
时间:2013-01-04 07:41:41
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我是劳动小能手英语日记 篇一

Title: A Day of Gardening

Dear Diary,

Today was a wonderful day for outdoor activities, and I spent the day helping my parents in the garden. As a proud member of the "Laborious Hands" club, I am always excited to lend a helping hand and learn new skills.

In the morning, after finishing my breakfast, I put on my gardening gloves and grabbed my tools. The sun was shining brightly, and the pleasant breeze made it a perfect day to work in the garden. My parents were already busy, weeding and tending to the plants. I joined them with enthusiasm and quickly got to work.

We started by pulling out the weeds that were competing with our precious flowers. It was important to remove them, as they could steal the nutrients and water needed by our plants. I carefully dug around the weeds, making sure to remove their roots as well. It was satisfying to see the garden becoming tidier with each weed I removed.

Next, my parents taught me how to prune the plants. We carefully trimmed the branches and stems to promote healthy growth and ensure a neat appearance. I learned that pruning helps plants to grow in the right direction and encourages the production of more flowers or fruits. It was fascinating to see how a little trim could make such a big difference.

Afterwards, we worked on planting new flowers. My parents showed me how to prepare the soil by loosening it with a garden fork and adding some compost. We carefully selected the flowers and placed them in their designated spots. I gently covered their roots with soil and watered them. It felt rewarding to know that I was helping to beautify our garden.

Throughout the day, I also learned about the importance of watering the plants regularly. We used a watering can to provide each plant with the right amount of water. I discovered that different plants have different watering needs, and it is essential to understand each plant's requirements to ensure their healthy growth.

By the time we finished our gardening tasks, the sun was beginning to set. I looked at the garden with satisfaction, knowing that I had played a part in making it look beautiful. As I washed my hands and put away my tools, I felt proud to be a laborious little helper.

Today was a day filled with learning and joy. I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to our garden and learn new skills. Being a laborious little helper brings me not only a sense of accomplishment but also a deeper appreciation for nature and the hard work that goes into maintaining a beautiful garden.

Until next time,

[Your Name]

Word count: 570

我是劳动小能手英语日记 篇二

Title: Cleaning the Community Park

Dear Diary,

Today, as a proud member of the "Laborious Hands" club, I had the opportunity to participate in a community service event where we cleaned our local park. It was a day filled with hard work, teamwork, and a sense of accomplishment.

In the morning, we gathered at the park with our cleaning supplies: gloves, trash bags, brooms, and rakes. The park was in need of some tender loving care, as litter and fallen leaves covered the paths and playground. Our task was to restore the park to its pristine condition, making it a pleasant place for everyone to enjoy.

We divided ourselves into teams and started our cleaning mission. I joined the group responsible for picking up litter. Armed with gloves and trash bags, we began scouring the park for any signs of waste. It was disheartening to see how some people had carelessly discarded their trash, but we remained determined to make a difference.

As we collected the litter, we separated it into recyclables and non-recyclables. It was an opportunity to educate ourselves and others about the importance of recycling and reducing waste. We discussed the harmful effects of litter on the environment and how our small actions could contribute to a cleaner and greener community.

While some of us focused on picking up litter, others used brooms and rakes to clear the fallen leaves. It required patience and precision to ensure that no leaf was left behind. We created neat piles and collected the leaves into bags for composting. It was satisfying to see the park slowly transforming as we worked together.

Throughout the day, we collaborated and encouraged each other, making the cleaning process enjoyable. We shared stories and laughter, turning a seemingly tedious task into a fun and rewarding experience. It was inspiring to witness how a group of dedicated individuals could make a positive impact on our community.

By the time we finished, the park looked completely different. The paths were clean and inviting, the playground was free of litter, and the fallen leaves were gone. It was a remarkable transformation that filled us with a sense of accomplishment and pride.

As we packed up our cleaning supplies, we took a moment to appreciate the park's beauty. We realized that our efforts would not only benefit the community but also serve as a reminder for others to keep our environment clean and litter-free.

Participating in this community service event taught me the importance of taking care of our surroundings and working together for a common goal. It was a day filled with hard work, but the smiles on people's faces and the improved condition of the park made it all worth it.

I am grateful for the opportunity to be a laborious little helper and contribute to the betterment of our community. Today's experience has inspired me to continue being an active participant in preserving the beauty of our environment.

Until next time,

[Your Name]

Word count: 625

我是劳动小能手英语日记 篇三



  In order to prevent the pneumonia caused by coronavirus, we should keep our house clean. So, I helped my mother clean up today. Mom brought a small brush and a bottle of toilet cleaner. I held the small brush to "wash and wash, rub the back" the toilet,

and the toilet was shiny all of a sudden. Then, I used the vacuum cleaner to suck the house again. All of a sudden, the garbage on the ground was "eaten" by the vacuum cleaner. Finally, I took a mop and gave the floor a "bath". The house became clean all of a sudden, and I felt much more comfortable.


