
时间:2015-03-04 09:29:40
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当小旗手了英语日记 篇一

Today was a special day for me as I got the opportunity to be the flag bearer for our English class. It was an honor and I was excited to take on this responsibility. In this diary entry, I will share my experience of being a flag bearer and how it made me feel.

As the flag bearer, it was my duty to carry the flag during our English class assembly. I had to walk in front of the class and lead the procession. I was both nervous and excited as this was my first time being a flag bearer. I practiced walking with the flag at home to make sure I was doing it correctly.

When the assembly started, I stood tall and proud with the flag in my hands. It was a wonderful feeling to represent my class in this way. I could see my classmates looking at me with admiration and support. It made me feel important and valued.

I walked slowly and confidently, making sure to hold the flag high. It was a bit challenging to keep the flag steady, especially when there was a breeze. But I managed to handle it well. I could hear the sound of applause and cheers from my classmates and teachers, which motivated me to do my best.

Being the flag bearer also gave me a sense of responsibility. I had to be focused and attentive throughout the assembly. I couldn't afford to make any mistakes or lose my concentration. It taught me the importance of being reliable and dependable.

After the assembly, my classmates congratulated me and thanked me for being the flag bearer. It felt great to receive their appreciation and support. I realized that being a flag bearer not only represents my class but also brings us closer together as a team.

Overall, being a flag bearer for our English class was a memorable experience. It made me feel proud, responsible, and valued. It taught me the importance of teamwork and being reliable. I am grateful for this opportunity and I will cherish the memories of being a flag bearer for a long time.

当小旗手了英语日记 篇二

Today was an exciting day for me as I had the chance to be the flag bearer for our English class once again. It was a great honor to be chosen for this role and I was determined to make the most of it. In this diary entry, I will share my experience of being a flag bearer for the second time and how it was different from the first time.

As the flag bearer, I knew what to expect this time. I had practiced walking with the flag and felt more confident in my abilities. However, I didn't want to take this opportunity for granted. I reminded myself to stay focused and give my best during the assembly.

When the assembly started, I held the flag with pride and confidence. It was a familiar feeling, but this time there was a sense of responsibility that came with it. I knew that my classmates were looking up to me and I didn't want to disappoint them. I walked with a steady pace, making sure to hold the flag high.

Unlike the first time, I was more aware of the significance of being a flag bearer. It wasn't just about carrying a flag, but about representing my class and our English class. I wanted to show everyone that we were united and proud of our achievements. It was a powerful feeling that motivated me to do my best.

During the assembly, I noticed that my classmates were even more supportive and encouraging than before. They cheered louder and clapped harder. It felt amazing to have their support and it boosted my confidence. I felt a strong sense of camaraderie and unity as we stood together as a class.

After the assembly, my classmates congratulated me and thanked me for being the flag bearer. Their appreciation meant the world to me. It was clear that being a flag bearer not only represented my class but also brought us closer together. It was a reminder of the importance of teamwork and supporting each other.

Being a flag bearer for the second time was a different experience compared to the first time. It taught me the importance of consistency and perseverance. I learned that even when we have done something before, we should never take it for granted. Every opportunity is a chance to grow and make a positive impact.

Overall, being a flag bearer for our English class for the second time was a memorable experience. It reminded me of the importance of representing my class with pride and unity. I am grateful for this opportunity and I will continue to cherish the memories of being a flag bearer.

当小旗手了英语日记 篇三



  On Friday, I just wanted to be a flag bearer. As soon as the teacher said, "I want to be a flag bearer" loudly, I went on stage, but the voice of the last few words weakened. Maybe other children only want to run for class cadres. I was elect

ed successfully. I'm so happy! A small wish of mine has been realized. Flag on Monday, I stand straight. We have successfully raised the red flag.


