agent for social change.

  aggressive police-style interview technique 咄咄逼人的警察审犯人式的.面谈方式

  例:He does not suggest an aggressive police-style interview technique, but insists that close inspection of a curriculum vitae is absolutely essential.

  aggressive reporting 乐观高估的财务报告

  例: Some financial statements tend to increase income(aggressive reporting), others decrease income( conservative reporting).

  agribusiness 企业化农业,家业综合企业

  例:He works for an agribusiness company.

  agro-industry (化肥制造、仓库建筑等)农用工业

  agency recruitment通过职业介绍所招聘

  例:Recruitment in the UK is pided into agency recruitment, advertising or executive search.

  例:The two firms are amalgamating to increase productivity and save running costs.

  amenity 1 (常作amenities)便利设施; 生活福利设施

  例: The large 17th century house has been tastefully renovated and refurbished to provide all the amen

ities of a modern conference center.

  amenity 2 设施齐全的现代化福利生活区

  例: This area has been developed into an amenity.

  American Express 美国运通信用卡

  例: Departure-tax stamps can be bought at airports and post offices with Australian currency or by American Express, Visa or MasterCard.

  American plan 美式酒店服务(提供住宿、一日三餐及一应服务),美式收费制(包括缮宿及一应服务费在内的旅馆收费制)

  例: American plan includes bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  amortization 摊销

  例: Amortization is the depreciation of intangible assets such as Patents and Goodwill.

  angle 投资天使,对个人投资者(private investors)的别称,也叫 angel invester

  例1:It's important to start networking to find an angel long before you actually need the capital.

  例2:Angel investor: An inpidual investor who has made one or more equity investments in emerging growth technology firms.

  annual return 年度报表

  例: We are in the middle of making our annual return.

  answering machine 录音电话,等于(英)answerphone

  例1:There were three messages on the answering machine.

  例2:The answerphone has fourteen minutes' recording time, which is a bonus for any business.

  anti-fraud technique 防伪技术

  antitrust 反托拉斯,反垄断

  例: Antitrust laws are a set of laws in the USA that aim to prevent large companies from controling all of the market for their products.

  any other business 任何其他议题(通常在会议议程末),简称AOB

  例1:Is there any other business?

  2:You may bring the item up under any other business.

  3:As staff holiday arrangement is a bit complicated this time, I don't think we should include it under any other business.

  aperitif 开胃酒

  appeal 吸引力

  例:Department stores appeal to people of all age groups, but particularly the 30-50 age category.

  apple polishing 逢迎,拍马

  例:Other employee didn't like him and believed that his recent promotion was more the result of his apple polishing than his actual achivevements.

  application money 认购新股款项

  例:Application money must be returned with the appplication form.

  appointed 2 布置陈设的,装饰的

  例1: This office is well appointed with all the lastest devices.

  2: This is a superbly/modestly appointed restaurant


