
时间:2012-02-06 04:49:24
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高中英语口语 篇一

Improving English Speaking Skills in High School

As high school students, it is essential for us to develop strong English speaking skills. Effective communication in English opens up numerous opportunities for us, both academically and professionally. Here are a few tips to help improve your English speaking skills:

1. Practice Speaking English Regularly: The key to improving any skill is consistent practice. Set aside some time every day to practice speaking English. You can do this by conversing with friends, participating in English-speaking clubs or events, or even talking to yourself in front of a mirror.

2. Expand Your Vocabulary: The more words you know, the better equipped you are to express yourself. Make it a habit to learn new words every day. You can do this by reading English books, newspapers, or magazines, and noting down any unfamiliar words. Look up their meanings and try to use them in your conversations.

3. Listen to English: Listening to native English speakers will help you improve your pronunciation and understanding of the language. Watch English movies, TV shows, or listen to English songs. Pay attention to how words are pronounced and try to imitate the accent. You can also listen to English podcasts or audiobooks.

4. Engage in English Conversations: Find opportunities to have conversations in English. Practice with your classmates, friends, or even your teachers. Engaging in conversations will help you gain confidence and fluency in speaking English. Don't be afraid to make mistakes; learning from them is an important part of the process.

5. Use English in Everyday Situations: Try to incorporate English into your daily life. Use English when ordering food at a restaurant, asking for directions, or even talking to your family. The more you use English in real-life situations, the more comfortable you will become with the language.

6. Seek Feedback: Ask your teachers or native English speakers for feedback on your speaking skills. They can provide valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement. Take their feedback positively and work on enhancing your speaking abilities.

Remember, improving your English speaking skills takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and keep practicing. With dedication and perseverance, you will see significant progress in your ability to speak English fluently.

高中英语口语 篇二

Overcoming the Fear of Speaking English in High School

Many high school students struggle with a fear of speaking English. This fear often stems from a lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes, or feeling embarrassed in front of others. However, overcoming this fear is crucial for improving English speaking skills. Here are some strategies to help you overcome the fear of speaking English:

1. Start Small: Begin by speaking English in low-pressure situations. Practice with a close friend or family member who is supportive and understanding. Gradually increase the complexity of conversations and the number of people you speak English with.

2. Focus on Fluency, Not Perfection: Remember that the goal of speaking English is effective communication, not perfection. Don't worry too much about making mistakes or sounding native-like. Instead, focus on expressing your thoughts and ideas clearly.

3. Create a Safe Environment: Surround yourself with a supportive and encouraging environment. Join English-speaking clubs or participate in activities where you can practice speaking English without fear of judgment. Having a safe space will boost your confidence and help you overcome your fear.

4. Practice Pronunciation: Many students fear speaking English because they worry about their pronunciation. Work on improving your pronunciation by listening to native English speakers, practicing tongue twisters, or using pronunciation apps. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in your pronunciation skills.

5. Visualize Success: Visualize yourself speaking English confidently and fluently. Imagine yourself engaging in conversations without any fear or hesitation. Visualization techniques can help build confidence and reduce anxiety when speaking English.

6. Celebrate Small Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate every small achievement in your English speaking journey. Whether it's successfully ordering food in English or having a short conversation with a stranger, each step forward is progress. Celebrating these victories will motivate you to continue overcoming your fear.

7. Embrace Mistakes: Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. Instead of being afraid of making mistakes, embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow. Every mistake you make is a step closer to improvement.

By implementing these strategies and practicing regularly, you can overcome the fear of speaking English and become a confident English speaker. Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and with time and effort, you will see significant progress.

高中英语口语 篇三



  1、备学材  作为教师,我们应该充分地备好上课的学习材料和老师的教学材料,所设计的学材应该遵循以下几个原则:要有统一性,也就是说,所备的材料要与课堂的教学目标相一致性,学材的内容是为教学目标服务的,课堂教学目标是课堂教学的灵魂;要有针对性,即有深度,这里所指的学材的深度并不是说我们教师所准备的上课素材一定要难倒学生,而是应该根据不同层次的学生准备适合的材料以满足不同学生的要求;要有有效性,即我们所准备的材料应该能够满足不同学生在课堂上的不同需要,以求达到不同程度的学生都能够有效的进行操练和取舍。

  2、备学生 作为一线教师,备好学生是上课好坏的关键所在。要想学生学习得好,我们就应该最大地保证每个学生的学习需求,让每一个学生都能达到平等的学习机会。

  3、备突发事件 有时侯,课堂上都会发生一些事先可能想都想不到的事情,但是作为教育者,我们应该做到未雨绸缪。把一些可能会发生的事情都想在前面,这样,即使发生了意外的时候,我们也能坦然面对而不是束手无策,并且因此而导致课堂的效率降低。

  4、备教学设备 这也是我们教师在教学过程中经常会碰到的事情。譬如,我们已经把要去上的课都做成了漂亮的PPT。可是一走进教师室,才发现今天教室里的多媒体坏了,不能使用了。





  我听了不少课,有的老师布置作业和课堂练习,缺乏两个原则:统一性,层次性。所谓统一性,设计的练习与上课的总教学目标不吻合,脱离目标,那就叫做无的放失,你说这样的练习设计能有效率,能提高学习的英语水平吗? 能提高学习学习的兴趣吗?否也!同样地,作业设计没有层次,就不能满足有些学生的需求。长期以往,将会是学生厌学烦学,老师苦教而低效,学生越来越成为英语低能而不思进取,望而生畏,逃之夭夭!



高中英语口语 篇四


  Tom: Look at the luxurious car!


  Jerry: It’s no big deal, “my son will be richer”!


  Tom: Why are you speaking like Mr. Q?


  Jerry: I am one of the fans of Luxun.


  Tom: I thought you were a fan of Mr. Q.


  Jerry: I am just joking, spiritual victory is not a good one.


  Tom: Luxun created such an image to satirize.


  Jerry: Yes, let people "feel sad for their unfortunate, while be angry with their cowardice".



  Tom: Compared with western literature, is there any characteristic of Chinese literature?


  Jerry: Is it a bit reserved?


  Tom: Yes, it is related with the culture, Western people always are straightforward when they are expressing themselves.


  Jerry: In Chinese Literature, Confucianism and Taoism are in the leading position.


  Tom: Right, there is also Buddhist thinking.


  Jerry: Of course, Chinese literators also accept the positive attitude of Confucianism.


  Tom: You mean, “If you live a life of hardships, you can manage yourself alone. But if you are powerful enough, you should also take more care of the world.”


  Jerry: Absolutely, both the positive and negative attitude has been mixed.



  YOU: Hello, My name is Dennis. I have a reservation.

  HOTEL CLERK: Certainly, sir. (CHECKS THE RESERVATION SYSTEM) Yes, would you like a room facing the pool or the ocean?

  YOU: Is there a difference in price between the two?

  HOTEL CLERK: Yes, the rooms that face the ocean are $100 per night, while the ones facing the pool are $80 per night.

  YOU:.OK, Ill go with the one facing the ocean, please.

  HOTEL CLERK: And you would like that for three nights, correct?

  YOU: Yes, thats right.

  HOTEL CLERK: Ill have the porter bring up your bags.

  YOU: No, thats fine, Ill do it myself.

高中英语口语 篇五

  摘 要:



高中英语 口语教学 现状 对策


高中英语口语 篇六






