
时间:2018-05-06 02:38:43
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有关元宵节英语作文 篇一

The Festival of Lanterns: A Celebration of Lights and Traditions

The Festival of Lanterns, also known as the Lantern Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It marks the end of the Chinese New Year celebrations and is often considered the Chinese version of Valentine's Day. This festival is filled with various activities and customs that bring joy and happiness to people of all ages.

One of the most iconic traditions of the Lantern Festival is the lighting of lanterns. People make lanterns in various shapes and sizes, using different materials such as paper, silk, and bamboo. These lanterns are beautifully decorated with intricate designs and vivid colors. They are often hung outside homes and along streets, creating a mesmerizing display of lights. The lanterns symbolize the hope for a bright future and the reunion of family and friends.

Another significant activity during the Festival of Lanterns is the lion and dragon dance. The lion dance is performed by a team of dancers who wear a lion costume and mimic the movements of a lion. This dance is believed to bring good luck and fortune. The dragon dance, on the other hand, involves a long dragon made of bamboo and silk. It requires a coordinated effort from a group of dancers who move the dragon in a flowing and rhythmic manner. The dragon dance is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity.

The Festival of Lanterns is also known for its delicious food. One popular delicacy is tangyuan, a sweet rice dumpling filled with various fillings such as sesame paste, red bean paste, and peanuts. These dumplings are served in a sweet syrup and are believed to bring good luck and happiness. Another traditional food is yuanxiao, which are small round dumplings made of glutinous rice flour. They are usually filled with sweet fillings such as sesame, peanuts, and red bean paste. Eating tangyuan and yuanxiao during the Lantern Festival is a way to symbolize family unity and harmony.

In addition to these traditions, the Festival of Lanterns also includes various cultural performances, such as folk dances, acrobatics, and traditional music. These performances showcase the rich heritage and artistic talents of the Chinese people. The festival is also a time for families to gather together and enjoy each other's company. It is a time for expressing gratitude and love towards one's family and friends.

In conclusion, the Festival of Lanterns is a vibrant and joyous celebration that brings people together to enjoy the beauty of lights and traditions. It is a time for reflection, gratitude, and hope for a brighter future. Whether it's lighting lanterns, enjoying delicious food, or watching cultural performances, the Festival of Lanterns offers something for everyone to enjoy and cherish.

有关元宵节英语作文 篇二

The Legend of the Lantern Festival: A Story of Love and Lanterns

The Lantern Festival, also known as the Festival of Lanterns, has been celebrated in China for centuries. Behind this vibrant and joyful celebration lies an ancient legend that has been passed down from generation to generation.

According to the legend, there was once a beautiful and intelligent fairy named Zhinü, who fell in love with a young mortal named Niulang. They got married and lived happily together, but their happiness was short-lived. The Queen Mother of the West, who was Zhinü's mother, discovered their love and was furious. She forcefully separated the couple, placing them on opposite sides of the Milky Way, which became an impassable river.

Zhinü and Niulang were devastated by their separation. Zhinü, with her heavenly weaving skills, was forced to weave clouds during the day and starry robes at night. Niulang, a skilled cowherd, took care of their two children and his loyal ox. However, their love and longing for each other never wavered.

On the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, the magpies, moved by the couple's love and devotion, formed a bridge across the Milky Way, allowing Zhinü and Niulang to meet for one day each year. This day became known as Qixi, which is now celebrated as the Chinese Valentine's Day.

On this special day, people celebrate by making and lighting lanterns. The lanterns guide Zhinü as she crosses the Milky Way to meet Niulang. This tradition is believed to bring blessings and good fortune to those who participate. It is also a time for young girls to pray for skillful hands in needlework and a good marriage.

The Lantern Festival is not only a celebration of love but also a time for families to come together and appreciate the beauty of the lanterns. People write riddles on lanterns, and others try to guess the answers. This activity adds an element of fun and challenge to the festival. Lantern riddles have become an integral part of the Lantern Festival, testing people's wisdom and creativity.

In modern times, the Lantern Festival has evolved to include various activities such as lantern parades, cultural performances, and fireworks displays. These activities attract people from all over the world to witness the beauty and traditions of the festival.

The Legend of the Lantern Festival reminds us of the power of love and the importance of cherishing our loved ones. It teaches us to overcome obstacles and to appreciate the moments of togetherness. As we celebrate the Festival of Lanterns, let us remember the story of Zhinü and Niulang, and let the lights of the lanterns guide us towards love, happiness, and unity.

In conclusion, the Lantern Festival is not just a celebration of lights and traditions; it is a celebration of love and devotion. It is a time to cherish our loved ones and to appreciate the moments of togetherness. Let us light the lanterns, solve the riddles, and create lasting memories with our families and friends. Happy Lantern Festival!

有关元宵节英语作文 篇三



  lantern festival is a china’s traditional festival. it is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

  i,antern festival is one of the biggest holidays in china. several days before lantern festival, people begin to make lanterns. lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. while making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. on the eve of lantern festival, all the lanterns are hung up.

  on lantern festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,dragon dance and yangko. everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. our life is rich and varied.




  the festival of lanterns takes place at the end of the chinese new year

  celebration, on the fifteenth day of the first moon. lanterns have been part of chinese life for centuries so it's not surprising to see a festival of lanterns. people usually hang lanterns in the gardens, outside the houses, and on the boats. these lanterns are signposts to guide guests and spirits of ancestors to the lunar celebration. after a sumptuous fifteen-day feast, these lanterns light the way for the spirits back to the world beyond.

  silk, paper and plastic lanterns vary in shape and size and are usually multi-colored. some are in the shapes of butterflies, birds, flowers, and

  boats. other are shaped like dragon, fruit and animal symbols of that year. the most popular type of lantern is the

  the special food for the lantern festival is yuen sin or tong yuen. these are round dumplings made with sticky rice flour. they can be filled and served as a sweet snack or made plain and cooked in a soup with vegetables, meat and dried shrimp. the round shape of the dumpling is a symbol of wholeness, completeness and unity.

  the lantern festival is an occasion for families to get together and for everyone--young, old, rich and poor to have fun.






  the 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the chinese lantern festival.

  according to the chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out.

  during the lantern festival, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball).

  in the sui dynasty in the sixth century, emperor yangdi invited envoys from other countries to china to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala performances.

  by the beginning of the tang dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays would last three days. the emperor also lifted the curfew, allowing the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night.

  in the song dynasty, the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in china.

  today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout china.

  the fillings inside the dumplings or yuansiao are either sweet or salty. sweet fillings are made of sugar, walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, or jujube paste etc. a single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling . the salty variety is filled with minced m

eat, vegetables etc.















