我的生活小学英语作文 My Life【精彩3篇】

时间:2011-07-06 08:18:43
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我的生活小学英语作文 My Life 篇一

My Life

Hello, everyone! I want to share with you about my life. My name is Lily and I am a primary school student. I have a happy and busy life.

In the morning, I wake up at 6:30 a.m. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I have a healthy breakfast with my family. Then, I go to school by bus. School starts at 8:00 a.m. and I have different subjects like Chinese, Math, English, Science, and Art. My favorite subject is Art because I enjoy drawing and painting. During recess, I play with my friends in the playground. We play games like tag, hide-and-seek, and jump rope.

After school, I go to my after-school activities. I take piano lessons every Monday and Wednesday. I also go to swimming lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Fridays, I have a dance class. I love dancing because it makes me feel happy and free.

In the evening, my mom helps me with my homework. Sometimes it's challenging, but I always try my best. After finishing my homework, I have dinner with my family. We eat delicious and healthy food together. Then, I spend some time reading books or playing games. Before going to bed, I take a warm bath and relax.

On weekends, I have more free time to do things I enjoy. I like going to the park with my friends or riding my bike around the neighborhood. Sometimes, my parents take me to the movies or we have a picnic in the countryside. Weekends are the best because I can spend quality time with my family and friends.

That's a glimpse of my life. I am grateful for my loving family, wonderful friends, and the opportunities I have. I believe that with hard work and a positive attitude, I can achieve anything in life. Thank you for listening to my story!

我的生活小学英语作文 My Life 篇二

My Life

Hello, everyone! Today, I want to tell you about my life. My name is David and I am a primary school student. Life as a student is both exciting and challenging.

In the morning, I wake up early to get ready for school. After brushing my teeth and getting dressed, I have a quick breakfast with my family. Then, I walk to school with my friends. We chat and laugh along the way, making the journey to school enjoyable.

Once I arrive at school, the day begins with morning assembly. We sing the national anthem and listen to important announcements. Then, I have different classes like English, Math, Science, and Physical Education. I enjoy learning new things and participating in class activities. My favorite subject is Science because I love conducting experiments and discovering how things work.

During recess, I play games with my friends. We play soccer, basketball, and sometimes we have fun with a game of tag. It's a great way to relax and have fun before returning to class.

After school, I have different extracurricular activities. I play the guitar every Monday and Wednesday. It's challenging but also rewarding when I can play a song flawlessly. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I attend taekwondo classes. I love the discipline and the physical activity it offers. Fridays are my rest days, where I can relax and spend time with my family.

In the evening, I do my homework and study for tests. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but I know that hard work pays off. My parents always support and encourage me to do my best. After finishing my homework, I have dinner with my family. We talk about our day and share funny stories. It's a special time to bond and connect with each other.

Weekends are my favorite time of the week. I have more free time to pursue my hobbies and interests. I enjoy playing video games, reading books, and exploring new places with my family. We often go on adventures, visiting museums, parks, and even taking short trips to nearby cities. Weekends are a time for relaxation and creating lasting memories.

That's a glimpse of my life as a primary school student. I am grateful for the opportunities I have and the support from my family and friends. I believe that with determination and hard work, I can achieve my dreams. Thank you for listening to my story!

我的生活小学英语作文 My Life 篇三

我的生活小学英语作文 My Life

  My life isvery simple. On usual, my mother will wake me up at seven oclock in themorning. And then I start grooming. After that I walk to school for breakfastand then have class. I have maths, Chinese, drawing and singing classes. How busyI am. Half past four in the afternoon is my free time. But when I get home. I haveto finish my homework and wash myself before dinner. After di

nner time, greattime comes. I can watch TV for two hours because I have to go to bed at nine.on weekends, I always go out with friends or sometimes help my mother with farmwork.


我的生活小学英语作文 My Life【精彩3篇】

