PEP英语book3全英文说课稿 Unit 1(精简3篇)

时间:2019-05-09 01:10:25
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PEP英语book3全英文说课稿 Unit 1 篇一

Title: Exploring the World of Animals


Hello everyone! Today, I am going to present a lesson plan for Unit 1 of PEP English Book 3. The focus of this unit is on animals and their characteristics. Through various activities and tasks, students will develop their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The main goal of this lesson is to introduce and familiarize students with different animals and their habitats.

Warm-up (10 minutes):

To engage students and activate prior knowledge, I will start the lesson with a warm-up activity. I will show pictures of different animals on the board and ask students to name the animals and describe their characteristics. This will encourage students to think about animals and their features.

Listening and Speaking (15 minutes):

To develop students' listening and speaking skills, I will play an audio recording of different animal sounds. Students will listen carefully and try to identify the animals based on the sounds they hear. After that, they will work in pairs and discuss their favorite animals, providing reasons for their choices. This activity will encourage students to actively participate in discussions and express their opinions.

Reading (20 minutes):

To enhance students' reading skills, I will distribute reading passages about different animals and their habitats. Students will read the passages individually and answer comprehension questions. After that, they will work in groups to discuss and share their answers. This activity will promote collaborative learning and help students develop their reading comprehension abilities.

Writing (15 minutes):

To improve students' writing skills, I will provide a writing task where students have to imagine they are a specific animal and write a short paragraph describing their daily life and habits. They will be encouraged to use descriptive language and include relevant details. After completing their writing, students will have the opportunity to share their paragraphs with the class, fostering a sense of confidence and creativity.

Summary and Conclusion (5 minutes):

To conclude the lesson, I will ask students to share one interesting fact they learned about animals during the lesson. This will encourage reflection and reinforce their understanding of the topic. Finally, I will provide feedback and praise students for their participation and effort throughout the lesson.

PEP英语book3全英文说课稿 Unit 1 篇二

Title: Let's Explore Animal Habitats


Good morning/afternoon, everyone! Today, I am excited to present a lesson plan for Unit 1 of PEP English Book 3. This unit focuses on animal habitats and aims to develop students' language skills through various activities and tasks. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify different animal habitats and describe their characteristics.

Warm-up (10 minutes):

To engage students and activate prior knowledge, I will begin the lesson with a warm-up activity. I will show pictures of different animal habitats on the board and ask students to name the habitats and the animals that live in them. This will encourage students to think about different environments and their associated animals.

Vocabulary Building (10 minutes):

To expand students' vocabulary, I will introduce new words related to animal habitats. I will show flashcards with pictures and words of different habitats, such as forest, ocean, desert, and grassland. Students will repeat the words after me and practice using them in sentences. This activity will help students familiarize themselves with the vocabulary and improve their pronunciation.

Listening and Speaking (15 minutes):

To develop students' listening and speaking skills, I will play an audio recording of descriptions of different animal habitats. Students will listen and match the descriptions to the correct habitats on a worksheet. After that, they will work in pairs and take turns describing their favorite animal habitat. This activity will encourage students to actively listen and communicate their thoughts effectively.

Reading and Writing (25 minutes):

To enhance students' reading and writing skills, I will distribute reading passages about different animal habitats. Students will read the passages individually and answer comprehension questions. After that, they will work in groups to create a poster or a short paragraph describing their chosen habitat. This activity will promote collaborative learning and allow students to practice their reading and writing skills simultaneously.

Role-play (10 minutes):

To encourage creativity and improve speaking skills, I will assign students different roles, such as a zookeeper, a tourist, or an animal expert, and ask them to imagine a conversation taking place in a specific animal habitat. Students will work in pairs or small groups and perform their role-plays in front of the class. This activity will allow students to practice their speaking skills in a fun and interactive way.

Summary and Conclusion (5 minutes):

To conclude the lesson, I will recap the main points covered and ask students to share one new thing they learned about animal habitats. This will encourage reflection and reinforce their understanding of the topic. Finally, I will provide feedback and praise students for their active participation and effort throughout the lesson.

PEP英语book3全英文说课稿 Unit 1 篇三

PEP英语book3全英文说课稿 Unit 1

  作为一名无私奉献的老师,有必要进行细致的.说课稿准备工作,认真拟定说课稿,优秀的说课稿都具备一些什么特点呢?以下是小编为大家整理的PEP英语book3全英文说课稿 Unit 1,欢迎阅读与收藏。

  Hello, dear teachers,

  My name is . I’m very glad to be here to share some of my teaching ideas. Today my topic is the greeting and self-introduction in PEP primary English book3 Unit 1 Part A Let’s talk. I pide my lesson into 6 parts as follows: teaching material, teaching aims, difficult and key points, teaching methods, teaching procedures and blackboard designing.

  Part1. My understanding of teaching material

  This unit discusses about the self-introduction and greetings. And this lesson is the first one of this unit. It requires Ss to introduce themselves and greet others when two meet. It is a hot daily talk, so the Ss will be interested in this new lesson.

  Part2. Teaching aims

  Now , I will talk about the teaching aims .

  First, the basic knowledge aim is enable students to use and master the sentence structures: Hello. / Hi. I’m…

  Second, the ability aim is to develop Ss basic ability of listening and speaking, and enable Ss to communicate with their partners with sentence form in a real situation .

  Third, the emotion aim is to develop Ss’ consciousness of cooperation and competition and improve their interest of learning English.

  Part 3. Difficult and key points :

  Thirdly, I’d like to talk about the difficult and key points . The key point is that students can read and use the key sentences “I’m … / Hello. / Hi. ” in a real situation such as greeting people around them.

  The predicted point is the whole expression of self-introduction with “I’m…”

  Part4. Teaching methods :

  I’d like to analyze Ss and show you my teaching methods.

  In our school, Grade 1 is the first year to learn English. Ss are very curious about English. They’re active and competitive. Also, they are good at imitating. But, their attention can’t be kept long. So it requires us to use attractive teaching manners to hold Ss’ attention. Based on such a situation, I mainly use the task-based method,

  I’ve prepared activities such as TPR, singing, games, etc. I also arrange inpidual work, pair work and group work for Ss to practice. Besides

, praise is very important. When they have a chance to speak, and have done a good job, they can get a star or something like that on their books. It’s very important to keep Ss’ interests.

  Part5、Teaching procedure :

  I’ll finish this lesson in five steps.

  Step 1. Warm-up

  1. Enjoy a song “Hello”

  T: Hello, class. I’m Miss Xiao. You can call me “Miss Xiao”.(我叫肖老师,以后你们就可以叫我Miss Xiao)

  S: Hello, Miss Xiao.

  2. Free talk

  Present a picture of the members in Cartoon Xi Yangyang and Hui Tailang. Ask Ss to tell the names one by one.

  T: Hello, boys and girls. Look, who are they?

  S: Xi Yangyang/ Mei Yangyang/…

  T: Do you like them? I like Mei Yangyang very much. Now, I’ll say hello to Mei Yangyang. Hello, Mei Yangyang. 小朋友们,跟你们最喜欢的羊打招呼吧!

  S: I like…

  Purpose: Singing can easily take Ss into a free English environment. With the help of CAI, to present cartoon characters. Set a situation to help Ss say hello.

  Step2. Presentation

  1. Say hello to teacher

  T: 小朋友,还记得老师的名字吗?接下来,老师要跟你们打招呼了。我们来比赛,看哪组小朋友已经最快记住老师的名字了? Hello/ Hi, Group 1. (分别跟四大组打招呼)

  G1: Hello, Miss Xiao.

  T: Very good. (竖起大拇指)

  a. Pair work: say hello to your partners.

  A: Hello/ Hi,... B: Hello/ Hi, …

  b. Teach: I’m…

  (1). T: Hello, I’m Miss Xiao. What about you? (Point to S’ ID card)

  S: Xiao Ming.

  T: Hello, Xiao Ming.

  S: Hello, Miss Xiao.

  T: I’m Miss Xiao. You can say “I’m Xiao Ming”.

  Ask S to say it again and walk to other Ss and greet in the same way.

  (2). Group work

  Introduce themselves in a group of four.

  Purpose: To present the key structures one by one is much easier for the Ss to learn and grasp the meanings. Proper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.

  Step 3. Practice

  1. Looking for friends 找朋友

  Divide the whole class into 4 groups. Each student can leave their seats and make new friends with “Hello, I’m…” and remembers their names. Let’s say who has the most friends.

  2. Get-on 上车游戏

  Invite your new friends to your bus.

  S1: Hello, S2.

  S2: Hello, S1.

  S1: Hello, S3.

  S3: Hello, S1.

  Purpose: Task-based teaching method is used here to develop Ss’ ability of communication and also their ability of co-operation will be well trained. Games can also improve Ss’ interest.

  Step 4 Homework

  Say hello to your parents and friends and introduce yourself.

  Purpose: Revision is so important that Ss should speak English as much as they as in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

  Part 6 . Blackboard design

  Unit1 Hello! A Let’s talk

  Hello. / Hi.

  Hello, I’m Miss Xiao/…

  My lesson is over. Thanks.

PEP英语book3全英文说课稿 Unit 1(精简3篇)

