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中考英语词汇填空题专项练习 篇一

Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you some tips on how to excel in vocabulary fill-in-the-blank questions in the English section of the middle school entrance exam.

First and foremost, it is crucial to build a strong vocabulary foundation. This can be achieved through extensive reading and regular vocabulary practice. Reading books, newspapers, and magazines in English will expose you to a wide range of words and help you become familiar with their meanings and usage. Additionally, you can make use of vocabulary-building apps or flashcards to memorize new words and review them regularly.

When faced with a fill-in-the-blank question, it is important to carefully read the entire sentence and understand its context. This will give you clues as to what type of word is required to fill in the blank. Pay attention to the grammar and the meaning of the sentence to ensure that the word you choose fits appropriately.

Another useful strategy is to look for word collocations or patterns. English words often go together in specific combinations, and being familiar with these patterns can help you make an educated guess when you are unsure of the answer. For example, if the sentence talks about "fast food", the missing word is likely to be "restaurant" or "chain", rather than "tree" or "book".

In addition, it is important to pay attention to word forms. Sometimes, the word you need to fill in the blank may be a different form of the word given in the options. For example, if the options include "happy" and the sentence requires an adverb, the correct answer might be "happily" instead.

Lastly, when you have narrowed down your options to a few choices, it is helpful to use the process of elimination. Cross out the options that are obviously incorrect and focus on the ones that seem plausible. Use your intuition and common sense to make an educated guess if you are still unsure.

In conclusion, excelling in vocabulary fill-in-the-blank questions requires a strong vocabulary foundation, careful reading and understanding of context, knowledge of word collocations and patterns, attention to word forms, and the ability to use the process of elimination. By practicing these strategies, you can improve your chances of getting the correct answers and achieve success in the middle school entrance exam.

中考英语词汇填空题专项练习 篇二

Hello everyone! Today, I would like to provide you with some effective strategies for tackling vocabulary fill-in-the-blank questions in the English section of the middle school entrance exam.

Firstly, it is essential to expand your vocabulary. This can be achieved by engaging in extensive reading, both in English textbooks and other English materials. Reading newspapers, magazines, and novels will expose you to a variety of words and help you understand their meanings and usage. Additionally, you can make use of vocabulary-building apps or online resources to practice and memorize new words regularly.

When confronted with a fill-in-the-blank question, it is important to carefully read the entire sentence and grasp the overall meaning. This will provide you with clues as to what type of word is needed to fill in the blank. Pay attention to the sentence structure and the context to ensure that the word you choose is grammatically correct and fits appropriately.

Another effective strategy is to identify word associations or collocations. English words often appear together in specific combinations, and being familiar with these patterns can assist you in making an educated guess when you are uncertain about the answer. For instance, if the sentence discusses "fast food," the missing word is likely to be "restaurant" or "chain," rather than "tree" or "book."

Furthermore, it is important to consider word forms. Sometimes, the word required to fill in the blank may be a different form of the word provided in the options. For example, if the options include the adjective "happy," and the sentence requires an adverb, the correct answer might be "happily" instead.

Lastly, when you have narrowed down your options to a few choices, it is beneficial to use the process of elimination. Cross out the options that are obviously incorrect and focus on the ones that seem plausible. Utilize your intuition and common sense to make an educated guess if you are still unsure.

In conclusion, achieving success in vocabulary fill-in-the-blank questions requires a strong vocabulary foundation, careful reading and understanding of context, recognition of word associations and collocations, attention to word forms, and the ability to use the process of elimination. By employing these strategies, you can enhance your chances of selecting the correct answers and excel in the middle school entrance exam.

中考英语词汇填空题专项练习 篇三




  1.I think I must try my best_________(practice) my English.

  2.I finished _________(do) my homework just now.

  3.My mother bought a pair of_________(run) shoes for me. I like it very much.

  4.Lin Tao was so _________(excite) that he couldn’t sleep.

  5.He did__________(bad) in the boys’ relay race yesterday.

  6.Can you tell me who__________(win) the game yesterday?

  7.I hope to have a chance___________(go) to London.

  8.He_________(be) able to swim when he was five.

  9.Yang Yang is the first ___________(come) to school every day.

  10.I crossed the ____________(finish) line and we won.

  11.What shall we __________(take) for the picnic?

  12.Let’s________(make) it six o’clock.

  13.His parents often tells him ______________(spend) much time on computer games.

  14.I’m sorry for____________(lose) your book.

  15.The little baby has only eight__________(tooth) now.

  16.He_________(lie) down and rested before ten o’clock last night.

  17.It’s a fine day. We feel like_________(fly) kites in the open air.

  18.You had better _________(come) and ________(see) with your own eyes.

  19.Do you have any ____________(suggest) about how to learn English well?

  20.She is ill. She wants to ask for two____________(week) leave.

  21.I’m not good at English. Can you give me some__________(advice)?

  22.You’d better ____________(not be) late for class, Jim.

  23.He has sore_________(eye). The doctor is looking him over.

  24.I’m glad________(help) you.

  25.He has a ___________(back). He should have a good rest.

  26.His friend _________(buy) a gift for her yesterday.

  27.Thank you for__________(ask) me to come to your party.

  28.You should drink enough__________(boil) water.

  29.Lily has a toothache, so she doesn’t feel like________(eat).

  30.___________(not worry) about that.

  31.Running is good ___________(exercise).

  32.___________(brush) teeth twice a day is g good habit.

  33.Going to school without__________(have) breakfast is bad for for you.

  34.Go to bed early and have a good sleep. You’ll feel__________(good) soon.

  35.I couldn’t sleep well last night. So I am feeling________(tire) now.

  36.Doing sports__________(make) a man healthy.

  37.Eating too__________(many) will cause illness.

  38.The man fell ill. He had to give up________(play) basketball.

  39.I ______________(write) to you as soon as I ________(get) to Beijing.

  40.Plant more trees and grass. It’s important___________(improve) our environment.

  41.Don’t keep_________(ask) me such stupid questions.

  42.I bought many_________(tomato).

  43.You need ____________(see) a doctor.

  44.After school, he went to play without__________(do) his homework.

  45.The moon shines___________(bright) through the window.

  46.We should often open the windows ____________(keep) the air clean.

  47.When I ________(get) home, I_____________(ring)

you up.

  48.You shouldn’t do everything for her. She can do by_________(her).

  49.Boys and girls, please help___________(you) to some fish.

  50.Last Sunday, we enjoyed____________(we) in the park.

  51.The boy is too young___________(look) after himsels.

  52.They ___________(they) told me this interesting story.

  53.The teacher often tell us____________(not be) late for class.

  54.My bike is_________(break). I have to walk to school.

  55.You should do more exercise____________(build) yourself up.

  56.The story sounds____________(interest). I like it very much.

  57.Look! The dog______________(follow) the old man.

  58.It took us more than two hours _________(get) to the farm.

  59.Tom thinks it hard__________(keep) his clothes clean.

  60.I happened______________(see) my old friend in the street yesterday.

  61.When the flu spreads easily in spring, we had better not go to ________(crowd) places.

  62.Please tell my father_____________(take) care of himself.

  63.We should say no to___________(play) computer games.

  64.There are plenty of ways___________(keep) healthy.

  65.I would like__________(leave) a message.

  66.He helps his mother__________(cook) at home.

  67.She_________(final) agreed with me.

  68.Must we keep the windows__________(open) all the time?

  69.We should be___________(care) while we are exercising.

  70.I would like to stay at home instead of__________(go) out.

  71.Would you mind _________(give) your seat to the old man?

  72.There________________(be) a football match this weekend.

  73.I’m sorry to keep you___________(wait) for almost two hours.

  74.Listen! Can you hear a baby_________(cry)?

  75.I prefer__________(fly) to Beijing to_________(go) by train. It’s such a long way.

  76.He ____________(not return) until he __________(finish) his work today. He has a headache. He doesn’t feel like________(go) to work.

  77.My brother is fond of __________(collect) stamps. He has 300 stamps now. It’s my stamp_____________(collect) on the desk.

  78.Tom used to___________(get) up late. But now he gets up early.

  79.Look at these coins. Some of__________(they) are from China.

  80.Mary often goes_________(shop) on Saturday morning.

  81.My parents love me very much because i always provide them_____________ (happy)

  82.We need the scissors ____________(cut) out the pictures on the newspaper. We’ll have a three—day holiday next week. How____________(excite) it is! Peter usually watches_________(movie) on Saturday.

  83.Song Zuying is a famous_________(sing) in China.

  84.Do you want to become a _________(music). Welcome to our music lessons. Liu Mei can sing songs as_________(good) as a singer.

  85.Please look at the blackboard and listen to me___________(care).

  86.I can’t sleep well because it’s too__________(noise) outside.

  87.Could you please teach me____________(play) the guitar?

  88.When the man saw a tiger, he climbed a tall tree ___________(quick). I like Chinese classical music. I think it sounds_________(wonder). I ____________(take) a shower at this time last night.

  89.Listening to music is one of his favorite _____________(hobby). It makes him happy.

  90.Yesterday he called me_____________(go) shopping but I didn’t stay in. Going on a visit to Beijing must be a ______________(please) trip.

  91.At the ___________(begin) of the class, we sang an English song.

  92.There are many____________(factory) in my hometown.

  93.This kind of e—book is _________(use) to students.

  94.Look! Those children are playing__________(happy).

  95.The shop is__________(close)now. We can’t buy anything in it.

  96.All the students stopped___________(talk) when they saw their teacher coming.

  97.______________(get) there on time, Mr. Green left home in the early morning. Wow! What ____________(excite) news! We will have a good time then.

  98.Playing computer games is bad for your eyes. So you should stop ________(play) them.

  99.I’m not___________(interest) in math. It’s too difficult.

  100.Sally has few friends because she is____________(friend) to others.


