
时间:2014-06-04 01:10:36
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Title: How to Combat Air Pollution

With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, air pollution has become a severe issue that affects people's health and the environment. In this essay, we will discuss some effective measures to combat air pollution.

Firstly, it is crucial to reduce emissions from factories and power plants. Governments should enforce stricter regulations and standards for industrial emissions. Companies should be required to adopt advanced technologies and equipment to minimize pollutant releases into the air. Additionally, authorities should conduct regular inspections and impose heavy fines on those who violate the emission standards. By reducing industrial emissions, we can significantly improve air quality.

Secondly, promoting the use of clean energy sources is another effective way to combat air pollution. Renewable energy, such as solar power and wind power, does not produce harmful emissions during the generation process. Governments should invest more in renewable energy infrastructure and provide incentives for individuals and businesses to switch to clean energy sources. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, we can greatly reduce air pollution and mitigate the impact of climate change.

Furthermore, improving public transportation systems can also contribute to reducing air pollution. Encouraging people to use buses, trains, and subways instead of private cars can help decrease the number of vehicles on the roads, thus reducing emissions from exhaust fumes. Governments should invest in expanding and improving public transportation networks, making them more convenient and affordable for the public. Initiatives like carpooling and bike-sharing programs should also be promoted to further reduce the number of vehicles on the roads.

In addition to these measures, raising public awareness about air pollution is crucial. Educational campaigns can be organized to teach people about the causes and consequences of air pollution. The importance of adopting environmentally friendly behaviors, such as reducing energy consumption and recycling, should be emphasized. By educating the public, we can foster a sense of responsibility and encourage individuals to make conscious choices that help protect the air quality.

In conclusion, combating air pollution requires a combination of efforts from governments, industries, and individuals. By reducing industrial emissions, promoting clean energy sources, improving public transportation, and raising public awareness, we can effectively mitigate air pollution and create a healthier environment for future generations.


Title: Solutions to Address Air Pollution

Air pollution has become a significant concern worldwide, affecting both human health and the environment. In this essay, we will discuss several solutions that can be implemented to address air pollution effectively.

Firstly, adopting stricter regulations and policies is essential. Governments should establish and enforce emission standards for industries, vehicles, and power plants. Regular inspections and fines should be imposed on those who fail to comply. Furthermore, international cooperation is crucial in tackling air pollution, as air pollutants can travel across borders. Governments should collaborate to set global standards and agreements to reduce emissions on a larger scale.

Secondly, investing in technology and research can play a vital role in combating air pollution. Developing and implementing advanced technologies that reduce emissions, such as catalytic converters and scrubbers, can significantly decrease air pollution. Governments and industries should allocate more funds to support research and development in clean energy sources and pollution control technologies. Additionally, promoting innovation and the use of renewable energy can help reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and lower pollution levels.

Thirdly, promoting green transportation is crucial in reducing air pollution. Governments should encourage the use of electric vehicles by providing subsidies and building charging infrastructure. Investing in public transportation systems and improving their efficiency can also reduce the number of private vehicles on the road. Additionally, promoting walking and cycling as alternative modes of transportation can further reduce emissions and improve air quality in cities.

Another effective solution is to raise public awareness and educate individuals about the importance of reducing air pollution. Schools and communities should organize educational programs to teach people about the causes and consequences of air pollution. Individuals should be encouraged to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors, such as reducing energy consumption, using energy-efficient appliances, and practicing proper waste management. By creating a culture of sustainability and environmental consciousness, we can foster a long-term commitment to combat air pollution.

In conclusion, addressing air pollution requires a comprehensive approach involving stricter regulations, technological advancements, green transportation, and public awareness. By implementing these solutions, we can effectively reduce air pollution levels and create a healthier and cleaner environment for present and future generations. It is our collective responsibility to take action and protect the air we breathe.

如何治理空气污染的英语作文 篇三

  Air pollution esfromfactories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smokefrompower stations cause a lot of damage. They can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling to the ground in the rain. But this "chemical rain" gradually destroys trees in the forests and kills fish in the lakes. In Germany, over 50% of the country's trees had been damaged by the year 1986.

  Time and time again there are serious accidents that pollute the air. In 1986 there was a bad accident at a nuclear power station in Russia. A cloud of radiation crossed the whole of Europe. It is said that 125,000 people died in Russia as a result of illnesses caused by this accident. In 1984 there was a serious accident at a factory in India and a cloud of dangerous gascovered the town of Bhopal. Over 2,500 people were killed that night, and hundredsof thousands of people were injured. Many of the injured lost their sight.

如何治理空气污染的英语作文 篇四

  In general, there are two ways of traveling, private cars and public transportation. Chinese people should regard public transportation as their first traveling opinion.


  First, there are so many people living in this countries that make it so crowded. If each chinese people own a car, there will be far more traffic jams and accidents, which increase you impatience.


  Moreover, there will be far more pollution resulted from cars. Once a car started, it release huge amount of dirty gas and heat, which lead to great pollution and result in green house effect.


  All in all, Chinese people should take public transpotation into consideration first。


如何治理空气污染的英语作文 篇五

  In recent years, banning fireworks in a large number of Chinese cities has aroused a heat discussion among the public. Some are against it while some are for it. As far as I am concerned, banning fireworks is necessary and advantageous.


  There are a few points accounting for my view. First, banning fireworks is good for keeping air quality. Setting off fireworks is one of the sources of air pollution because it will produce a lot of sulfur dioxide and other hazardous gases, which may lower air quality if they are emitted unlimitedly. Second, banning fireworks is helpful for people’s health. The hazardous gases from setting off fireworks are a potential harm for people’s health because these gases are the causes of some serious disease like respiratory diseases. Besides, fireworks are also a threat for people. The explosion of fireworks is so fast that people will be hurt without awareness. In addition, setting off fireworks will produce noise, which has a negative influence on people’s health and life.

  我的理由有如下几点。首先,禁止燃放烟火有利于保证空气质量。燃放烟火是一大空气污染的来源,因为燃放烟火会释放出大量的二氧化硫和其他有害气体, 如果这些有害气体不能得到控制将降低空气质量。其次,禁放烟火有助于人们的身体健康。燃放烟火而释放出的有害气体对人们的身体健康有潜在危害,因为这些有害气体会导致人们患上严重的疾病,例如呼吸道疾病。另外,烟火还会威胁到人们的安危。烟火燃爆十分迅猛,无警觉的人们常常会受到伤害。最后,燃放烟火爆竹会产生噪音,会对人们的身体健康和日常生活带来负面影响。

  For above reasons, I consider that banning fireworks is advantageous. In addition, I think that other healthy and meaningful ways of celebrating festivals should replace setting off fireworks.


如何治理空气污染的英语作文 篇六

  In my hometown, the air is polluted seriously. However, in recent years, the pollution gets from bad to worse, because of the increasing number of private cars. Especially during the rush hours, too many private vehicles move slowly on narrow roads, emitting a large amount of waste gas. Moreover, the poisonous gas sent by the nearby factories is also one of the main causes of pollution. Therefore, it’s demanded that immediate and effective measures must be taken to restrict private cars and public transportation must be developed to the largest extent. Besides, we should use renewable and clean energy recourses.



