
时间:2011-01-05 09:11:36
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难忘的一天英语作文 篇一

A Memorable Day

Last summer, I had a truly unforgettable day that I will cherish forever. It was a sunny day with clear blue skies, and I had planned to spend the day with my family at the beach. Little did I know that this day would turn into an incredible adventure that I would never forget.

We arrived at the beach early in the morning, excited to enjoy a day of relaxation and fun. As soon as we set foot on the sandy shore, we noticed a group of people gathered around something. Curiosity got the best of us, and we made our way towards the commotion.

To our surprise, there was a stranded dolphin on the beach. It had been washed ashore by the strong currents. The poor creature looked distressed and was struggling to breathe. The crowd was unsure of what to do, but I knew we had to take action immediately.

Without hesitation, I ran towards the dolphin and found a bucket nearby. I filled it with water and started pouring it over the dolphin's body, trying to keep it hydrated. Meanwhile, my family and some kind-hearted strangers joined in to help. We took turns pouring water on the dolphin and ensuring it stayed wet.

As time passed, a marine biologist arrived at the scene. He examined the dolphin and informed us that it needed to be transported back to the ocean as soon as possible. A group of volunteers gathered around the dolphin, carefully lifting it onto a stretcher. With the help of the biologist, we slowly carried the dolphin back into the water.

As we released the dolphin into the ocean, it was a moment of pure joy and relief. The dolphin swam away gracefully, leaping out of the water with newfound energy. The crowd erupted into applause, celebrating the successful rescue.

This experience taught me the importance of coming together to help those in need. It reminded me of the impact we can have when we unite for a common cause. Witnessing the dolphin's rescue was not only a memorable adventure but also a life lesson that will stay with me forever.

In conclusion, that summer day at the beach turned into a remarkable experience when we encountered a stranded dolphin. The collective efforts of my family, strangers, and the marine biologist led to a successful rescue and a sense of fulfillment. This unforgettable day taught me the power of compassion and the impact we can make when we work together.

难忘的一天英语作文 篇二

An Unforgettable Day

One cold winter morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, but something felt different. As I opened my eyes, I realized that everything around me was covered in a thick blanket of snow. It was a magical sight that instantly filled me with excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.

I quickly got dressed in my warmest clothes and headed outside to join my friends for a day of winter activities. We decided to go sledding at a nearby hill, which was known for its steep slopes and thrilling rides.

As I climbed to the top of the hill, I could feel my heart pounding with excitement. I sat on my sled and pushed off, zooming down the slope at an exhilarating speed. The rush of wind against my face and the sound of laughter from my friends filled me with pure joy.

We spent hours sledding, building snowmen, and having snowball fights. The entire day was filled with laughter, cheer, and endless fun. It felt like a dream come true, being surrounded by friends and enjoying the beauty of nature.

As the sun began to set, we reluctantly made our way back home. We were exhausted but filled with a sense of contentment. The memories we had created on that unforgettable day would forever be etched in our hearts.

Looking back, that day taught me the importance of embracing the present moment and finding joy in the simplest of things. It reminded me that happiness can be found in the company of loved ones and the beauty of nature.

In conclusion, that snowy winter day filled with sledding, laughter, and friendship will always hold a special place in my heart. It was a day that reminded me of the pure joy of being alive and the magic that can be found in everyday experiences.

难忘的一天英语作文 篇三



  It was Sunday. Our teacher Mr Zhu led us to a park nearby.Usually we go to the park to spend our holiday. But today we went there to take part in voluntary labour.

  We got there at nine o'clock. Mr Zhu pided us into three groups and then we began working.

  The students in Group One planted trees and watered flowers. The studentsin Group Two we

re busy collecting litter left by the tourist. They also cleaned the benches in the park. I was in Group Three. We went to the children's playground and cleaned all the equipment there. We worked very hard.

  At about eleven we finished working. We met at the gate of the park. We all felt tired but very happy.


