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英语励志短语 篇一

Never give up: The key to success

Success is not an overnight achievement; it is a result of consistent effort, determination, and the ability to never give up. In the face of challenges and obstacles, it is important to remind ourselves of the power of these four words: never give up. This phrase serves as a constant reminder that even when the going gets tough, we must persevere and keep pushing forward.

One of the greatest examples of never giving up is the story of Thomas Edison. He failed thousands of times before finally inventing the electric light bulb. When asked about his failures, Edison famously said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." This attitude of resilience and determination is what enabled him to ultimately succeed.

In our own lives, we will undoubtedly face setbacks and disappointments. It is during these times that we must hold on to the belief that giving up is not an option. Instead, we should view these challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. Every failure is a stepping stone towards success.

When faced with difficulties, it is important to stay positive and maintain a strong mindset. Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people who will lift you up when you are feeling down. Remember that you have the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle that comes your way.

Additionally, it is crucial to set realistic goals and break them down into smaller, achievable steps. This will help you stay focused and motivated, as you will be able to see progress along the way. Celebrate each milestone reached, no matter how small, as it is a testament to your determination and perseverance.

Lastly, never give up on your dreams. Your dreams are what fuel your passion and give you a sense of purpose. Keep your vision in mind and let it guide you through the tough times. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and never let anyone or anything discourage you from pursuing your dreams.

In conclusion, the phrase "never give up" holds immense power and wisdom. It is a reminder to keep going, even when faced with adversity. With perseverance, determination, and a positive mindset, we can overcome any obstacle and achieve our goals. So, remember, never give up, for success is just around the corner.

英语励志短语 篇二

Believe in yourself: The key to unlocking your potential

Self-belief is the secret ingredient to achieving greatness and unlocking your full potential. It is the unwavering faith in your abilities and the confidence to pursue your dreams. When you believe in yourself, you become unstoppable.

Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." This quote perfectly encapsulates the power of self-belief. Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. If we believe in ourselves and our capabilities, we are more likely to take risks, overcome challenges, and ultimately succeed.

However, building self-belief is not always easy. It requires a conscious effort to challenge self-doubt and negative thoughts. Surrounding yourself with positive influences and supportive individuals can greatly aid in this process. Seek out mentors and role models who have achieved what you aspire to, and learn from their experiences and wisdom.

Another important aspect of building self-belief is celebrating your successes, no matter how small. Acknowledge your accomplishments and give yourself credit for the progress you have made. This will boost your confidence and reinforce the belief that you are capable of achieving even greater things.

Additionally, it is crucial to cultivate a growth mindset. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. View failures as stepping stones towards success, rather than as a reflection of your abilities. Understand that setbacks are a natural part of the journey and that they do not define your potential.

Visualization and positive affirmations are powerful techniques to enhance self-belief. Visualize yourself achieving your goals and imagine how it would feel to accomplish them. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself daily, such as "I am capable," "I am deserving of success," and "I believe in myself." These practices will help rewire your subconscious mind and reinforce a strong sense of self-belief.

In conclusion, self-belief is the foundation upon which success is built. When you believe in yourself, you tap into an unlimited reserve of potential and possibilities. Cultivate a positive mindset, surround yourself with supportive influences, and celebrate your successes along the way. Remember, you are capable of achieving greatness. Believe in yourself, and the world will believe in you too.

英语励志短语 篇三

  1、Do one thing at a time, and do well.


  2、Never forget to say thanks.


  3、Keep on going never give up.

  勇往直前, 决不放弃!

  4、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well.


  5、Believe in yourself.


  6、I can because i think i can.


  7、Action speak louder than words.


  8、Never say die.


  9、Never put off what you can do today until tomorrow.


  10、The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.


  11、You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future. Once time is wasted, life is wasted.


  12、Knowlegde can change your fate and English can accomplish your future.


  13、Dont aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


  14、Jack of all trades and master of none.


  15、Judge not from appearances.


  16、Justice has long arms.


  17、Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.


  18、Kill two birds with one stone.


  19、Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.


  20、Kings have long arms.


  21、Knowledge is power.


  21、Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.


  22、Learn and live.


  23、Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.


  24、Learn not and know not.


  25、Learn to walk before you run.


  26、Let bygones be bygones.


  27、Let sleeping dogs lie.


  28、Let the cat out of the bag.


  29、Lies can never changes fact.


  30、Lies have short legs.


  31、Life is but a span.


  32、Life is half spent before we know what it is.


  33、Life is not all roses.


  34、Life without a friend is death.


  35、Like a rat in a hole.


  36、Like author, like book.


  37、Like father, like son.


  38、Like for like.


  39、Like knows like.


  40、Like mother, like daughter.


  41、Like teacher, like pupil.


  42、Like tree, like fruit.


英语励志短语 篇四

  1. Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。

  2. All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。

  3. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。

  4. Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命必有希望。

  5. I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。

  6. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。

  7. The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。

  8. Attack me! Hurt me! Torture me! Humiliate me! Mistreat me! Persecute me!打击我吧! 伤害我吧! 折磨我吧! 侮辱我吧! 冤枉我吧! 迫害我吧!

  9. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful inpiduals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。

  10. A-Acknowledging(感激)感激上天赋予你的一切。

  11. B-Belief(信念)做每一件事要有坚定的信念。

  12. C-Cconfidence(信心)对自己充满自信心。

  13. D-Dreaming(梦想)有空不妨做做白日梦。

  14. E-Empathy(心灵相通)站在对方的立场上为对方想想。

  15. F-Fun(乐趣)享受现有的一切

  16. G-Giving(给予)将你所能给予的都给予你周围的人。

  17. H-Happiness(幸福观)为你的生活及所做的事感到满意。

  18. I-Imagination(想象力)伸出你想象的翅膀去追求你的梦想。

  19. J-Joy(欢乐)把你的欢乐带给你所认识的人。

  20. K-Knowledge(知识)不断学习各种知识。

  21. L-Love(爱心)奉献你的爱心及爱的精神。

  22. M-Motivation(激励)不断激励自己实现自我超越。

  23. N-Nice(友善)即使对陌生人也要保持一颗善心。

  24. O-Openness(开化)敞开你的胸怀去接受新事物。

  25. P-Patience(耐心)坚持就是胜利,耐心等待成功的出现。

  26. Q-Quiet(安宁)找一段安宁的时间,安宁的地方去好好反省自己。

  27. R-Respect(尊重)尊重所有的种族、文化及价值观。

  28. S-Smile(微笑)用微笑面对绝望的困境。

  29. T-Trust(信任)信任自己、亲戚、朋友和其他人。

  30. U-Unity(团结)与周围人和平相处。

  31. V-Victory(成功)庆祝自己的成功,即使是小小的。

  32. W-Wait(等候)耐心等候,好运总会出现。

  33. X-X factor(未知因数)挖掘自己和别人身上的潜力。

  34. Y-Yes(赞同)迎接积极的挑战和具有一定的冒险精神。

  35. Z-Zest(极大的生活乐趣)把所有的事情都做到最好,努力达到生活的顶峰。

英语励志短语 篇五

  1.Don't ask the harvest, but the hard work! God helps those who help themselves。不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。

  2.There is a high level of collective, only a high level of personal。有高水平的集体,才有高水平的个人。

  3.The college entrance exam is a practice for a million people。高考是汇百万人参加的一次练习。

  4.Plan to be fine, do it early, to implement the。 Plans and goals, action。计划要细,动手要早,落实要准。计划与目标、行动一致。

  5.Practice is the college entrance examination, the college entrance exam is to practice。练习就是高考,高考就是练习。

  6.Confidence is the aggregation of endless wisdom。 Plain, is on the success of the inn。自信,是无尽智慧的凝聚。平淡,是成功路上的驿站。

  7.Four points of knowledge and wisdom, the three talk Loparex, two test method, a common heart。四分学识智,三心细耐恒,二成应试法,一片平常心。

  8.Don't feel inferior, you are not stupid。 Don't be complacent, others are not stupid。不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。

  9.Encounter will do the title: careful; encounter will not do the title: calm。遇到会做的题:仔细;遇到不会做的题:冷静。

  10.Weak utilitarian, move forward; without pay, not to complete, firm and indomitable。淡薄功利,轻装前进;不计付出,坚韧不拔;不达目的,誓不罢休。

  11.Science students to Chongwen, liberal arts students to science。 Text to see every day, every day to practice。理科生要重文,文科生要重理。文要天天看,理要天天练。

  12.Monthly exam scores ranking is usually not worth bothering about, floating normal。月考分数高低何足挂齿,平时名次浮动纯属正常。

  13.Little effort often teach hoze Kyushu; water drops of sweat to learn to fight for territory in ancient Central China yong。点点心血勤育英才厚泽九州;滴滴汗水勇赴学海逐鹿中原。

  14.Be kind to your love, don't let them get out of the way, to make them learn to serve。善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。

  15.A hundred feet tall Wu, hold up a round of the moon; the number of rafters house, locked the five night of reading。百尺高梧,撑得起一轮月色;数椽矮屋,锁不住五夜书声。

英语励志短语 篇六

  While there is life there is hope.


  I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America)


  Never underestimate your power to change yourself!


  Nothing is impossible!


  Nothing for nothing.


  The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ". (Bonaparte Napoleon ,French emperor )

  凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能的”。( 法国皇帝 拿破仑. B.)

  I will greet this day with love in my heart.


  Never talk to those who treat themselves violently,and never contact those

  who discard themselves.(Mencius China)

  自暴者,不可与有言也;自弃者,不可与有为也。(孟轲 中国)

  You only live once .But if you live it right, once is enough.


  Self-trust is the first secret of success.


  Future only will belong does not dare the ordinary minority person!


  Live and learn.


  If a man doesn't have a strong will to get the final victory,he will never

  succeed in his life,he is no more than a failure.


  A little of every thing

is nothing in the main.


  Nothing seek, nothing find.


  Nothing stake, nothing draw.


  Fortitude indefatigability perseverance persevere tenacity .


