
时间:2013-06-01 07:46:25
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受伤了英语日记 篇一

Dear Diary,

Today was not a great day for me. Unfortunately, I had an accident and got injured. It all happened during my morning jog in the park. As I was running, I accidentally tripped over a tree root sticking out of the ground. I fell down hard and hit my knee on the pavement. Ouch! It was incredibly painful.

Immediately after the fall, I sat on the ground, feeling a mix of shock and pain. Some kind-hearted strangers rushed to my aid and helped me get back on my feet. They offered me words of comfort and assured me that it was just a minor injury. Despite their reassuring words, I couldn't help but worry about the extent of the damage.

With the help of the strangers, I managed to walk back home. The pain in my knee was persistent and it was difficult to put weight on it. Once I reached home, I applied a cold compress to reduce the swelling and took some painkillers. I also called my family to inform them about the accident and seek their advice.

The rest of the day was spent resting and taking care of my injury. I elevated my leg to reduce the swelling and applied a topical ointment to soothe the pain. I couldn't help but feel frustrated and disappointed that I couldn't carry on with my daily activities as planned. However, I reminded myself that healing takes time and it is important to prioritize my health.

I spent the evening catching up on some reading and watching my favorite TV show. It was a much-needed distraction from the pain and discomfort. I also took the opportunity to reflect on the importance of being careful and mindful of my surroundings. Sometimes, accidents happen, but it is crucial to learn from them and take necessary precautions to prevent future injuries.

As I write this diary entry, I can't help but feel grateful for the kindness of strangers who helped me in my time of need. Their support and comforting words made a significant difference in my recovery process. I am hopeful that with rest, proper care, and time, my knee will heal and I will be able to resume my normal activities soon.

Until then, I will continue to take it easy and focus on my recovery. I have learned the importance of being patient and listening to my body. Hopefully, this experience will serve as a reminder to always prioritize my well-being and take necessary precautions to avoid future injuries.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

受伤了英语日记 篇二

Dear Diary,

Today, I find myself writing to you once again with unfortunate news. I have once again managed to injure myself, and this time it happened during a friendly soccer match with my friends.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and we were all excited to engage in a friendly competition. As the match began, I found myself running towards the ball, determined to make a goal. However, as luck would have it, I collided with another player and fell to the ground, clutching my ankle in pain.

The pain was excruciating, and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. My friends quickly gathered around me, expressing their concern and offering words of support. One of them helped me to a nearby bench, where I sat and assessed the damage. It was clear that my ankle was swollen and I couldn't put any weight on it.

My friends immediately sprung into action, helping me to the car and driving me to the nearest hospital. The journey felt agonizingly long, with every bump on the road intensifying the pain. Once at the hospital, I was quickly attended to by the medical staff. They conducted X-rays and determined that I had sprained my ankle.

The doctor advised me to rest, elevate my leg, and apply ice packs to reduce the swelling. They also provided me with crutches to aid in mobility. It was disheartening to hear that I would have to refrain from any strenuous physical activity for a few weeks, but I knew it was necessary for my recovery.

Back at home, I made myself comfortable on the couch and began my road to recovery. I focused on following the doctor's advice, diligently applying ice packs and elevating my leg. I also took this time to catch up on my favorite TV shows and spend quality time with my family.

Despite the pain and inconvenience, this injury has taught me valuable lessons. I have learned the importance of being cautious and aware of my surroundings, especially during physical activities. I have also realized the significance of having a supportive group of friends who are there for you in times of need.

As I write this diary entry, I am hopeful for a speedy recovery. I know that it will take time and patience, but I am determined to follow the doctor's instructions and take care of myself. This experience has reminded me of the fragility of the human body and the importance of prioritizing our health.

Until my ankle heals, I will continue to take it easy and make the most of this time to rest and recuperate. I am grateful for the love and support of my friends and family, who have been there for me throughout this difficult time. I am confident that with their support and my determination, I will be back on my feet in no time.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

受伤了英语日记 篇三



  Last Thursday night, I just finished my homework and wanted to find a piece of paper to wrap 300 printed children's songs into a book cover. So, I put my left hand against the learning table, and when I put my right hand in to look for the leather paper, my left hand suddenly fell down. Before my right hand could come out, it was smashed. My tears fell down in pain, and I couldn't help crying loudly.


