
时间:2017-04-02 07:35:46
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到国外旅游的英语作文 篇一

Traveling Abroad: A Journey of Discovery

Traveling abroad is an exciting and enriching experience that allows us to explore new cultures, broaden our horizons, and create lasting memories. Last summer, I had the opportunity to embark on a trip to Europe, and it was a journey that I will never forget.

One of the most remarkable aspects of traveling abroad is the chance to immerse oneself in a different culture. From the moment I arrived in Paris, I was captivated by the vibrant atmosphere and the unique customs of the French people. I visited iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum, where I marveled at the beauty of art and architecture. Trying traditional French cuisine, such as croissants and escargots, allowed me to experience the local flavors and appreciate the culinary traditions of the country.

Furthermore, traveling abroad offers the opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Stepping out of my comfort zone, I had to navigate unfamiliar streets, communicate with locals in a different language, and adapt to new customs. These challenges pushed me to become more independent, confident, and adaptable. Additionally, interacting with people from different backgrounds and hearing their stories expanded my perspective and fostered a greater understanding and appreciation for diversity.

In addition to cultural immersion and personal growth, traveling abroad also provides the chance to witness breathtaking landscapes and natural wonders. During my trip, I had the privilege of visiting the Swiss Alps and was awestruck by the majestic mountain peaks and crystal-clear lakes. The picturesque views not only took my breath away, but they also reminded me of the beauty and grandeur of nature.

Lastly, traveling abroad allows us to create lasting memories and forge meaningful connections. I met fellow travelers from around the world, and we shared stories, laughter, and adventures together. Whether it was exploring ancient ruins in Rome or dancing the night away in Barcelona, these moments of camaraderie and friendship will forever hold a special place in my heart.

In conclusion, traveling abroad is an incredible experience that offers cultural immersion, personal growth, and the opportunity to witness breathtaking landscapes. It is a journey of discovery that allows us to broaden our horizons, appreciate diversity, and create lasting memories. I am grateful for the opportunity to have traveled abroad and I cannot wait to embark on new adventures in the future.

到国外旅游的英语作文 篇二

The Benefits of Traveling Abroad: A Global Perspective

Traveling abroad is not only an enjoyable experience but also a valuable one. It provides us with a global perspective, allowing us to appreciate different cultures, gain new insights, and foster personal growth. In this essay, I will explore the benefits of traveling abroad and how it can positively impact our lives.

One of the primary benefits of traveling abroad is the exposure to different cultures and traditions. By immersing ourselves in a foreign environment, we have the opportunity to witness firsthand the customs, values, and way of life of people from different backgrounds. This exposure not only broadens our understanding of the world but also fosters a greater sense of empathy and appreciation for diversity.

Furthermore, traveling abroad enables us to gain new insights and knowledge. By visiting museums, historical sites, and landmarks, we can learn about the rich history and heritage of different countries. For example, during my trip to Japan, I visited Hiroshima and learned about the devastating impact of the atomic bomb. This experience deepened my understanding of the consequences of war and the importance of peace.

Moreover, traveling abroad challenges us to step out of our comfort zones and adapt to new situations. Whether it is navigating unfamiliar streets, trying new foods, or communicating in a different language, these experiences push us to become more resilient, adaptable, and open-minded. We learn to embrace change and become more confident in our abilities to overcome obstacles.

In addition to personal growth, traveling abroad also fosters global awareness and a sense of interconnectedness. Through interactions with locals and fellow travelers, we gain a better understanding of global issues and the interconnectedness of our world. We realize that despite our differences, we share common aspirations and challenges. This awareness encourages us to become more active global citizens and work towards a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Finally, traveling abroad allows us to create lifelong memories and build meaningful connections. Whether it is making friends with fellow travelers, engaging in cultural exchange with locals, or participating in volunteer programs, these interactions leave a lasting impact. The friendships and connections formed during our travels can enrich our lives and provide us with a sense of belonging and community.

In conclusion, traveling abroad offers numerous benefits, including exposure to different cultures, gaining new insights, fostering personal growth, and building global awareness. It is a transformative experience that broadens our horizons and allows us to become more empathetic, adaptable, and open-minded individuals. I encourage everyone to seize the opportunity to travel abroad and embrace the world's diversity and beauty.

到国外旅游的英语作文 篇三

  I'm traveling to America and would like to go on some tours.

  To which cities will you be traveling?

  New York City and Philadelphia.

  Great! May I suggest the Statue of Liberty tour in NYC and the Liberty Bell tour in Philadelphia?

  That sounds good. Thank you. Please book those tours for me.

  OK, no problem. And for which dates should I book them?

  Please book the Statue of Liberty tour for next Thursday and the Liberty Bell tour for next Sunday.

  Sure thing. I will do that right now.

到国外旅游的英语作文 篇四

  Today I go to Thailand with my mom.The first day we go to Shenzhen by airplane. Then we fly to Bangkok. At night we stay at Bangkok airport. I hate the airport so much, because it’s very cold, and I can’t sleep.

  The second day I go to Kraby by airplane. Then we go to Lanta Island by by car. We stay at a good hotel. There is a big swimming pool by the sea. When I swim in the swimming pool, I can see the sea. It’s very blue and clear.

  The third day I go to snorkeling in Koh Ngai, Koh Ngai is a very beautiful and small island. When I snorkeling, I see a lot of fish they are very beautiful and cute. And I see a small shark, I am scared. I love snorkeling.

  The forth day I go to the south of the Lanta Island. We eat lunch on a mountain, and there is a telescope, I can see the sea and the town with the telescope, and it’s very beautiful. After lunch we set on the car go to the south of the island. The driver’s grandma and grandpa are Chinese, they com to Lanta Island long time ago. But the driver only can speak English, he can’t speak Chinese. When we arrive there, the driver introduces us a cheap hotel, the room with fan just 300 baht per night. We stay here for 3 nights.

  The fifth day I stay at the south of the island. I play with the sands all day. And I make a sand tower, it’s tall and strong. At eleven o’clock, a person kicks my tower, and it’s broken. In the afternoon I make a big and splendid sand castle. And I make a sand person in the castle, and I say he is the president.

  The sixth day I go to snorkeling in Koh Rok, and we go there by long tail boat. The boat is small and long. I set in front of the boat. The eave is very big, and sometimes I feel I am flying. I am so scared. When we arrive there, the scenery of the island is amazing. Then I jump in the water to snorkeling. I see sea grass corals and a lot of fish. And I see a lot of Nimo live in corals. Fish are beautiful and cute.

到国外旅游的英语作文 篇五

  Life has many, "the first" is always unforgettable. Today, I'm excited to tell you about my first trip to britain.

  Last summer, my father and mother decided to take me to England for a trip. On that day, we were on the plane in Hongkong, and my father told me we had to fly to Holland first and then transfer there. On the plane, stewardess stewardess is very polite. She will bring us food and drink for us. We passengers are like God and enjoy the thoughtful and meticulous service. On the plane, I was eating, drinking and sleeping. I was very excited in my brain. I'm looking forward to my destination soon.

  After more than ten hours of flight, the plane finally arrived at Holland Amsterdam international airport. After we got off the plane, we went to England by a lovely little plane. Don't look at the plane. It's very small and inside. I feel very luxurious and comfortable. During the flight, our plane was unsteady in the air because of the resistance of the airflow. But I'm still happy. Because I'll soon see my father's friend, uncle Mike and his family. After a period of flight, our small plane finally landed at Liverpool John Lennon Airport in england. My mom and dad couldn't speak English when I was out of customs, and I was the only one to act as their interpreter. It's very troublesome to go through customs. To verify our passports, we need to cover chapter after chapter, and also to pick up our luggage. After all the customs formalities, we were tired out.

  We dragged the trunk out of the airport and dad's friend, uncle Mike, had been waiting for us outside. Suddenly, dad asked Uncle Mike, "what time is it for you in England?"

  Uncle Mike immediately said, "it's seven in the morning."! You have worked hard all the way!"

  After greeting each other for a while, a coach with 7 people could drive us straight to uncle Mike. Uncle Mike's wife is Grace, a native of Hongkong, very friendly and friendly to people. I hasten to call her aunt. At this point, a child ran down the stairs from the two floor. He turned out to be uncle Mike's son, Kevinmike. The little man looked as big as I was. After seeing us, he took me by the hand and, like a little guide, showed me around every room of his house. Finally, he led me to a room and said, "my friend, this is your room."! You live here!" The look of his face was like a little master. On the morning of the second day, after breakfast, my father drove Mike uncle's car, took me and my mother in Liverpool City, took a big circle, and visited the whole city. Here is what is foreign, city streets are clean, tidy, little and dainty buildings are also very beautiful. The small yard of every family is full of bright flowers. The whole city is quiet, free of noise and fresh air. The British people are very polite to people, and everyone sees us with a smile and regards to us. It made us feel very happy. The third day, we drove to the suburbs. There we saw large fields and saw ranches. On the farm, there were green grass, strong cows, white sheep, and strong horses. We also saw flocks of chickens, ducks, geese and cute puppies. Our day is on a farm to eat lunch, we eat the delicious French fries and fish, there are many unnamed foreign food, really let my appetite!

  On the fourth day, we went to a c

athedral in the city for worship. Before I went, I asked my mother to buy me a New Jersey, so it made me more lively and energetic.

  On the fifth day, our main task is to go shopping in the big shopping mall in the city. I bought two beautiful cups and decided to return to my cousin and cousin. My mother bought a new captain armband for me. On the sixth day, my family went to the zoo in the city and we spent a whole day in it. Here, I saw the giraffe for the first time, saw the big rhino, saw the elephant, saw the boa constrictor...... I think the zoo here is very different from the zoo in our country, mainly in the style of the building. Really let me eyes!

  The seventh day, I did not go out, but stay at Uncle Mike's home, and his son playing trampoline and game consoles. All two of us are boys, and our personalities are similar. We have nothing to say, talk about each other, and enjoy ourselves! From time to time the room burst into our happy laughter.

  On the eighth day, we finally finished our trip to England and left the beautiful England for Hongkong. The two of us are reluctant to part. Especially uncle Mike and my son Kevinmike left E - mail address, so that we can keep in touch after day. Mom and dad have also invited uncle Mike's family to come and visit us in Hongkong.

到国外旅游的英语作文 篇六

  We arrived in New York on a scorching afternoon. Fresh out of the airport, I felt a hot air coming, and we took off our coats and let sweat and freedom flow...

  An hour later, we arrived at the hotel, lowered the luggage, and went to sleep.

  As soon as I got to sleep, my parents called me up and got into the car and headed for the port. We went to the statue of liberty, about half an hour's boat, and heard someone Shouting excitedly: "see! I see it!" A solemn statue stood on a small island by the sea. The name of the island is liberty island.

  The statue of liberty, which is about 93 meters high, has a statue of liberty in its head and a free torch about ten meters high. It was a gift from France to the United States for the centenary. It symbolizes the freedom of the American people. Her eyes looked straight ahead, solemn and kind.

  The next day, we got up early and drove our rental car to the Wall Street copper bull. When I got to the copper cow, I waited and waited, so it was not easy for me to have time. I rushed in, and dad took the camera and snapped a lot of photos. After watching the Wall Street bull, we went straight to Wall Street. I look forward to going to Wall Street, because my dream is to be the richest person in the world. On the way to Wall Street, my heart would jump out excitedly, my father pretended to shake his head, and then said sadly, "it's very kind of money worship!"

  Wall Street is a street with some very old buildings. Go straight and you'll see a stock exchange. It had an American flag on it. It was beautiful.

  Back at the hotel, we brushed our teeth and climbed into bed, and we fell asleep. My mother called me up in the morning and went to the metropolitan museum without a good brush.

  The metropolitan museum doesn't seem like a building. It's like a sculptor. The carved objects are magnified. The first floor is the Egyptian pavilion, where many of the stones are kept well, and some are covered with earth, which is thought to have been dug out. It's not easy to see the Egyptian pavilion. We can't wait to get up to the second floor. Do you know why? Because it's a Chinese pavilion! On the last step, we are too tired to asthma hush, I turned around, we will shine at the moment immediately strength increase ran past, that is a plate, embroidered full of beautiful decorative pattern, look closely, is a dragon and a phoenix coiled on a plate. Everyone stared at it, looking forward, looking down. After about an hour, we finished the Chinese pavilion, not without admiration. Among them, one of my favorite items is a piece of square, carved with a giant Buddha inside and outside are all small Buddha, surprised to see that item, thought, thought how good his own age, ancient also as good as yourself!

  The time passed quickly, and suddenly it was dark, and everyone was reluctant to leave the met. It seemed like a long time ago, I woke up, looked at my watch, did not know, a look of surprise! It's nine o 'clock! I quickly woke my father and mother, and my father and mother laughed and told me, "we can get up late today, so don't worry." After half an hour, everyone had a leisurely breakfast and embarked on a trip to Boston.


