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英语作文结尾句 篇一

The Importance of Environmental Protection

In conclusion, environmental protection is a crucial issue that requires immediate attention. It is our responsibility to protect the environment for future generations. By taking small steps such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting sustainable practices, we can make a significant difference. Let us all work together to create a cleaner and healthier planet for ourselves and for future generations to come.

英语作文结尾句 篇二

The Benefits of Learning a Second Language

To sum up, learning a second language brings numerous benefits that can greatly enhance our personal and professional lives. It not only improves our communication skills but also broadens our cultural horizons and opens up new opportunities. By dedicating time and effort to language learning, we can reap the rewards both in terms of personal growth and career advancement. So, let's embrace the challenge and embark on the journey of learning a second language.

英语作文结尾句 篇三

  1.至于我,在某种程度上我同意后面的观点,我认为…… As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that ____.

  2.总而言之,整个社会应该密切关注……这个问题。只有这样,我们才能在将来……。 In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______.Only in this way can ______in the future.

  3.但是,……和……都有它们各自的优势(好处)。例如,……,而……。然而,把这两者相比较,我更倾向于(喜欢)…… But ______and ______have their own advantages. For example, _____, while_____. Comparing this with that, however, I prefer to______.

  4.就我个人而言,我相信……,因此,我坚信美好的未来正等着我们。因为…… Personally, I believe that_____. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______.

  5.随着社会的发展,……。因此,迫切需要……。如果每个人都愿为社会贡献自已的一份力量,这个社会将要变得越来越好。 With the development of society, ______.So it’s urgent and necessary to ____.If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

  6.至于我(对我来说,就我而言),我认为……更合理。只有这样,我们才能…… For my part, I think it reasonable to_____. Only in this way can you _____.

  7.对我来说,我认为有必要……。原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最后……但同样重要的是…… In my opinion, I think it necessary to____. The reasons are as follows. First _____.Second ______. Last but not least,______.

  8.在总体上很难说……是好还是坏,因为它在很大程度上取决于……的形势。然而,就我个人而言,我发现……。 It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______. However, from a personal point of view find______.

  9.综上所述,我们可以清楚地得出结论…… From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that____.

  10.如果我们不采取有效的方法,就可能控制不了这种趋势,就会出现一些意想不到的不良后果,所以,我们应该做的是…… If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____.

英语作文结尾句 篇四

  1.It is hoped that we should place much emphasis on/pay more attention to...

  例句:It is hoped that we should pay more attention to the problems of unemployment.

  2.Only in this way/only when/only through..., will/can we...

  例句:It is only if all sides of society take their roles fully that we will achieve the society we want.

  3.As long as..., we will be able to..http://kaoyan.eol.cn/fu_xi/yingyu/201512/the problems is bound to...

  例句:As long as we persist in spreading scientific knowledge among the masses, all the superstitions are bound to go out of our life.

  4.In the course of time/In a long run/In the long term, sth. is more likely/bound/sure to...

  例句:In a long run, the practice of birth control is believed to do a great benefit to the future of China.

  5.In a word, there is every/little chance/probability/possibility that...in time to come.

  例句:In a word, there is every chance that this wise move in economic construction will acquire a broader significance in time to come.

  6.Anything/anyone that/who...will have to...

  例句:Anyone who has a strong bias against China will have to threat her with increased respect.

  7.It is high time that...

  例句:It is high time that the issue were to be solved so as to promote the economic development.

  8.We should do our best in eliminating...

  例句:We should do our best in eliminating air pollution.

  9.The problem is not...; the problem is...

  例句:The problem is not that we cannot do it; the problem is that we hate to do such nasty things.

  10.In order to..., we must...

  例句:In order to make our world a better place in which to live, we must learn to live in harmony with all wildlife species.

  11.All the above evidence/experience/ facts goes to show that...

  例句:All the above evidence goes to show that the birth of computer has benefited our life greatly.

  12.No surprising/ It is apparent that the task of...demands/requires/deserves immediate/serious/considerable attention/consideration.

  例句:It is, therefore, apparent that the task of fighting against corruption requires considerable consideration now.

  13.We can come to the conclusion that...

  例句:We can come to the conclusion that living on campus is the best way of learning independence, and of understanding other people and society at large.

  14.We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future...

  例句:We then have reasons to be confident that in the near future, no child is forced out of school because of poverty.

  15.My suggestion is that...; otherwise...

  例句:My suggestion is that effective measures should be taken to check population growth; otherwise, the potential consequences are unimaginable.

  16.As for me, I have always been taking care to... So, I...

  例句:As for me, I have always been taking care to choose a goal and a right path before doing anything important. Then I will work hard and perseveringly. So, I have made some achievements and I will do better.

  17.So I believe a...tomorrow...will be achieved through efforts of every person.

  例句:So I believe a safe tomorrow of less car accidents will be achieved through efforts of every person.

  18.Therefore, we should not only...but...as well.

  例句:Therefore, we should not only realize that competition and cooperation, like two sides of the coin, have to go hand in hand, but fix more attention on how to make full use of cooperation as well.

  19.In short, ...are the major problems to be solved to...

  例句:In short, shortage of water, decrease of fertile fields and environmental pollution are the major problems to be solved to increase grain production.

  20.Who is to say that...?

  例句:Who is to say that our scientists may not provide a better theory?

英语作文结尾句 篇五

  1.The most effective means to solve this problem is that ______________. In that case, ______________.

  2.Everything has its own two sides, no exception with AAA. For one thing, ______________. for another, ______________.

  3.My experience tells me that to ______________ needs a thorough and persevering process, and in this process you had better abide by the principles mentioned above.

  4.On the whole, it is high time that we recognized the significance of ______________.

  5.As a result, we should take some effective methods to ______________.

  6.Judging by the figures, we can draw a conclusion that ______________.

  7.In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of ______________. Only in this way can ______________ in the future.

  8.In my opinion, we should place much emphasis on the importance of ______________.

  9.But ______________ and ______________ have their own advantages. For example, ______________, while ______________. Comparing those two, however, I prefer to ______________.

  10.In my opinion, ______________ is just as common as ______________. If ______________, it may be very useful. Whatever ______________, the key point lies in ______________.

  11.Are their opinions correct? To my mind, the first idea seems ______________. As for the second idea, ______________.

  12.As a popular saying goes, ______________. In my opinion what really counts is not ______________, but ______________. I believer that as long as ______________, we will ______________. So I am for the opinion that ______________.

  13.In my opinion, both sides are partly right. When we ______________, we should take into consideration all aspects of the problems, and then make the right decision.

  14.Personally, I believer that ______________. Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because ______________.

  15.In my opinion, all of the people should be brave enough to show our disapproval and criticism when confronted with ______________.

  16.People are coming to realize the importance of ______________. They have begun to try their best to ______________. We believe that ______________.

  17.All in all, we cannot live without ______________ . But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with problems that would arise.

  18.Whatever you do, please remember the saying- ______________. If you understand it and apply it to your study or work, you’ll definitely benefit a lot from it.

  19.With the development of society, ______________. So it’s urgent and necessary to ______________. If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better.

  20.It is difficult to say whether ______________ is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of ______________. However, from a personal point of view I find ______________.

  21.It is essential that effective actions should be taken to end the situation.

  22.It is no doubt that special attention must be paid to the problem of ______________.

  23.But both ______________ and ______________ have disadvantages. For example, ______________. Which to choose, ______________ or ______________? Careful consideration is necessary before you make your own choice.

  24.From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that ______________.

  25.We must search for a quick action, because the present situation of ______________ is grievous, if allowed to proceed, will certainly lead to ______________.

  26.No doubt, if we ignore the problem, there is every chance that ______________ will be put in danger.

  27.We need to take a second look at the matter from a wider standpoint, otherwise, we won’t ______________.

  28.It is high time that ______________. Here are some of the measures that might be taken immediately.

  29.In conclusion, we should know about the problem of ______________, and object to ______________. Only in this way ______________.

  30.Although it is affected by many factors, still there are certain ways that can make the situation better. The most import is ______________. Another way is ______________. Still another one is ______________.

  31. Many solutions are offered here, all of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough. The problem should be studied in depth.

  32. No easy method can be at hand to solve the problem of ______________. But the common recognition of the importance of ______________ might be the first step on the right way.

  33. It is clear, therefore, that the task of ______________ demands great attention.

  34. We may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal. But once we are on the way, the chance to reach it is greater.

  35. But for me, I would rather think of the matter in an optimistic way. Because I believe ______________.

  36. We all know the story of ______________. this lesson tells us that ______________, we should ______________.

  37. My own point of view is that ______________ is a normal behavior in our society. There is no doubt that ______________. As an old saying goes, ______________.

  38. If we can’t take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is ______________.

  39. However, this graph may not predict the entire situation in the future. I believe ______________.

  40. From the graph it is evident that ______________.

  41. From all the reasons above, we know that great changes had taken place in ______________. And I believe that ______________.

  42. Taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that ______________.

  43. For the reasons given above, I strongly recommend that ______________.

  44. Given the factors I have just outlined, I believe that ______________.

  45. Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that ______________.

  46. Recognizing the fact that ______________ should lead us to conclude that ______________.

  47. In short, I support the statement that it is better to ______________ because ______________.

  48. After pondering this question on many occasions, I have finally reached the conclusion that ______________ is something I truly want to do and it is worthwhile.

  49. My point of view in ______________ largely results from the fact that ______________.

  50. Now after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that ______________.

  51. From what has been discussed above, you can get your preference. Personally, I think ______________ has more advantages.

  52. On the one hand, it has helped china ______________. On the other hand, it has increased china’s ______________, and at the same time, made great contributions to our national development.

  53. In my opinion, to solve this problem there might be two ways. One way to tackle this question is ______________. Another way that is worth adopting is ______________.

  54. As far as I am concerned, I trust the advantages mentioned above exceed the disadvantages.

  55. For me, ______________ is a glory and it is the most important thing I have to take into feasible consideration.

  56. As regards me, I tend to pick ______________, for ______________. What’s more, ______________.

  57. If I were given a choice between ______________ and ______________, I would certainly prefer ______________. For me, ______________.



  1.A number of factors are accountable for this situation.

  A number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem).

  2. The answer to this problem involves many factors.

  3. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...

  4. The factors that contribute to this situation include...

  5. The change in ...largely results from the fact that...

  6. We may blame ...,but the real causes are...

  7. Part of the explanations for it is that ...

  One of the most common factors (causes ) is that ...

  Another contributing factor (cause ) is ...

  Perhaps the primary factor is that …

  But the fundamental cause is that ...


  1.The advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.

  2.The advantages of A are much greater than those of B.

  3.A may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...

  4.It is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that...

  5.For all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.

  6.Like anything else, it has its faults.

  7.A and B has several points in common.

  8.A bears some resemblances to B.

  9.However, the same is not applicable to B.

  10. A and B differ in several ways.

  11. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.

  12. People used to think ..., but things are different now.

  13. The same is true of B.

  14. Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks.

  15. It is true that A ... , but the chief faults (obvious defects )are ...


  1)It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.

  2) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.

  3) Some people say ..., but it does not hold water.

  4) Many of us have been under the illusion that...

  5) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.

  6) It makes no sense to argue for ...

  7) Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ...

  8) Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...

  9) Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that ...



语谚语Blood is thicker than water的译例。其一是“清水不浓血却浓”,其二是“血浓于水”。从字面上看,上述两则译例译得固然不错,似无可厚非。译文读起来很顺,又比较易懂,但读后似有不知所云之感。这是因为译文的形象没能准确地传达出这条谚语的喻义来。 Longman Dictionary of English Idioms(p.28)上对这条谚语的解释是"The relationship between people of the same family is stronger than other,relationships”因此,这则谚语似可以借用汉语中一句俗语“亲不亲一家人”来译更能表达出“属于同一血缘关系的一家人比别人更亲近一些”的寓意。



  Pride comes before a fall. 骄兵必败。

  Amiss is as good as a mile. 差之毫厘,失之千里。

  Two is company,but three is none. 两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚无水吃。

  Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。

  Enough is asgood as a feast. 知足常乐。


  Two can play the game.孤掌难鸣。

  Newbroom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。

  Speak of the devil, and he appears. 说曹操,曹操到。

  The grass is greener on the other side of the hill. 这山望着那山高。

  Putting the cart before the horse. 本未倒置。


  People who live in glass houses should not throw stones 如译成“住在玻璃房子里的人,不应扔石头”不如译成“己有过,勿正人”或“责人必先责己”。

  In fair weather prepare for the foul. 如译成“晴天要防阴天”,不如译成“有备无患”或“居安思危”或“未雨绸缪”。

  Murder will out. 如译成“谋杀终必败露”,不如译成“纸包不住火”。

  Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. 如译成“愚者敢闯天使不敢去的地方”,不如译成“初生牛犊不怕虎”

  One cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs 如译成“想吃煎蛋卷,就得打鸡蛋”,不如译成工“有得必有失”。或甚至可以引申为“不破不立”。


  God helps those who help themselves. 上帝帮助那些自己帮助自己的人。或,自助者天助之。

  Money is the root of all evil. 金钱是万恶之源。

  An empty sack cannot stand upright. 空袋立不直。

  DO as you would be done by 以你所期望的别人待你的方式待人。

  这与另一谚语: Don't do unto others what you don't want others do unto you.“己所不欲勿施于人”很相似。

  Money talks. 钱能通神。


  You may take a horse to the water,but you can't make it drink.



英语作文结尾句 篇六


  例如: Only by living up to the three requirements, can we …


  Only with combined efforts, can we ...


  例如:Only with combined efforts, can we expect our nation to take a new face in due course.


  2. 表示结论(同位语从句)

  例如: We can, therefore, come to the conclusion (that)从句


  例如:We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that nothing is as precious as freedom in the



  3. 条件假设

  例如:If one can really put the three points into action (practice), …


  例如:If one can really put the three points into action (practice), people will surely be able to

  live a healthy and happy life.


  4. 条件假设

  例如:If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt (that)从句


  例如:If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can solve this problem.



  5. 表示结论(定语从句)

  例如:Thus, this is the reason why …


  例如:Thus, this is the reason why the rates increased sharply in that period.



