
时间:2011-01-07 09:35:28
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奋斗的英语励志文章 篇一

The Power of Perseverance: A Story of Struggle and Success

In the face of adversity, it is often our ability to persevere that determines our ultimate success. This is a lesson that I have learned firsthand through my journey of learning English. It has been a challenging and at times frustrating process, but through perseverance, I have been able to overcome obstacles and achieve my goals.

I remember the first time I attempted to speak English in front of a group of people. My heart raced, and my palms were sweaty. I stumbled over my words and struggled to articulate my thoughts. I felt embarrassed and defeated. However, instead of giving up, I used that experience as motivation to improve. I sought out opportunities to practice my speaking skills, whether it be through conversation exchanges or joining a public speaking club. I knew that the only way to get better was to face my fears head-on.

Another obstacle I faced was the vast amount of vocabulary and grammar rules that I needed to learn. It seemed overwhelming and impossible to memorize everything. However, I realized that I couldn't expect to become fluent overnight. I broke down my learning into manageable chunks, focusing on a few words or grammar rules at a time. I made flashcards, created mnemonic devices, and practiced daily. Slowly but surely, my vocabulary expanded, and my understanding of grammar improved.

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of learning English was overcoming my fear of making mistakes. I was afraid of being judged or ridiculed for my errors. However, I soon realized that making mistakes is an essential part of the learning process. It is through our mistakes that we grow and improve. I embraced my errors as opportunities for growth and sought feedback from teachers and peers. This mindset shift allowed me to approach my studies with a sense of curiosity and resilience.

Through my perseverance and determination, I have made significant progress in my English language journey. I have achieved fluency and am now able to communicate effectively in both personal and professional settings. However, I know that my journey is far from over. I continue to challenge myself and set new goals to further improve my language skills.

The power of perseverance is not limited to learning a language. It is a mindset that can be applied to any aspect of life. Whether it be pursuing a career, overcoming personal challenges, or achieving a dream, perseverance is the key to success. It is the ability to keep going when things get tough, to push through setbacks, and to never give up on ourselves. So, let us embrace the power of perseverance and unlock our full potential.

奋斗的英语励志文章 篇二

The Road to Success: Embracing Challenges and Growth

Success does not come easily. It is the result of hard work, determination, and a willingness to face challenges head-on. This is something that I have come to understand through my own journey of striving for success in English.

Learning a new language is never easy, and English was no exception. I encountered numerous obstacles along the way, from grammar rules that seemed impossible to comprehend to a lack of confidence in my speaking abilities. However, instead of viewing these challenges as roadblocks, I chose to see them as opportunities for growth.

One of the first challenges I faced was building a strong foundation in grammar. The rules seemed endless, and I often found myself confused and frustrated. However, I realized that mastering grammar was crucial to my overall language proficiency. So, I set aside time each day to study grammar, seeking out resources and practicing through various exercises. Slowly but surely, my understanding of grammar improved, and I became more confident in my ability to use the language correctly.

Another challenge I encountered was speaking fluently and confidently. I was often afraid of making mistakes or sounding foolish. However, I understood that communication is about more than just being perfect; it is about connecting with others and expressing oneself. So, I pushed myself outside of my comfort zone and actively sought out opportunities to practice speaking. Whether it was participating in group discussions or engaging in conversations with native speakers, I embraced every chance to improve my speaking skills. With each conversation, my confidence grew, and my fluency improved.

Perhaps one of the most important lessons I learned along the way was the importance of perseverance. There were times when I felt overwhelmed and wanted to give up. But I reminded myself of the reasons why I started and the goals I wanted to achieve. I adopted a growth mindset, viewing setbacks and failures as stepping stones to success. I sought support from mentors, friends, and language exchange partners who encouraged me to keep going. Their belief in me fueled my determination to continue on my path towards success.

Today, I can proudly say that my hard work and persistence have paid off. I have achieved fluency in English and have even been able to use my language skills professionally. But more importantly, I have gained a sense of accomplishment and personal growth through the challenges I faced.

The road to success is not always smooth, but it is through our willingness to face challenges and embrace growth that we can achieve greatness. So, let us not shy away from obstacles but instead see them as opportunities to learn, improve, and ultimately, succeed.

奋斗的英语励志文章 篇三





  A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day, a small opening appeared; he sat and watched the cocoon for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. But it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further.

  一个人捡到一个蝴蝶茧。一天,茧上出现了一个小孔;他坐下观察了这茧几个小时。 茧内的蝴蝶努力挣扎着让身体通过茧孔。但是,看起来没有什么进展。茧里的蝴蝶似乎 已经使尽了全部力气,再也钻不动了。

  Then the man decided to help the butterfly, so he took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small,shriveled wings.

  于是这个人决定帮助这只蝴蝶,他拿剪刀剪掉了茧的剩余部分。蝴蝶很容易就出来 了。但是它的身体臃肿,翅膀也萎缩了。

  The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that at any moment the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.

  这个人继续观察着蝴蝶,他期望有那么一刻蝴蝶的翅膀会变大,张开支撑住身体,臃 肿的身体也会及时缩小。

  Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.

  什么都没有发生!事实上这只蝴蝶只能拖着臃肿的身体和萎缩的'翅膀度过余生了。 它飞不起来。

  What the man in his kindness and fast action didn’t understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were nature’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved freedom from the cocoon.

  这个好心而性急的人没有明白的是,茧的束缚和蝴蝶通过小孔的努力是把体内的营 养挤压到翅膀的自然方式,这样它破茧而出的时候就可以展翅而飞了。

  Sometimes struggles are ex

actly what we need in our lives. If nature allowed us to go through our lives without any difficulties, it would weaken or even disable us.We would not be as strong as what we could have been and we could never fly.

  有时候奋斗恰恰是我们生活所需要的。如果自然允许我们一帆风顺地度过一生,那 我们就会变得软弱甚至残疾。如果那样,我们就不会像我们能变成的那样强大,我们也永 远不能飞翔。


