
时间:2012-09-09 06:44:32
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三个好朋友英语日记 篇一

Title: An Unforgettable Adventure with My Three Best Friends

Dear Diary,

Today, I want to share with you an unforgettable adventure I had with my three best friends – Sarah, Lily, and Emma. We decided to go on a hiking trip to a nearby mountain and explore the beautiful nature around us.

We woke up early in the morning, filled with excitement and anticipation. We packed our backpacks with essential supplies such as water, snacks, and extra clothes. As we set off on our journey, the crisp morning air filled our lungs, energizing us for the day ahead.

The hike was challenging but rewarding. Along the way, we encountered steep slopes, rocky paths, and breathtaking views. However, we were determined to conquer every obstacle together. Sarah, our adventurous friend, led the way, guiding us through the toughest parts of the trail. Lily, our nature enthusiast, pointed out various plants and animals, sharing interesting facts about each one. Emma, our optimistic friend, kept us motivated with her contagious laughter and positive attitude.

As we reached the summit, the sight before us took our breath away. The panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and lush green valleys was simply mesmerizing. We sat down, catching our breath, and took a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature. It was a moment of pure bliss, and we felt so lucky to be experiencing it together.

After enjoying our packed lunch and taking numerous photographs, we began our descent. The journey back was equally challenging, but our bond as friends grew stronger with every step we took. We cheered each other on, offering words of encouragement when fatigue started to set in.

By the time we reached the base of the mountain, we were exhausted but elated. We celebrated our accomplishment with high-fives and smiles that reached from ear to ear. Our adventure had brought us closer together and created memories that would last a lifetime.

In the evening, we gathered at my house to reminisce about our incredible day. We laughed, shared stories, and planned our next adventure. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day.

As I write this diary entry, I can't help but feel grateful for the amazing friends I have. Our hiking trip taught me the importance of friendship, teamwork, and the beauty of nature. I will cherish this experience forever and look forward to many more adventures with my three best friends.

Until next time,

[Your Name]

Word Count: 610

三个好朋友英语日记 篇二

Title: An Unforgettable Road Trip with My Three Best Friends

Dear Diary,

I am beyond excited to tell you about the unforgettable road trip I had with my three best friends – Jack, Emily, and Alex. We decided to embark on a journey of exploration and adventure, driving across the country and visiting various cities and landmarks along the way.

We started our road trip early in the morning, with the car packed with snacks, maps, and our favorite music playlist. The open road stretched before us, offering endless possibilities and the promise of new experiences.

Our first stop was a charming coastal town. We strolled along the sandy beach, feeling the cool ocean breeze on our faces. We indulged in delicious seafood and captured stunning sunset photos. It was the perfect start to our adventure.

As we continued our journey, we visited bustling cities, picturesque countryside, and iconic landmarks. Each place had its unique charm and left a lasting impression on us. We explored famous museums, hiked through scenic national parks, and even tried local delicacies. Every day was filled with new discoveries and unforgettable moments.

One of the highlights of our road trip was camping in the mountains. We set up our tents, built a campfire, and shared stories under the starlit sky. Jack, our resident chef, cooked a mouthwatering barbecue dinner, while Emily and Alex entertained us with their guitar playing and singing. It was a night of laughter, music, and bonding that we will never forget.

Throughout the road trip, we faced a few challenges, such as getting lost in unfamiliar cities and dealing with unexpected car troubles. However, these obstacles only brought us closer together as friends. We learned to rely on each other, problem solve as a team, and appreciate the beauty of spontaneity.

As our road trip came to an end, we couldn't help but feel a mixture of happiness and sadness. We had created memories that would last a lifetime, and saying goodbye to each other was bittersweet. However, we knew that our friendship would continue to thrive, no matter the distance between us.

Reflecting on this incredible journey, I am reminded of the power of friendship and the importance of seizing every opportunity for adventure. Our road trip not only allowed us to explore new places but also strengthened our bond as friends. I am grateful for the experiences we shared and the memories we created together.

Until our next adventure,

[Your Name]

Word Count: 610

三个好朋友英语日记 篇三



  The composition on today's Chinese paper is: make up a fairy tale, the protagonist of which is the little duck, the little grey rabbit and the long legged horse. Although I have read many books, how can I make these three animals related? So I made up a story about the forest animal competition. Please enjoy it and laugh.


  In the forest, there was a competition for wisdom and courage, including little duck, little grey rabbit, long legged horse All took part in the game. Ducks, rabbits and long legged horses were grouped.


  The rule of their game is that three members of each team can return to win in the shortest time. The race began. The first hurdle was the 100 meter race. The long legged horse and the little grey rabbit felt that the little duck was running too slowly, so they let the little duck sit on the back of the long legged horse. The second level is to cross the river. Only the ducklings can swim, but the long legged horses can also pass with the advantage of height. This time, the long legged horses carried the little grey rabbits across the river. The last step is to find two buried carrots in the forest. The little grey rabbit has the most sensitive sense of smell. It didn't take long to find them. They help each other to run to the starting point And other groups of animals are still blaming each other for being too slow.


  Little duck, little grey rabbit and long legged hors

e use their own advantages to cooperate with each other and win the championship of this competition.


  Do you think so?


