
时间:2019-05-09 09:13:33
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生活的英语作文 篇一:我的日常生活

My Daily Life

My daily life is filled with a variety of activities that keep me busy and happy. From the moment I wake up in the morning until I go to bed at night, there is always something interesting happening.

My day usually starts early in the morning. After getting out of bed, I like to do some exercises to wake up my body and mind. This helps me feel refreshed and ready for the day ahead. Then, I have a quick breakfast consisting of cereal or toast and a cup of tea. After breakfast, I make sure to pack my bag with all the necessary items for school.

During the day, I attend classes, participate in extracurricular activities, and complete my assignments. I enjoy learning new things and exploring different subjects. My favorite subjects are English and science. I find them fascinating and love to challenge myself with new concepts and ideas. In between classes, I also spend time with my friends, either chatting or playing games. These interactions help me relax and have a good time.

In the evening, I return home and have dinner with my family. We all sit together and share our day's experiences. It is a precious time when we bond and strengthen our relationships. After dinner, I spend some time studying and completing any pending homework. This allows me to stay organized and on top of my academic responsibilities.

Once I am done with my studies, I indulge in my hobbies. I enjoy reading books, especially fiction and fantasy novels. They transport me to different worlds and ignite my imagination. I also like to play musical instruments, such as the guitar and piano. Music brings me joy and helps me relax after a long day.

Before going to bed, I like to reflect on my day and set goals for the next day. This helps me stay focused and motivated. I also ensure that I get a good night's sleep, as it is essential for my overall well-being.

In conclusion, my daily life is a blend of learning, socializing, and pursuing my hobbies. It is a balanced lifestyle that keeps me engaged and fulfilled. I am grateful for the opportunities I have and strive to make the most of each day.

生活的英语作文 篇二:我的生活哲学

My Philosophy of Life

Life is a journey that is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures. Throughout my experiences, I have developed my own philosophy of life that guides me in making decisions and facing challenges.

First and foremost, I believe in the power of positivity. I strive to maintain a positive mindset in all aspects of my life. This helps me overcome obstacles and find solutions to problems. When faced with difficult situations, I remind myself that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and learning. By focusing on the positive aspects, I am able to maintain a hopeful outlook towards life.

Secondly, I believe in the importance of gratitude. I make it a habit to express gratitude for the blessings in my life, both big and small. This helps me appreciate what I have and be content with the present moment. It also allows me to cultivate strong relationships with others, as I make an effort to acknowledge and thank them for their support and kindness.

Another aspect of my philosophy of life is the pursuit of personal growth. I believe that life is a continuous learning process. I strive to expand my knowledge and skills in various areas. This includes reading books, attending workshops, and seeking opportunities for self-improvement. By constantly challenging myself and stepping out of my comfort zone, I am able to grow as an individual and achieve my full potential.

Furthermore, I value the importance of kindness and empathy towards others. I believe that a compassionate attitude can make a significant difference in someone's life. I try to treat others with respect and understanding, and lend a helping hand whenever possible. Small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect and create a positive impact on both individuals and communities.

Lastly, I believe in the importance of balance and self-care. It is crucial to take care of oneself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This includes getting enough rest, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation. By prioritizing self-care, I am able to maintain a healthy lifestyle and have the energy to pursue my goals and dreams.

In conclusion, my philosophy of life revolves around positivity, gratitude, personal growth, kindness, and self-care. These principles guide me in navigating life's challenges and finding fulfillment in my journey. By embracing this philosophy, I strive to live a meaningful and purposeful life.

生活的英语作文 篇三


  1 My School Life 我的学校生活

  My name is Jimmy. I study at Beijing Vocational School. Our school is not very big, but it’s clean and beautiful. The teachers are kind-hearted. My classmates are friendly to me.

  My major is computer science, but I like English best, because English is so popular in nowadays. I always study hard. I have six classes every day. After school, I often do my homework. Sometimes, I also play computer games.

  I like my school very much. I’m happy to study here.




  2 Low-carbon Lifestyle 低碳生活

  Low-carbon Lifestyle





  With the advent of the global environmental protection campaign, “low-carbon” has become an increasingly popular expression, a catch phrase, among the environmentally-conscious people. White-collar workers pride themselves on going to offices on bicycles, on foot, or even on roller skates instead of being “the men behind the wheel”. Housewives save water after washing vegetables or clothes for flushing the toilet. Everybody seems to be an environmental activist nowadays.

  By “low-carbon lifestyle”, we refer to a pattern of life involving minimum emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas produced by human activities, primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is detrimental to human, animal and plant life because it is the primary contributor to global warming that threatens to raise the sea level, leading to the extinction of animals and plants, and ultimately to that of human beings. There is only one Mother Earth for human beings and, literally speaking, preserving the Earth means preserving humanity itself.

  The pursuit of a low-carbon lifestyle seems to be a vogue to many people but, in essence, it is a long-term necessity. As college students, there are many ways we can become involved in low-carbon endeavors. We can conserve water, recycle our textbooks, and turn off lights on leaving our classrooms. We can resort to public transportations like buses and subways instead of taxis or private cars. Most importantly, we should reduce the use of computers by rejecting meaningless computer games. Even as students, we have a whole range of channels to pursue a low-carbon lifestyle that is beneficial to ourselves and to humanity as a whole.



  所谓“低碳生活方式”, 是指一种仅涉及最低限度二氧化碳排放的生活模式。二氧化碳是人类活动 (主要经由化石燃料的燃烧)所产生的.最主要的温室气体。二氧化碳之所以对人类、动物和植物的生命有害,因为它是全球暖化的主要推手,威胁着致使海平面上升,导致动植物灭绝,并最终导致人类本身的灭绝。对于人类而言,只有一个地球母亲,因此,就事论事地讲,保护地球亦即意味着保护人类自身。



  1. with the advent of sth.:随着某物的出现

  2. a catch phrase:口头禅

  3. pride oneself on doing sth:对于做某事倍感骄傲

  4. the men behind the wheel:呆坐在驾驶舵后面的有车一族

  5. is detrimental to...: 对……有害的

  6. it is the primary contributor to global warming:它是全球暖化的主要推手

  7. in essence: 本质而言

  8. a long-term necessity: 一项长期的必然

  9. resort to: 依靠

  10. a whole range of channels: 一系列广泛的渠道

  11. is beneficial to...:对……有益的

  3 物品交换 Exchange of goods











  I learn from your website that we can exchange something with others. I have some old books, but each of them is complete and remains very good. That is to say, there is no page missing, you don’t worry. Most of the books are famous wrings, such as A Dream of Red Mansions, The Romance of Three Kingdoms and etc. Besides, every book is meaningful and interesting, which is well worth reading. I like to exchange those for a pet dog, because I live alone. I don’t want to read books all the time. With a pet dog to accompany me, I’ll feel happy. Besides that, there is a beautiful park next to my apartment. I admire others walking their dogs during their spare time and I know dogs are loyal to their owners.


  So I hope whoever wants to exchange with me leaves a message for me so that I can contact him later.


  4 Volunteer 做义工




  There is a growing tendency nowadays that people in mounting numbers show great enthusiasm for (对…显示出极大地热情)volunteer works. They are willing to do voluntary work in many fields varying from offering services in sports events to keeping passengers in line at the bus station and so forth.

  Ample reasons can account for this phenomenon. In the first place, with the development of people’s living standard,people should not necessarily be busy (不必要忙于)earning money to support their families.(养家) Instead, they can make better use of their spare time (更好地利用时间)by do something valuable and helpful to others, such as being a volunteer. In the second place, influenced by(受到影响) the education campaign launched by Chinese governments, Chinese people’s awareness of being a volunteer has been greatly enhanced. Last but not least, doing volunteer work is also a source of happiness and gratification (幸福感和满足感的来源)for most people.

  Being a volunteer is anything but (绝不是)an easy job. It is required that those who want to be a volunteer should possess a strong desire to help others and serve the society. It is unimaginable that (难以想象)those who lack love and a sense of responsibility can bring happiness to others and contribute to society.

  5 在家吃还是出去吃? Eat at home or go out to eat?

  After a hard day of work or study, many people feel like cooking for themselves is too much trouble. They prefer to grab a quick bite to eat at a restaurant and go home for rest as quickly as possible. But for me cooking at home is worth the time and trouble because it is cheaper, healthier, and more enjoyable. Buying my own groceries and cooking for myself is much less expensive than eating in a restaurant. I find that a meal that I cook myself on average costs half to two-thirds less than a comparable meal in a restaurant. Restaurants have to rent space, hire chefs, waiters, and managers, as well as buy food and make a profit. When I cook I have no overhead. The only extra expense I have to pay is the time it takes for me to cook the food. In addition to being less expensive, when I buy my own groceries I can be sure I am buying the freshest and cleanest meats and vegetables available.


  Restaurants might think it's more important to buy the cheapest food possible in large quantities to make a higher profit. I also try and buy the healthiest food possible. For instance, when I buy meat, I try and buy the meat with the least fat on it. In a restaurant they add more fat and oil to dishes to make them taste better, but for me, health is more important. Finally, cooking food with my friends and family brings me a special kind of joy. In a world that has increasingly focused on turning everyone into consumers, I enjoy being creative and producing something good. I enjoy learning and inventing new recipes and sharing them with friends. Even though it takes more time to shop, cook, and clean up when I cook for myself, at the end I have a sense that I did not waste the time so much as I truly enjoyed life for an hour at the end of the day.



