
时间:2019-01-06 06:30:31
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遇到的困难的英语作文 篇一

Overcoming Challenges and Achieving Success

Life is full of challenges, and it is through facing and overcoming these challenges that we grow and achieve success. Throughout my life, I have encountered various difficulties that have tested my determination and resilience. In this essay, I will share one particular challenge that I faced and how I managed to overcome it.

One of the biggest challenges I encountered was during my first year of university. As an international student in a foreign country, I had to adapt to a new culture, language, and education system. Everything was unfamiliar to me, and I often felt lost and overwhelmed. Additionally, the academic workload was much more rigorous than what I was used to, which added to my stress and anxiety.

However, I was determined to succeed and make the most out of my university experience. I sought help from my professors and classmates, attending extra study sessions and seeking clarification whenever I needed it. I also joined various student organizations and clubs to meet new people and immerse myself in the university community. Through these activities, I was able to make friends who shared similar experiences and could offer support and guidance.

Moreover, I developed effective time management and study skills. I created a schedule that allowed me to balance my academic responsibilities with my personal life. I allocated specific time blocks for studying, attending classes, and participating in extracurricular activities. By organizing my time efficiently, I was able to stay on top of my coursework and reduce my stress levels.

In addition to seeking support and managing my time, I also cultivated a positive mindset. Instead of viewing challenges as obstacles, I saw them as opportunities for growth and learning. Whenever I faced a setback or encountered a difficult task, I reminded myself that these challenges would make me stronger and more resilient in the long run. By maintaining a positive attitude, I was able to stay motivated and focused on my goals.

Through persistence and determination, I was able to overcome the challenges I faced during my first year of university. I not only adapted to the new environment but also excelled academically. Looking back, I am grateful for the difficulties I encountered as they shaped me into a more resilient and confident individual.

In conclusion, life is filled with challenges that test our resilience and determination. By seeking support, managing our time effectively, and maintaining a positive mindset, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. It is through overcoming these challenges that we grow and achieve success.

遇到的困难的英语作文 篇二

Embracing Challenges and Growing Stronger

Life is a journey filled with challenges that test our strength and resilience. These obstacles are not meant to discourage us but rather to help us grow and become better individuals. In this essay, I will share a personal experience of overcoming a difficult challenge and how it helped me become stronger.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was during my final year of high school. I had always been an introverted person, preferring to stay within my comfort zone and avoiding situations that made me uncomfortable. However, I realized that if I wanted to succeed in life, I needed to step out of my comfort zone and face my fears.

I decided to join the school debate team, despite my fear of public speaking. The thought of speaking in front of a large audience terrified me, but I knew that it was a challenge I needed to overcome. At first, I struggled to find my voice and express my opinions confidently. I stumbled over my words and often forgot my arguments during debates. However, I refused to give up.

I sought help from my teammates and coach, who provided me with guidance and support. They encouraged me to practice regularly and provided constructive feedback to help me improve. I dedicated countless hours to researching and preparing for debates, honing my public speaking skills along the way. Gradually, my confidence grew, and I became more comfortable expressing my thoughts and opinions in front of others.

Moreover, I learned to embrace failure and view it as an opportunity for growth. Instead of being discouraged by my initial struggles, I saw them as stepping stones towards improvement. Every mistake I made taught me valuable lessons and pushed me to work harder. I realized that success is not measured by the absence of failure but rather by the ability to rise each time we fall.

Through perseverance and determination, I not only became a competent debater but also gained valuable life skills. I learned the importance of effective communication, critical thinking, and teamwork. These skills have been instrumental in my personal and professional development, helping me excel in various aspects of my life.

In conclusion, challenges are an inevitable part of life, and it is through facing and overcoming them that we grow and become stronger individuals. By stepping out of our comfort zones, seeking support, and embracing failure, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way. These challenges shape us into resilient individuals, capable of achieving success in all areas of life.

遇到的困难的英语作文 篇三

  I have some difficulty in learning English. For example, I can't tell the difference between written English and spoken English. Sometimes I often make mistakes while speaking to others.

  Talking about English study,I think practice is necessary and important.

  For the improvement of English,we should practice as much as possible.Before classes,we must preview the lesson by repeating after the tapes and look up the new words in the dictionaries.When in class,we ought to try all our best to answer the teachers' questions.And it's very useful to keep the texts in mind. Listening to english news also does good to our english.expecially in improving my spoken English.

遇到的困难的英语作文 篇四

  How to face up difficulties

  Each person whether rich or poor has his own difficulties, because life is not always full of smiles and flowers. So it is very important to have a correct attitude to face up the difficulties.

  Different people have different views on it. Some people just want to evade and they haven’t tried their best, so they can’t achieve success in the end. But some people believe that “Failure is the mother of success”,they are confident and brave when they have difficulties. They choose to face up the difficulties with a smile and try their best to solve their problems. If they have troubles they’ll discuss with their friends or family members.

  The right way to face up difficulties is to be confident and brave , Confront difficulties with confident and you will find the difficulties are not so hard as you thought. Try to solve the difficulties with brave and work hard , the difficulties will disappear and you will achieve success finally.





遇到的困难的英语作文 篇五

  Two years ago when I began to learn English,I found it was hard for me to remember all the new words and so I didn't understand the listening exercises.My teacher gave me advice to try to learn at least ten new words every day and listen to the tape and radio programmes.So I kept on doing these and now I have made lots of progress in listening.Besides the listening problem I also had problems with speaking.I tried to get involved in English activities,such as,attend English debbates and speech contests,ask and answer at least two questions every English class,watch English movies and so on.Now I become more confident and I can speak English well.

遇到的困难的英语作文 篇六


  The life of people facing difficulties, but really overcome countless again a few?


  Life is short, only learned to overcome difficulties, it is learned to live. In you meet the time of difficulty, is still the head on back; Is escape or face; Is halfway or like summer by associating sisters as never say die?


  Ask yourself: I learn to overcome difficulties? 13 years, a long long time, after years of wind and rain ", "a few years of experience, we more or less under

stand what, isn't it? As we get older, and the way the difficult like tree rings, also in going growth. Childhood we have "home" to the "haven, can now," we can't be dependent on my parents, because always hide in "", we haven never grow up, it is the sparrow will leave mom, soar alone in a symbol of freedom and liberty sky, learn to overcome difficulties is our way of growing up in the essential part of. In the face of difficulties, we can choose only win over.


  In my own baby talk met countless difficulties, that is I still don't understand what is called a "no way at suspected a siler lining." In and unexpectedly in difficult, but that is given to escape, often with a cry to face obstacles in front of. For at that time the me difficulties, just like a place not climb mountain, and I, I can stand on its feet, just looked up at it, never want to go to go over it


