高考英语高频词汇none nobody(通用3篇)

时间:2012-01-08 07:17:43
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高考英语高频词汇none nobody 篇一


Title: The Impact of the Words "None" and "Nobody" in the English Language


In the English language, the words "none" and "nobody" are often used to express absence or lack. They are frequently encountered in various contexts, including literature, academic writing, and everyday conversations. In this article, we will explore the meanings, usage, and significance of these two high-frequency words in the English language.

Meaning and Usage of "None":

"None" is used to indicate the absence or lack of something. It is commonly used as a pronoun or an adverb. As a pronoun, "none" replaces a noun to indicate that there is not any of it. For example, "None of the students completed their homework." As an adverb, "none" modifies a verb to indicate that no action or quantity is involved. For instance, "He ate none of the cake."

Meaning and Usage of "Nobody":

"Nobody" is used to refer to no person or not anyone. It is a pronoun that is used to indicate the absence of people or to deny the existence of a particular person. For example, "Nobody knows the answer to this question." This word is often used in negative sentences, questions, and statements of uncertainty. It emphasizes the absence of a person or people.

Significance in Language:

The words "none" and "nobody" play a significant role in adding precision and clarity to communication. They help to express the absence or lack of something or someone, allowing speakers and writers to convey specific meanings. Additionally, these words contribute to the formation of negative sentences, emphasizing negation or denial. They are essential for expressing concepts such as non-existence, non-participation, and non-availability.

Common Mistakes:

Despite their frequent usage, "none" and "nobody" are sometimes misused or confused with similar words. One common mistake is using "none" with a plural verb, which is incorrect. For example, saying "None of the students were present" is incorrect, and it should be "None of the students was present." Similarly, using a double negative with "nobody" can lead to confusion. For instance, saying "I don't know nobody" is incorrect, and it should be "I don't know anybody."


The words "none" and "nobody" are essential high-frequency words in the English language. They are used to express absence or lack and contribute to the formation of negative sentences. Understanding their meanings, proper usage, and common mistakes can enhance communication skills and prevent inaccuracies in language. By using these words effectively, speakers and writers can convey their intended messages with precision and clarity.

Word Count: 404

高考英语高频词汇none nobody 篇二


Title: The Power of "None" and "Nobody" in English Writing


In the English language, the words "none" and "nobody" hold significant power when used in writing. These high-frequency words have the ability to create emphasis, evoke emotions, and convey strong messages. In this article, we will explore the impact and effectiveness of using "none" and "nobody" in various writing contexts.

Creating Emphasis:

When used strategically, "none" and "nobody" can create emphasis by highlighting the absence or non-existence of something or someone. This technique is often employed in persuasive writing or argumentative essays to strengthen a point or refute opposing arguments. For example, "None of the proposed solutions have been effective in solving the issue." By emphasizing the lack of success, the writer convinces the reader of the urgency for a new approach.

Eliciting Emotions:

The words "none" and "nobody" can evoke strong emotions when used in storytelling or descriptive writing. By emphasizing the absence or lack of individuals, the writer can create a sense of loneliness, isolation, or despair. For instance, "Nobody came to his funeral, and he was left alone in the world." This sentence conveys a profound sense of sadness and abandonment, eliciting an emotional response from the reader.

Conveying Strong Messages:

"None" and "nobody" can also be used to convey strong messages or make bold statements. By emphasizing the absence of participation or support, the writer can criticize societal norms or challenge prevailing beliefs. For example, "None of us should stay silent in the face of injustice." This sentence encourages readers to take action and highlights the importance of speaking up against wrongdoing.

Usage Considerations:

While the power of "none" and "nobody" in writing is undeniable, it is essential to use them judiciously and contextually. Overusing these words can dilute their impact and make the writing repetitive. Writers should consider the intended effect, the target audience, and the overall tone of their piece when deciding to incorporate "none" and "nobody."


The words "none" and "nobody" possess significant power in English writing. They can create emphasis, evoke emotions, and convey strong messages when used strategically. By harnessing the potential of these high-frequency words, writers can captivate readers, strengthen arguments, and leave a lasting impact. However, it is crucial to exercise discretion and ensure that their usage aligns with the overall purpose and tone of the writing.

Word Count: 410

高考英语高频词汇none nobody 篇三

高考英语高频词汇none nobody

  【摘要】词海茫茫,高考7000个词汇如何复习?抓不住重点? 话说单词应该放在句子中记忆,才能事半功倍,小编精心整理了高考英语高频词汇:none/nobody,此乃精华中的精华,帮你抓住重点,做到有的放矢。

  none/nobody (no, one)/nothing

  ◇ none既可指人又可指物,意为“没有任何人或物;一个人也没有”,后可跟of短语连用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数均可。例如:

  —Have you bought any clothes?你买衣服了?


  None of us has/have been to Macao.我们没有一个人去过澳门。

  ◇ no one=nobody,只能指人,意为“没有人”;nothing只能指物,表示“没有什么(东西)”。它们不可与of短语连用,作主语时谓语动词只能用单数。例如:

  Nobody(No one)likes to lose money,does he?谁也不喜欢丢钱,对吗?

  There's nothing in the bag.口袋里什么也没有。


  ◇ manage to do sth.暗含succeed in doing sth.之意,指“(经过努力和克服困难之后)将某事做成”,即经过努力达到了目的,重点在于结果,后接动词不定式,不接v-ing。例如: He managed to finish the work in time. 他总算按时完成了任务。 Do you think you can manage to get us some tickets? 你看能想办法给我们搞几张票吗?

  ◇ try to do sth.指“设法或试图”做某事,强调要做某事或尽力做某事(但不一定成功)。例如: She will try to learn English. 她要设法学会英语。 Try not to be late again. 注意别再迟到了。

  ◇ try doing sth.的意思是“(用某种方法)试一试或试试看”,指“试”的方法或方式,看看情况会怎样或结果是否满意。例如: Try knocking at the back door if nobody answers you at the front door. 如果前门没人应,试着敲敲后门。 He tried sending her flowers,but it didn’t have any effect. 他试着给她送花,但无济于事。

  meet;meet with

  ◇ meet可作“遇见”、“迎接”解。◇ meet with表示“遇见”、“碰到”时,常含有“偶尔”的.意思(=come across,come upon)。此外,meet with还可表示“遭遇”或“经历”的意思。在美国英语中,meet with还可以表示“会见”。

  1) I often meet her on the street.

  2) She said she had to go to the station to meet her uncle.

  3) I have met with this word many times in my reading.

  4) You should not lose heart when you meet with difficulty in learning a foreign language.

  5) The department head met with her in his office.

  meeting; conference; gathering; party

  ◇ meeting可以用于两人或多人,表示偶然的或拟定的,短暂的或持续的聚会。它的用途很广,可用于日常普通场合,也可用于特殊的或官方的正式场合。如:

  The students had a class meeting last Friday.

  The summit meeting of the state heads came to an end two days later.

  ◇ conference指专门性的正式会议,常用于就某个重大问题进行专门研究或交换意见的讨论会、协商会等。如:

  Many reporters came to attend the press conference.

  The annual conference of geologists will be held in Chicago this year.

  ◇ gathering一般指非正式的集会,常用于群众性的活动(像联欢会等)。如:

  A public gathering was held in Zhongshan Park on May Day.

  ◇ party指社交性或娱乐性的集会。如:

  Mary and I were invited to Jane’s birthday party the other day.

  Mr.Brown gave a dinner party last Thursday.

  merely; only; just

  ◇ 这三个词作副词表示 “仅、只”可以换用,并且都放在它们所修饰的成分之前,merely的用法较正式。 如:

  Instead of answering,she

merely/only/just smiled.


  She’s come here just/only/merely to see you.


  ◇ 作形容词时, only表示“仅有的”;mere表示“仅仅的、单单的”;just意为“公正的”。如:

  a just man 光明正大的人

  They were the only people who had the keys. 只有他们有钥匙。

  Mere words won’t help. 光说(不做)无济于事。

高考英语高频词汇none nobody(通用3篇)

