
时间:2019-05-05 03:17:38
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自行车类英语单词 篇一

Bicycle: A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by pedals and is commonly used for transportation or recreation purposes.

Cycling: The act of riding a bicycle.

Helmet: A protective headgear worn by cyclists to prevent head injuries in case of accidents.

Pedals: The foot-operated levers that power the bicycle by transferring energy from the rider's legs.

Handlebars: The steering mechanism of a bicycle, consisting of a metal bar with handgrips at each end.

Gears: The mechanisms that allow the rider to change the resistance and speed of the bicycle.

Brakes: The devices used to slow down or stop the bicycle by applying pressure to the wheels.

Chain: A loop of metal links that transfers power from the pedals to the wheels.

Tires: The rubber outer covering of the wheels that provides traction and absorbs shock.

Saddle: The seat of a bicycle where the rider sits.

Basket: A container attached to the front or rear of a bicycle for carrying items.

Reflectors: Reflective materials or devices attached to the bicycle to increase visibility, especially at night.

Bell: A small device attached to the handlebars that produces a ringing sound to alert pedestrians or other cyclists.

Lights: Illumination devices attached to the front and rear of the bicycle for visibility in low-light conditions.

Pump: A device used to inflate the tires of a bicycle.

Lock: A device used to secure the bicycle and prevent theft.

Cyclist: A person who rides a bicycle.

Road: A paved surface or pathway designated for vehicles, including bicycles.

Sidewalk: A paved pathway for pedestrians, often separated from the road by a curb.

Traffic: The movement of vehicles, including bicycles, on the road.

Cycle lane: A designated lane on the road for the exclusive use of bicycles.

Cycle rack: A structure or device used for parking and securing bicycles.

Race: A competition or event where cyclists compete to finish a course in the shortest amount of time.

Mountain biking: A form of cycling that takes place off-road on rough terrains and mountain trails.

Tour de France: The most famous and prestigious road cycling race held annually in France.

自行车类英语单词 篇二

Bicycle: A two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by pedals and is commonly used for transportation or recreation purposes.

Cycling: The act of riding a bicycle.

Helmet: A protective headgear worn by cyclists to prevent head injuries in case of accidents.

Pedals: The foot-operated levers that power the bicycle by transferring energy from the rider's legs.

Handlebars: The steering mechanism of a bicycle, consisting of a metal bar with handgrips at each end.

Gears: The mechanisms that allow the rider to change the resistance and speed of the bicycle.

Brakes: The devices used to slow down or stop the bicycle by applying pressure to the wheels.

Chain: A loop of metal links that transfers power from the pedals to the wheels.

Tires: The rubber outer covering of the wheels that provides traction and absorbs shock.

Saddle: The seat of a bicycle where the rider sits.

Basket: A container attached to the front or rear of a bicycle for carrying items.

Reflectors: Reflective materials or devices attached to the bicycle to increase visibility, especially at night.

Bell: A small device attached to the handlebars that produces a ringing sound to alert pedestrians or other cyclists.

Lights: Illumination devices attached to the front and rear of the bicycle for visibility in low-light conditions.

Pump: A device used to inflate the tires of a bicycle.

Lock: A device used to secure the bicycle and prevent theft.

Cyclist: A person who rides a bicycle.

Road: A paved surface or pathway designated for vehicles, including bicycles.

Sidewalk: A paved pathway for pedestrians, often separated from the road by a curb.

Traffic: The movement of vehicles, including bicycles, on the road.

Cycle lane: A designated lane on the road for the exclusive use of bicycles.

Cycle rack: A structure or device used for parking and securing bicycles.

Race: A competition or event where cyclists compete to finish a course in the shortest amount of time.

Mountain biking: A form of cycling that takes place off-road on rough terrains and mountain trails.

Tour de France: The most famous and prestigious road cycling race held annually in France.

In this article, we have explored various English words related to bicycles. From the basic components of a bicycle to the different types of cycling events, these words help us understand and communicate about the world of cycling. Whether you are a cyclist yourself or simply interested in this popular mode of transportation and recreational activity, knowing these words will enhance your understanding and appreciation of bicycles. So grab your helmet, hop on your bike, and enjoy the ride!

自行车类英语单词 篇三

  bicycle and spare parts 自行车及零件

  bicycle bell 自行车车铃

  bicycle bottom bracket 自行车底架

  bicycle brake 自行车刹车

  bicycle chain lock 自行车链条锁

  bicycle chain set 自行车全链盒

  bicycle chain 自行车链条

  bicycle chainwheel and crank 自行车链轮曲柄

  bicycle expansion brake 自行车涨闸

  bicycle external gear-shaft 自行车外变速器

  bicycle frame 自行车架

  bicycle freewheel 自行车飞轮

  bicycle front fork lock 自行车前叉锁

  bicycle front fork 自行车前叉

  bicycle gloves 自行车手套

  bicycle hand brake 自行车手闸

  bicycle handle bar 自行车车把

  bicycle handle grip 自行车把套

  bicycle hub brake 自行车车轮闸

  bicycle light 自行车灯

  bicycle lock 自行车锁

  bicycle luggage carrier 自行车行李架

  bicycle maker's pliers 自行车钳

  bicycle mudguard 自行车挡泥板

  bicycle of plastic wheel 塑料轮自行车

  bicycle pedal 自行车踏板

  bicycle pump 自行车打气筒

  bicycle rim 自行车钢圈

  bicycle saddle 自行车鞍座

  bicycle safety fork 自行车保险叉

  bicycle spare parts and accessories 自行车零配件

  bicycle spoke 自行车辐条

  bicycle stand 自行车支架

  bicycle steel ball 自行车钢珠

  bicycle tire pump 自行车轮胎打气筒

  bicycle tube 自行车内胎

  bicycle tyre and tube 自行车内外胎

  bicycle tyre 自行车外胎

  bicycle wind accelerator 自行车风力增速器

  bicycle wrench 自行车扳手

  bar end 小手柄

  Gearlever 变速杆

  Derailleur 变速器


  Top tube 车架上管



  Seattube 座管

  Seat post 座撑

  Rear suspension

  Rear axle housing 后轴套

  Bearing 轴承

  Stand 支架

  Shaft 曲轴

  Rear blinker 转弯指示灯

  Rear cockpit后座舱

  Rear cross beam后横梁

  Drive chain传动链条

  Indicator light指示灯

  Panel 面板

  Spring clip弹簧夹

  Spring shackle弹簧钩环

  Standing p


  rear suspension shock absorber


  Brake cable 刹车导线



  Diverted traffic


  Entry to motorway


  Left junction


  Approaching end of motorway


  Avoid the jams


  Dangerous bend


  Look left (right)


  Low bridge ahead


  Slow, school


  Speed limit of 48km/h


  The law requires you wear a seatbelt


  This vehicle stops frequently


  New hours of parking control


  No entry


  No stopping at any time


  No thoroughfare


  No trade or business vehicle unless authorized


  Pedestrian crossing ahead


  Pedestrian crossing


  Please drive carefully


  Road closed



