
时间:2019-07-01 04:46:29
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四六级最全英语短语 篇一


1. Catch up with:赶上,追赶

例如:I need to catch up with the rest of the class.

2. Look forward to:期望,期待

例如:I'm looking forward to the weekend.

3. Break up:分手,解散

例如:They decided to break up after five years of dating.

4. Put off:推迟,延迟

例如:The meeting has been put off until next week.

5. Get along with:与...相处融洽

例如:She gets along well with her colleagues.

6. Cheer up:振作起来

例如:Don't be sad. Cheer up!

7. Give up:放弃

例如:He gave up smoking a year ago.

8. Show up:出现,露面

例如:He didn't show up for the meeting.

9. Settle down:安定下来

例如:After many years of traveling, he finally decided to settle down.

10. Look after:照顾,照看

例如:She looks after her younger sister.


四六级最全英语短语 篇二


1. Take care of:照顾,照料

例如:She took care of her sick mother.

2. Look down on:看不起

例如:He looks down on people who are less educated than him.

3. Turn up:出现,出席

例如:He didn't turn up for the party.

4. Get over:克服,恢复

例如:It took her a long time to get over the breakup.

5. Look up to:尊敬,仰慕

例如:I've always looked up to my older sister.

6. Break down:崩溃,故障

例如:The car broke down on the way to the airport.

7. Give in:屈服,让步

例如:He refused to give in to their demands.

8. Show off:炫耀,卖弄

例如:He always shows off his new gadgets.

9. Set up:建立,设立

例如:They set up a new company last year.

10. Look forward to:期望,期待

例如:I'm looking forward to the summer vacation.


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