
时间:2017-05-07 05:32:50
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滑雪英语日记 篇一

Snowy Adventure on the Slopes

Today was an exhilarating day on the slopes as I went skiing with my friends. The weather was perfect, with clear blue skies and fresh powder snow covering the mountains. I couldn't wait to hit the slopes and experience the thrill of gliding down the mountainside.

We started the day by renting our equipment from the ski resort. I picked up a pair of skis, boots, and poles, making sure they fit me properly. Once we were all geared up, we headed to the ski lift to take us to the top of the mountain.

As we ascended higher and higher, I couldn't help but admire the breathtaking view. The snow-covered peaks stretched as far as the eye could see, and the crisp mountain air filled my lungs. I felt a surge of excitement and anticipation as we reached the summit.

With a quick safety briefing from our instructor, we were ready to hit the slopes. I took a deep breath and pushed off, feeling the rush of adrenaline as I glided down the mountain. The wind whipped against my face, and I could hear the sound of my skis slicing through the snow. It was an exhilarating sensation.

The slopes were challenging but enjoyable. I navigated through twists and turns, feeling the thrill of speed and the rush of adrenaline with every descent. The snow beneath my skis provided a smooth and effortless glide, allowing me to immerse myself in the joy of skiing.

We took breaks in between runs to catch our breath and soak in the stunning surroundings. The snow-capped trees and majestic mountains created a picturesque backdrop. We laughed and chatted, sharing our skiing experiences and encouraging each other to try new techniques.

By the end of the day, we were all exhausted but satisfied. We had conquered the slopes and created memories that would last a lifetime. As we made our way back to the ski resort, I couldn't help but reflect on the incredible day we had. Skiing had not only provided us with excitement and adventure but also brought us closer as friends.

Overall, it was a fantastic day on the slopes. Skiing is not only a thrilling sport but also a great way to appreciate the beauty of nature. I can't wait for my next snowy adventure on the slopes.

滑雪英语日记 篇二

Overcoming Challenges on the Slopes

Today was a challenging day on the slopes as I decided to take on more difficult ski trails. The weather was not as favorable as the previous day, with overcast skies and occasional snowfall. However, I was determined to push myself and improve my skiing skills.

I started the day by warming up on some easier trails to get myself into the rhythm. The snow was a bit slushy due to the changing weather conditions, making it more challenging to maintain my balance. Nevertheless, I persevered and focused on improving my technique.

After a few warm-up runs, I decided to challenge myself by tackling a black diamond trail. This trail was steeper and more demanding than what I was used to, but I wanted to push my limits and see how far I could go. The first few turns were nerve-wracking, but I gradually gained confidence and started to enjoy the thrill of the difficult terrain.

As I made my way down the trail, I encountered icy patches and moguls that tested my skills. I had to stay focused and adapt to the changing conditions. It was physically demanding, but I refused to give up. I reminded myself that challenges are what make us grow and improve.

After several intense runs down the black diamond trail, I felt a sense of accomplishment and pride. Overcoming the challenges had made me a better skier. I had learned to trust my instincts, make split-second decisions, and maintain control even in difficult situations.

Throughout the day, I pushed myself to try new techniques and experiment with different skiing styles. I watched experienced skiers and tried to emulate their fluid motions and graceful turns. It was a humbling experience, as I realized how much I still had to learn.

By the end of the day, I was physically exhausted but mentally invigorated. I had faced my fears, conquered difficult trails, and expanded my skiing abilities. The challenges had taught me resilience, determination, and the importance of pushing beyond my comfort zone.

As I left the slopes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Skiing is not just about gliding down the mountain but also about personal growth and self-improvement. The challenges I faced on the slopes mirrored the challenges we encounter in life, and by overcoming them, we become stronger and more capable individuals.

Today's skiing experience was a testament to the power of perseverance and the rewards that come with stepping out of our comfort zones. I left the slopes with a newfound sense of confidence and excitement for future skiing adventures.

滑雪英语日记 篇三



  Today, I went skiing with my friends in Funiu Mountain.


  At 7:30 in the morning, we took a tour bus to Funiu Mountain in peony city. The bus took us through a tunnel. After more than three hours, we finally arrived at our destination.

  我们一进了滑雪场就看见白茫茫的.一片雪地,真兴奋呀!我们飞快地换上了滑雪装备来到了滑雪场。妈妈们给我们请来了滑雪教练。教练让我滑雪时保持内八字形状,两脚撑得越小就滑的越 快;撑得越大


  As soon as we got into the ski resort, we saw a vast expanse of snow. How excited! We quickly changed into skiing equipment and came to the ski resort. Mom brought us a ski coach. The coach asked me to keep the shape of the splay when skiing. The smaller my legs were, the faster I would slide. The larger I was, the slower I would slide. So we need to hold the speed to avoid wrestling. The coach took us for a few laps and we learned to ski. The coach let us ski alone. I think skiing is a kind of enjoyment, just like running happily in the snow.


  After skiing, we went to see the ice sculpture again. How beautiful the ice sculpture is! How happy we are today!


