
时间:2013-08-09 06:10:27
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Going to My Grandma's House English Diary - Part One

Today, I visited my grandma's house with my family. It has been a long time since we last went there, so I was very excited to see her. We live in a city, so going to my grandma's village is always a refreshing change of scenery.

As we arrived at her house, the familiar scent of home-cooked meals greeted us. My grandma is an exceptional cook, and her food always brings back fond memories. We sat down at the dining table, and she served us a delicious meal with all our favorite dishes. It was a feast for both our stomachs and our souls.

After lunch, my grandma and I decided to take a walk around the village. The village is nestled amidst beautiful green fields and tall trees. The air was crisp and clean, and the only sounds we could hear were the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. It was such a peaceful and serene environment.

We walked along the narrow pathways, passing by the houses of our relatives and neighbors. It was heartwarming to see everyone so friendly and welcoming. They greeted us with warm smiles and asked about our lives in the city. I felt a strong sense of belonging and connection to this place.

In the evening, we gathered around a bonfire in the backyard of my grandma's house. We roasted marshmallows and shared stories and laughter. It was a moment of pure joy and togetherness. My grandma told us stories about her childhood and the adventures she had in the village. It was fascinating to hear about her experiences and how life was so different back then.

As the night grew darker, we bid farewell to our relatives and neighbors and returned to the house. I felt a sense of contentment and gratitude for this day spent at my grandma's house. It reminded me of the importance of family and the simple pleasures in life.

Going to My Grandma's House English Diary - Part Two

Today, I visited my grandma's house once again. It has become a tradition for our family to spend weekends at her place, and I always look forward to these visits. Each time, I discover something new and exciting about the village and my grandma's life.

As we arrived at her house, I noticed a beautiful garden in full bloom. My grandma has always had a green thumb, and her garden is a testament to her love for plants and flowers. The vibrant colors and fragrant scents filled the air, creating a paradise-like atmosphere.

My grandma and I spent the morning in the garden, tending to the plants and discussing gardening tips. She taught me about different types of flowers and how to care for them. It was a valuable lesson that I will cherish forever.

In the afternoon, my grandma invited some of her friends over for tea. They all belong to a knitting club and spend their free time creating beautiful pieces of art with their needles. I was amazed at their skill and creativity. They patiently taught me how to knit, and although I struggled at first, I eventually got the hang of it. It was a wonderful bonding experience, and I felt a sense of accomplishment when I completed my first knitted scarf.

In the evening, my grandma surprised us with a special dinner. She had prepared all our favorite dishes and even baked a delicious cake for dessert. We gathered around the table, enjoying the scrumptious food and engaging in lively conversations. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

As the day came to an end, I felt a deep sense of love and appreciation for my grandma and this village. It is a place where time seems to stand still, and the simple joys of life are celebrated. I am grateful for every moment spent here and for the memories that will last a lifetime.

去我外婆家英语日记 篇三



  Today, my family went to my grandmother's house.

  我和我姐姐在比赛跳绳。第一局我跳了99个我姐姐跳了111个,第二局我跳了112个我姐姐跳了120 个。今天,我和哥哥、姐姐、弟弟玩的很开心。最后我们要走了,我很想住到外婆家,但妈妈说明天早有很东西要背呢,我依依不舍的离开了。

  My sister and I are jumping rope in the game. In the first round, I jumped 99 times. My sister jumped 111 times. In the second round, I jumped 112 times. My sister jumped 120 times. Today, I had a good time with my brother, sister and brother. Finally, we have to go. I want to live in grandma's house very much, but my mother said th

at there was something to recite early in the day. I left reluctantly.


