
时间:2011-04-03 09:17:34
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文物保护英语作文 篇一

The Importance of Protecting Cultural Relics

Cultural relics are invaluable treasures that carry the history, culture, and wisdom of our ancestors. They are the witnesses and carriers of human civilization. Therefore, it is crucial to protect these cultural relics to preserve our cultural heritage for future generations.

Firstly, cultural relics provide us with a deeper understanding of our history and culture. They teach us about the achievements and experiences of our ancestors, allowing us to learn from their wisdom and mistakes. By studying cultural relics, we can gain insights into the development of art, technology, and social systems throughout history. They are an essential part of our identity as a nation and contribute to our sense of belonging and pride.

Secondly, cultural relics are irreplaceable. Once destroyed, they are lost forever. Many cultural relics have survived thousands of years, and they are a testament to the resilience and creativity of human beings. Each relic has its own unique story to tell, and it is our responsibility to protect and preserve these stories for future generations. By safeguarding cultural relics, we ensure that our history and heritage are not forgotten or distorted.

Furthermore, cultural relics have economic value. They attract tourists from all over the world, contributing to the development of tourism and the local economy. For example, the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids of Egypt are not only cultural symbols but also popular tourist destinations. The preservation of cultural relics can create job opportunities, boost local businesses, and generate revenue for the government.

In order to protect cultural relics, various measures can be taken. First and foremost, laws and regulations should be enacted and strictly enforced to prevent illegal activities such as theft, smuggling, and vandalism. Education and awareness campaigns should be conducted to promote the importance of cultural relics and encourage public participation in their preservation. Museums and heritage sites should be properly funded and maintained to ensure the safekeeping and display of cultural relics. International cooperation and exchange can also play a significant role in protecting cultural relics, as it allows for the sharing of expertise, resources, and experiences.

In conclusion, cultural relics are precious assets that need to be protected and cherished. They are not only significant for their historical and cultural value but also for their economic and educational contributions. By safeguarding cultural relics, we preserve our heritage and pass on our legacy to future generations.

文物保护英语作文 篇二

The Role of Technology in Cultural Relics Protection

With the rapid development of technology, it has become increasingly important in the field of cultural relics protection. Technology plays a crucial role in preserving, documenting, and promoting cultural relics, ensuring their long-term preservation and accessibility.

Firstly, technology can aid in the conservation and restoration of cultural relics. Advanced imaging techniques, such as 3D scanning and digital modeling, allow for a detailed analysis of the condition of relics, enabling conservators to develop appropriate conservation strategies. Additionally, technology can be used to simulate environmental conditions and test the effects of various preservation methods, ensuring the best practices are implemented.

Secondly, technology facilitates the documentation and digitization of cultural relics. Digital databases and archives provide a comprehensive record of cultural relics, including their physical characteristics, historical background, and previous restoration efforts. This digital documentation allows for easy access and sharing of information, benefiting researchers, scholars, and the general public. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies also provide immersive experiences, allowing people to explore and interact with cultural relics in a virtual environment.

Furthermore, technology enhances the promotion and education of cultural relics. Through online platforms and mobile applications, cultural relics can be showcased to a global audience, reaching a wider range of people than traditional exhibitions. Virtual tours, multimedia presentations, and interactive learning tools make cultural relics more engaging and accessible, attracting the interest of younger generations. Technology also enables the translation and interpretation of cultural relics, breaking language barriers and facilitating cross-cultural communication.

However, it is important to note that technology should be used as a complement, not a substitute, for physical preservation. While digital replicas and virtual experiences can provide valuable access and engagement, the physical presence of cultural relics is irreplaceable. The tactile experience and authenticity of seeing and touching a cultural relic cannot be replicated by technology.

In conclusion, technology plays a significant role in the protection of cultural relics. It aids in conservation efforts, facilitates documentation and digitization, and enhances promotion and education. By embracing technology, we can ensure the preservation, accessibility, and appreciation of cultural relics for future generations.

文物保护英语作文 篇三

reat Wall future more secureBEIJING - Mongol hordes, Japanese soldiers and Red Guards -- China's Great Wall has seen them all off in its more than 2,000-year history.Today, tourists, ravers and newly rich Beijingers on weekend jaunts are pounding parts of the wall to dust.But a new law which came into effect on December 1, has left one campaigner hopeful about the wall's future."I'm optimistic about this century. The next 30 years are going to be a period where destruction of the wall is going to be much, much less," said William Lindesay, founder and director of International Friends of the Great Wall."I've seen more sites being reconstructed in an authentic way, and also I've discovered hope with local people and also determination amongst local officials," he told the Foreign Correspondents' Club in Beijing on Friday."They've realized that people come to China, and top of the list is the Great Wall of China," said the British geographer, who has just finished a project documenting how the wall has changed since the first pictures of it were taken 135 years ago.The pressures on the wall are enormous.Lindesay said that some parts now receive more visitors a month than they saw in the past three centuries combined."Finally I think the government's realized that the Great Wall is perceived by ordinary people as one of the great things of China," he said.The Great Wall, which snakes its way across more than 6,400 km (4,000 miles), receives an estimated 10 million visitors a year, many to the 10 km segment open to tourists at Badaling, the nearest stretch to Beijing.The wall, which the United Nations listed as a World Heritage Site in 1987, has been rebuilt many times through the centuries, and many sections of it have suffered serious damage from weather erosion and human destruction.Visitors climb wilder, crumblier sections that are not officially open to the public and some stretches have become popular sites for summer raves."The last century couldn't have been much worse," Lindesay said. "Even into the 1990s I have seen farmers with hoes dismantling towers, putting the bricks in their baskets to carry downhill to build pig sties and outhouses and toilets."Last month, police said three people had used excavators to take earth from the remains of part of the wall in Inner Mongolia to use as landfill for a village factory.The village head protested that it was "just a pile of earth," state media reported.The new law means that now people taking earth or bricks from the Great Wall can be fined up to 500,000 yuan ($63,950).In another sign that the government was finally taking conservation seriously, Lindesay said the Badaling stretch -- so touristy it even has a Starbucks -- would undergo a radical facelift, with all development having to move 3 km back."It's not going to be easy," he said."The greatness of the Great Wall is its totality. If the gaps get larger, it's not such a great wall."

文物保护英语作文 篇四

In the picture, we can see that there are some vases made of china, which are typical products in China since ancient time. An image of a panda playing Kung Fu① is carved on the surface of the vases, in which both Panda and Kung Fu are the symbols of Chinese elements. Besides, the Chinese mahjong which is growing out of a vase is also a typical Chinese element。 It is obvious that the main purpose of the picture is to reflect the phenomenon of “China fever”, referring to a foreign passion and enthusiasm② on Chinese elements, especially culture. There are reasons accounting for the growing interest in Chinese elements. For one thing, for the past decades, China has made conspicuous progress in all fields such as economy, science and technology, a

nd comprehensive strength of China has been enhanced greatly. For another, due to the progress, China presents a new image to the world and is becoming increasingly attractive and appealing③ to the whole world. Nearly every day news stories are reported and broadcasted④ about what is going on in and around China. And By 2010, there are 72 Confucius Institutes in 26 European countries established to spread Chinese language and culture⑤。Toward this kind of “China craze”, we should hold a right attitude. On the one hand, we should take pride in the “China craze” by foreigners, which originates from the increasing prestige of China. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of each Chinese citizen to popularize and promote excellent traditional Chinese culture and guard a favorable image of our motherland。

文物保护英语作文 篇五

Cultural relics are great treasures handed down from our ancestors. Recently many media have been reporting that large quantities of Cultural relics are being seriously damaged which arouses public concern.

What reasons lie behind these phenomena? Firstly a variety of natural forces such as storms and earthquakes cause these. Secondly some people are lacking in the awareness of preserving the cultural relics. Especially a few visitors scribble everywhere which result in damage to those valuable remains. Lastly to create high profits local governments remain blind to tourism development projects that might destroy the cultural relics.

The cultural relics can spread our great traditional cultures and pass the precious treasures down to our future generations. Therefore more effective laws should be passed by our government to keep them in good preservation while people should enhance the awareness of protection. As students we should take long-term actions to protect the cultural relics.


