
时间:2014-08-08 09:42:37
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分享的英语作文 篇一:The Importance of Reading

In this fast-paced digital age, reading seems to have taken a backseat to other forms of entertainment. However, reading remains an essential skill that provides numerous benefits. In this article, I will share the importance of reading and why it should be encouraged.

Firstly, reading enhances language skills. When we read, we encounter different vocabulary, sentence structures, and writing styles. This exposure to various forms of language helps to improve our vocabulary and grammar. Moreover, reading exposes us to different perspectives and ideas, expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world.

Additionally, reading fosters creativity and imagination. When we read, we immerse ourselves in different worlds and characters. This allows us to visualize and create mental images, stimulating our imagination. Reading fiction, in particular, allows us to step into the shoes of the characters, experiencing their emotions and thoughts. Such experiences can inspire creativity and encourage us to think outside the box.

Furthermore, reading enhances critical thinking skills. When we read, we are constantly analyzing the text, making connections, and evaluating the information presented. This helps to develop our analytical skills and enables us to form our own opinions and perspectives. Reading exposes us to different viewpoints, challenging our own beliefs and broadening our understanding of complex issues.

Moreover, reading has a positive impact on mental health. It has been proven that reading can reduce stress and anxiety. When we immerse ourselves in a book, we temporarily escape from our own worries and problems. This escapism provides a much-needed break and relaxation for our minds. Additionally, reading can also improve our focus and concentration as we train ourselves to stay engaged in the text.

In conclusion, reading is an invaluable skill that offers numerous benefits. It enhances language skills, fosters creativity and imagination, improves critical thinking, and has a positive impact on mental health. Encouraging reading from a young age is essential to ensure these benefits are enjoyed by individuals throughout their lives. So, let's put down our smartphones and pick up a book instead!

分享的英语作文 篇二:The Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is an activity that involves giving one's time and skills to help others without expecting anything in return. It is a selfless act that not only benefits the individuals being helped, but also provides numerous advantages for the volunteers themselves. In this article, I will share the benefits of volunteering and why everyone should consider getting involved.

Firstly, volunteering provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose. By helping others, volunteers experience a sense of satisfaction that comes from making a positive impact in someone else's life. This feeling of fulfillment can boost self-esteem, increase happiness, and provide a sense of purpose in life. Knowing that their actions have made a difference can be highly rewarding.

Secondly, volunteering offers opportunities for personal growth and development. By engaging in different volunteering activities, individuals can learn new skills, gain valuable experience, and broaden their horizons. Whether it is teaching underprivileged children, assisting in a healthcare setting, or organizing community events, volunteers acquire new knowledge and develop transferable skills that can enhance their future career prospects.

Furthermore, volunteering helps to build a strong sense of community and social connections. By engaging with others through volunteering, individuals can meet people from different backgrounds and form meaningful relationships. These connections not only provide a support system but also create a sense of belonging and camaraderie. Volunteering can help to break down social barriers and foster a more inclusive and compassionate society.

Moreover, volunteering has proven to have positive effects on mental and physical health. Engaging in acts of kindness and helping others can release endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Volunteering also provides an opportunity to stay active and maintain physical fitness, depending on the type of activities involved. Additionally, by focusing on the needs of others, volunteers can gain perspective and develop a greater appreciation for their own lives.

In conclusion, volunteering is a selfless act that benefits both the individuals being helped and the volunteers themselves. It provides a sense of fulfillment and purpose, offers opportunities for personal growth and development, builds a strong sense of community, and promotes better mental and physical health. Volunteering is a win-win situation for everyone involved, so let's all contribute our time and skills to make a positive difference in the world.

分享的英语作文 篇三

  I went to the square with my mother on a roller skating on Saturday.

  I skated around the square on roller skates, and I felt like a swallow coming and going. A couple of big brothers said, "you are not very slippery."

  Slippery and slippery, I saw a child very distressed. He stood at the side of the railing, holding his rail in his hands. He looked at others admiringly and slipped and slipped. I slipped and asked him, "what's wrong with you?" He said, 'I won't skid. "So, I thought in my heart. I said, "I teach you skid." He said, "good. "

  I first asked him to make eight words of his feet, and then moved forward one by one. He could move after a while, and he called me master. And then I took him to slide.

  I'm so happy! You can share happiness with others.

分享的英语作文 篇四

  When you are happy with your achievements, do you ever want to share it with others? The first thing I want to share with my parents is my parents. Sharing is a beautiful act!

  At four or five p.m. on Tuesday, when I got home from school, I shouted, "dear mother, I am back!" The mother asked, "do you win the prize in sports?" So happy! " I proudly said and presented the prize: "look! This is my prize! I'm the champion in the shot match! " Raise your head with pride as you speak. At once, mother was happy and said, "yes! It's your father's kissing girl. When you take other balls at school, the shot put is always the first! I finally know why I won: inherited! I said to my mother, "I want to tell Daddy right away that I want to leave a message for him." My message said: "Dad, 61 games I shot the first old powerful! Didn't you lose face? I am your kiss and kiss the girl! "

  I think Dad will share my happiness when he sees the message.

分享的英语作文 篇五

  God gave the happy seeds to the lucky god and let her spread the seeds in the world. God asked, "where are you going to put the seeds of happiness?" The God of fortune replied, "I am going to

hide it on the deepest bottom of the sea." God shook his head in the back. The lucky man thought for a while and continued, "let me hide them under the mountain." But God still shakes his head. Finally, God said meaningfully, "these two places you choose are not safe. You should hide these happy seeds in the hearts of the people, only if they are there.

  Indeed, happiness is hidden in the mind. But happiness really doesn't have to be hidden. If you are happy, you should show your happiness, infect others with happiness, pass on happiness to others, and let others happy.

  Happiness is to let people know that if you keep happiness in your heart, it will rot away. A person is happy alone, after all, it's better to share happiness with others.

分享的英语作文 篇六

  Happiness can be shared. If you share it with happiness, you will feel very happy.

  Once, on my birthday, I invited my best friend, Lv Haoyue, Jia Kehan and brother of Longwen. Lv Haoyue gave me a vase, with lots of paper on it. I like it very much. When I was eating the cake, I thought of the vase. I said, "please hurry up and finish eating in my room. I will surprise you!" I put in a rainbow lamp that I could not bear to use, put out a vase, sat on the bed, and waited for them to come in. They came in, Longwen's brother: "Wow!" I cried out with a vase, "let's make a wish." They were very happy and very excited. Lv Haoyue said with great joy, "I'm done!" I was very happy to see them so happy. I took the prepared cake and put them on the cheek. Jia Kehan said, "Li Shiyao, you are good and bad!" We went up and down on the bed. Laugh very happily.

  Look, sharing happiness is so simple.

  分享的'英语作文 篇5

  Looking at this topic, you can't help asking: what can happiness share? Is it all right for a person to be happy? But Bacon said, "when you tell happiness to another person, you will get two happiness." Only by sharing happiness can you realize that life is full of flavour.

  When I was on my ten birthday, I invited my friends to my birthday party. They sent me a lot of gifts. We ate cakes and sang together. I felt very happy. If they were not, how much joy and laughter would they lose?

  Another time, together with my friends, I made a model of a yacht, which was much more powerful and more intelligent. The yacht was ready for a moment. When we put the yacht on the surface of the water, we saw the yacht running smoothly on the surface of the water.

  Only learn to share happiness, you can realize the twists and turns of life, sharing happiness is a part of friendship communication, sharing happiness is the witness of friendship; let us share happiness.


