
时间:2011-06-04 04:15:18
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信用的英文及例句 篇一

Title: The Importance of Credit and Its Impact on Financial Stability


In today's globalized economy, credit plays a vital role in facilitating economic activities and ensuring financial stability. Credit refers to the trust or confidence that one party has in another's ability to fulfill their financial obligations. It is the foundation of financial transactions and relationships between individuals, businesses, and financial institutions. This article aims to explore the significance of credit and provide examples of its application in various contexts.


1. Credit in Personal Finance:

In personal finance, credit is often associated with loans and credit cards. Building good credit is crucial for individuals as it determines their ability to borrow money at favorable terms. For example, if someone has a high credit score, they are more likely to obtain a loan with a lower interest rate. On the other hand, poor credit can lead to difficulties in securing loans or credit, and may result in higher interest rates or limited borrowing options.

2. Credit in Business:

Credit is equally important in the business world. It allows companies to operate efficiently by providing short-term financing through trade credit or long-term financing through bank loans. For instance, suppliers may offer credit terms to their customers, allowing them to purchase goods or services and pay at a later date. This enables businesses to manage their cash flow effectively and maintain stable operations.

3. Credit in International Trade:

Credit is also crucial in international trade, where buyers and sellers may be located in different countries. Letters of credit are commonly used to ensure payment security. A letter of credit is a document issued by a bank that guarantees payment to the seller upon the presentation of specified documents. This provides assurance to the exporter that they will receive payment, while also protecting the importer by ensuring that the goods or services meet the agreed-upon conditions.

4. Credit in Financial Institutions:

Financial institutions heavily rely on credit to function. Banks and other lenders assess the creditworthiness of borrowers before providing loans. Credit ratings agencies also evaluate the creditworthiness of governments and corporations, providing investors with information on the risk associated with lending or investing in these entities. For example, a high credit rating indicates a low level of risk, making it more attractive for investors.


Credit is an essential aspect of modern economics and finance. It facilitates economic activities by providing financial stability and trust in transactions. Whether it is in personal finance, business operations, international trade, or financial institutions, credit plays a vital role in determining access to financing and managing risk. Understanding the importance of credit is crucial for individuals and businesses alike to maintain financial stability and achieve their goals.

信用的英文及例句 篇二

Title: The Role of Credit in Building Trust and Sustainable Relationships


Credit, defined as the trust or confidence in someone's ability to fulfill their financial obligations, is an integral part of building trust and sustainable relationships. This article aims to explore the significance of credit in fostering trust and providing examples of how credit is applied in various contexts.


1. Credit in Personal Relationships:

Credit is not limited to financial transactions; it also extends to personal relationships. Trustworthy individuals with a history of fulfilling their promises and obligations are often credited with a high level of trust. For example, if someone consistently meets their commitments and acts with integrity, they are more likely to be trusted by their friends, family, and colleagues. This trust forms the basis of strong and lasting relationships.

2. Credit in Business Relationships:

In the business world, credit is crucial for establishing and maintaining relationships between companies. Suppliers often grant credit terms to their customers based on their trust in their ability to make timely payments. This allows businesses to build long-term relationships and create a sense of loyalty. For instance, if a customer consistently pays their invoices on time, suppliers are more likely to offer them discounts or preferential treatment.

3. Credit in the Sharing Economy:

The sharing economy, characterized by platforms like Airbnb and Uber, heavily relies on credit mechanisms to ensure trust and safety. Users are often required to provide personal information and undergo verification processes to build their credit within the platform. This credit system allows users to trust each other and engage in transactions with strangers. For example, Airbnb uses a review system where hosts and guests rate each other, providing future users with insights into the reliability and trustworthiness of potential partners.

4. Credit in Social Impact:

Credit is also significant in the context of social impact and philanthropy. Donors and investors often evaluate the creditworthiness and transparency of charitable organizations before contributing to their causes. Organizations with a strong track record and accountability are credited with a higher level of trust, attracting more support and funding.


Credit extends beyond financial transactions and plays a crucial role in building trust and sustainable relationships. Whether it is in personal relationships, business partnerships, the sharing economy, or social impact initiatives, credit is the foundation upon which trust is established and maintained. By understanding the importance of credit and actively working to build and maintain a good credit reputation, individuals and organizations can foster stronger connections, achieve long-term success, and contribute to a more trustworthy society.

信用的英文及例句 篇三





  A soppy letter.

  多愁善感的书信An excerpt from one of these letters,read as part of a religious service.

  使徒书信节选从使徒书信中选取的,作为宗教仪式或活动的一部分来诵读的一段Always proofread completed letters very carefully.Consult dictionary when necessary or in doubt.

  完成的书信一定要很小心地校对,有必要或怀疑时查典。Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster

  寄信要多花一点钱,但无疑书信走得会快一Jeffrey, I said this packet of notes was priceless and valuable

  "杰弗里,我说过这叠书信是无价的也是珍贵的。We often drop a line to each other.

  我们经常互通书信。Writing is slower than telephoning.

  书信比电话慢。Softened the last paragraph of the letter.

  使书信的最后一段变得温和I was told the letter telegram is the cheapest.

  据说书信电报费最便宜。Yours affectionately, ie used at t

he end of a letter to a close relative or friend



  n. 书信

  He longed to put a little affection into his epistle.

  他渴望在信里流露出点爱慕之情。to husbands, fathers, children and servants, in the Epistle to the ephesians

  丈夫、父亲、孩童、仆婢的`义务,在《以弗所书》里A reference to

  在圣保罗致罗马人的使徒书信中就已论及了“自然法”。That luminous epistle finishes me with the religious element among my constituents.

  这封聪明的书信把我选民当中的宗教界人士对我的好感完全断送了。A brief formal prayer that is used in various Western liturgies before the epistle and that varies with the day.



