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英语好句子优美名言佳句 篇一

Inspirational Quotes to Motivate and Encourage


In our daily lives, we often come across situations that require motivation and encouragement. Sometimes, we may feel overwhelmed and lose sight of our goals. In this article, we will explore some inspirational quotes in English that can help us stay motivated and push through challenges.

1. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

This quote reminds us of the power of self-belief. When we have faith in our abilities, we are already halfway towards achieving our goals. It encourages us to stay positive and optimistic.

2. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

This quote emphasizes the importance of perseverance. Success and failure are not permanent states, but rather a part of the journey. It is our courage to keep going that truly matters.

3. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs reminds us that passion is a key ingredient for success. When we love what we do, we are more likely to put in the necessary effort and excel in our chosen field.

4. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt

This quote encourages us to dream big and have faith in our dreams. The future is shaped by those who believe in their dreams and work towards turning them into reality.

5. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson

This quote reminds us to focus on our actions rather than constantly worrying about time. By staying determined and persistent, we can achieve our goals regardless of the time it may take.

6. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt reminds us that our doubts can hold us back from reaching our full potential. It is important to overcome our self-doubt and have confidence in our abilities.


Inspirational quotes have the power to uplift our spirits and provide us with the motivation we need to overcome challenges. They remind us of the importance of self-belief, perseverance, passion, and staying focused on our goals. By incorporating these quotes into our daily lives, we can stay motivated and achieve success.

英语好句子优美名言佳句 篇二

Wisdom Quotes for a Fulfilling Life


Wisdom is often associated with knowledge and experience. It is the ability to make sound judgments and decisions based on accumulated knowledge. In this article, we will explore some wisdom quotes in English that can inspire us to live a fulfilling life.

1. "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates

Socrates emphasizes the importance of humility and continuous learning. True wisdom comes from recognizing that there is always more to learn and being open to new knowledge and perspectives.

2. "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

This quote reminds us that we have the power to shape our own destiny. Our actions and choices determine the course of our lives, rather than external forces or fate.

3. "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu reminds us that every great accomplishment starts with a small action. It encourages us to take the first step towards our goals, no matter how daunting they may seem.

4. "The only way to have a friend is to be one." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote emphasizes the importance of kindness and empathy in building meaningful relationships. To have true friends, we must first embody the qualities of a good friend ourselves.

5. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson reminds us that a fulfilling life is not solely about personal happiness, but also about making a positive impact on others and leaving a meaningful legacy.

6. "Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it." - Charles R. Swindoll

This quote emphasizes the power of our mindset and attitude. While we may not have control over everything that happens to us, we have the ability to choose how we respond to challenges and setbacks.


Wisdom quotes provide valuable insights and guidance for living a fulfilling life. They remind us of the importance of continuous learning, taking responsibility for our own destiny, being kind and compassionate, and maintaining a positive mindset. By incorporating these quotes into our lives, we can gain wisdom and live a more meaningful and satisfying life.

英语好句子优美名言佳句 篇三




  1. Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。

  2. All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命必有希望。

  3. I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。

  4. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。

  5. The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。

  6. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful inpiduals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。 (凡事比别人多一点点!多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹!)

  7. DEFINITION OF CRAZINESS "Crazy" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. It stands for the single-minded pursuit of dreams. It stands for the total devotion to your work. It stands for the passion of commitment to reach the goal. Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want. Let alone learning English! 疯狂的定义 "疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神,代表着对理想的执着追求,代表着对事业忘我的全情投入,代表着不达目的绝不罢休的激情。人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功,何况攻克英语!

  8. ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM Forget about the days when it's been cloudy, But don't forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you've been defeated, But don't forget the victories you've won. Forget about the misfortunes you've encountered, But don't forget the times your luck has turned. Forget about the days when you've been lonely, But don't forget the friendly smiles you've seen. Forget about the plans that didn't seem to work out right, But don't forget to always have a dream. 永不放弃梦想 忘掉你的失意日子, 但不要忘记黄金的时光。 忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。 忘掉你遭遇的不幸, 但不要忘记你的时来运转。 忘掉你的孤独日子, 但不要忘记你得到的友善的微笑。 忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划, 但不要放弃你的梦想。

  9. 打击我吧! 伤害我吧! 折磨我吧! 侮辱我吧! 冤枉我吧! 迫-害我吧! Attack me! Hurt me! Torture m

e! Humiliate me! Mistreat me! Persecute me!

  10. 让暴风都来吧!让我付出代价! 让我心态归零! 你使我兴奋! 你使我斗志昂扬! 你使我咬牙切齿! Let storms rage against me! Let me pay the price! Let me hit rock bottom! You excite me! You fill me with the spirit to fight! You make me grind my teeth!


  1、Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist)

  不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的'目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.)

  2、Don“t part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer)

  不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。((美国作家 马克 吐温)

  3、I want to bring out the secrets of nature and apply them for the happineof man . I don“t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world .(Thomas Edison , American inventor)

  我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类。我认为,在我们的短暂一生中,最好的贡献莫过于此了。 (美国发明家 迪生. T.)

  4、Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life .( Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer)


  5、(俄-国作家 托尔斯泰. L .)

  If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?( P. B. Shelley , British poet )

  6、冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.)

  If you doubt yourself , then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground .(

  7、Ibsen , Norwegian dramatist )

  如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。 (挪威剧作家 易卜生)

  8、If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people“s backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher)

  如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。(德国哲学家 尼采. F. W.)

  9、It is at our mother“s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them.( Mark Twain , American writer )

  就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。(美国作家 马克 吐温)

  10、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.Alexander Dumas (Davy de La Pailleterie, French Writer)

  生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。 (法国作家 大仲马. A.)

  11、The ideals which have lighted my way , and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindne, beauty and truth .(Albert Einstein , American scientist)

  有些理想曾为我们引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是——真、善、美。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦 . A .)

  12、The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German Poet and dramatist)

  人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。(德国诗人、戏剧家 歌德 . J . M .)

  13、The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds .(Mark Twain , American writer)

  具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。 (美国作家 马克 吐温)

  14、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president)

  实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。 (美国总统 罗斯福. F .)

  15、When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory .(Abraham Lincoln , American statesman)

  如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。(美国政治家 林肯. A.)


  1、A bad thing never dies.


  2、A bad workman always blames his tools.


  3、A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.


  4、A boaster and a liar are cousins-german.


  5、A bully is always a coward.


  6、A burden of one's choice is not felt.


  7、A candle lights others and consumes itself.


  8、A cat has 9 lives.


  9、A cat may look at a king.


  10、A close mouth catches no flies.


  11、A constant guest is never welcome.


  12、Actions speak louder than words.


  13、Adversity leads to prosperity.


  14、Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.


  15、A fair death honors the whole life.


  16、A faithful friend is hard to find.


  17、A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.


  18、A fox may grow gray, but never good.


  19、A friend in need is a friend indeed.


  20、A friend is easier lost than found.


  21、A friend is never known till a man has need.


  22、A friend without faults will never be found.


  23、'After you' is good manners.


  24、 你使我百折不挠! 你使我脱胎换骨!你使我变得更坚强! 你使我成为真正的人! 你是我最幸福的回忆! 你是我终生感激的恩人! 我不是人,我要重塑人的尊严! You make me determined! You make my completely reshape myself! You make me stronger! You make me a real man! You are my most joyful memory! I owe you all my life! I'm not human. I want to rebuild my dignity and honor. I want to reshape my life.

  25.A good beginning makes a good ending.



