
时间:2016-03-01 04:39:24
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当幸福来敲门英文观后感最新汇总 篇一

Title: Pursuing Happiness: A Reflection on "The Pursuit of Happyness"

"The Pursuit of Happyness" is a heartwarming film that portrays the resilience and determination of a man who strives to overcome numerous challenges in order to achieve his dreams. Based on a true story, the movie highlights the importance of perseverance, hope, and the pursuit of happiness.

The film follows the life of Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman who faces financial difficulties, homelessness, and the responsibility of raising his young son, Christopher. Despite the odds stacked against him, Chris remains unwavering in his pursuit of a better life for himself and his son.

Throughout the movie, the audience witnesses Chris's unwavering determination and his refusal to give up, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. His relentless pursuit of happiness and success is truly inspiring. Will Smith's portrayal of Chris Gardner is exceptional, capturing the essence of a man who refuses to let his circumstances define him.

One of the most powerful scenes in the film is when Chris and his son are forced to spend the night in a public restroom. In this moment of despair, Chris musters the strength to encourage his son and remind him that they are still able to dream, even in their current situation. This scene serves as a reminder that happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one never gives up hope.

"The Pursuit of Happyness" also sheds light on the importance of self-belief and the power of positive thinking. Chris constantly reminds himself and his son that they are capable of achieving greatness, despite the challenges they face. This message resonates with viewers, reminding us that our mindset and attitude play a significant role in our pursuit of happiness.

The film not only showcases the struggles faced by Chris and his son but also highlights the kindness and support they receive from strangers along the way. These acts of kindness serve as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there is still goodness in the world. It emphasizes the importance of community and the impact we can have on each other's lives.

In conclusion, "The Pursuit of Happyness" is an emotionally charged film that reminds us of the power of perseverance and the pursuit of happiness. It teaches us that no matter how difficult life may seem, we should never give up on our dreams. Through Chris Gardner's inspiring journey, we are reminded that true happiness can be found when we refuse to let our circumstances define us and instead choose to embrace hope, determination, and the unwavering pursuit of our dreams.

当幸福来敲门英文观后感最新汇总 篇二

Title: Lessons in Resilience: Reflecting on "The Pursuit of Happyness"

"The Pursuit of Happyness" is a film that leaves a lasting impact on its viewers, prompting us to reflect on the importance of resilience and the pursuit of our dreams. Based on a true story, this movie serves as a reminder that no matter the challenges we face, we have the power to overcome them and find happiness.

The film follows the journey of Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman who finds himself homeless and responsible for his young son, Christopher. Through his unwavering determination and resilience, Chris manages to secure an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, eventually paving the way for a successful career.

One of the key themes in the movie is the importance of never giving up, even in the face of adversity. Chris's journey is filled with obstacles, from financial struggles to homelessness. However, he refuses to let these challenges define him, constantly reminding himself and his son that they are capable of achieving greatness.

The relationship between Chris and his son is another significant aspect of the film. Despite their difficult circumstances, Chris remains committed to being a loving and supportive father. His dedication to his son serves as a powerful example of the sacrifices parents make for their children and the impact a positive role model can have on a young person's life.

"The Pursuit of Happyness" also highlights the importance of seizing opportunities and taking risks. Chris's decision to pursue an unpaid internship at the brokerage firm, despite the uncertainty and financial strain it brings, ultimately leads to his success. This serves as a reminder that sometimes, the greatest rewards come from stepping outside of our comfort zones and embracing opportunities that may initially seem daunting.

The film also touches upon the significance of mentorship and the impact others can have on our lives. Chris's encounter with a successful stockbroker, played by Thandie Newton, provides him with guidance and support during his journey. This relationship showcases the importance of seeking guidance from those who have walked a similar path and the value of learning from their experiences.

In conclusion, "The Pursuit of Happyness" is a thought-provoking film that reminds us of the power of resilience and the pursuit of our dreams. Through the inspiring journey of Chris Gardner, we are reminded that no matter the challenges we face, we have the ability to overcome them and find happiness. The film serves as a powerful reminder to never give up, to embrace opportunities, and to surround ourselves with positive influences. Ultimately, it encourages us to believe in ourselves and our ability to create our own happiness.

当幸福来敲门英文观后感最新汇总 篇三



I don’t know for sure whether it is the cold or the movie that kept me tossing and turning in bed,but one thing is certain:many scattered fragments of the movie again and again flashed in my mind.My cell phone read 4:16 am at that time,but I was not sleepy at all.So I decided to get up and write something."The Pursuit of Happyness" -- the title comes from a misspelled schoolhouse mural -- has a lot on its mind but mostly this:If America is about the promise of bettering oneself,why does it have to be so freaking hard?In the movie,Jefferson's

Declaration of Independence words about happiness kept recurring to Chris Gardner.Every day,Christ had to work hard from morning till night,but still could hardly make a living.Chris saw a bunch of suits,mostly male,pouring out of the Dean Witter Reynolds brokerage firm in downtown San Francisco.They all looked “happy,” “Why not me?“ Christ wondered.He did have an adorable boy,Christopher,but wife Linda was becoming a scarecrow of overworked anxiety.Finally,his wife left Christ because of life pressure,leaving him and her five-year-old son,Christopher.And naturally,Christ became a single father.With the failure of his business,Christ had no money to pay for the rent,so they were driven away from the flat.They became homeless.They slept in asylum,subway station public bathroom or anywhere as a temporary shelter.The destitution of life was absolutely depressing,but for his son’s future,for his own belief,Christ never gave up and he still strongly believed that happiness would come one day if he worked hard enough today.With his great efforts,Christ won a six-month internship at Dean Witter,but there was no pay at all.So on one hand,Christ had to work hard to make a living; on the other hand,he had to fight for his intern work,since only one of the twenty interns would succeed finally.Besides,he had to take good care of his son after day care.However,Christ made it with his amazing willpower.Christ was unfortunate,for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business.But he was very fortunate also,for he got a son who was very thoughtful and,I think,tough life experiences always make a great person.It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story,and I want to say,this movie does inspire me a lot.What impressed me most are:Christ’s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ’s love to his son and Christ’s strong belief towards life.Through these,I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa,since in reality,only love cannot only make everything.And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself,no matter how difficult the situation is,but of course,hard-working is indispensable.


Recently, I have read a book named The Pursuit of Happiness. May be you have already seen the movie. But as for the spirit which can only described by the words, I have made a choice which is reading the book by myself. It’s a very famous story and many people are moved by this story. When I close my eyes and think about my real world. Is there any trouble that I can’t deal with exist? No, of cause not. Think about Chris Gardner, the hero of this book. How difficult the situation is when he gets no job, no money?

Chris hasn’t seen his father until the age of 28. So he swears that he must be a great father for his son ----Christopher. But thinking about his career and the badly-off current. He has to lead his kid hang out every hospital to sell the bone scanners for money. Accidentally, he knows that act as a bill broker merely calls for knowledge of numbers. So he tried to find a manager in this field who named Jay twistie. With the help of persistence, interesting words and a Rubik’s cube, he acquires a chance of being an intern in Jay’s company. But there is only one person from six interns can be hired after six months’ non-wage work. It’s too difficult for Chris. At this moment, Chris’ wife leaves them two and move to New York. In the cause of no enough money, Chris and his son lose their house. They even live in the public washroom. Everything comes to him who waits. Finally, Chris wins the job and creates his own company. Yes, he makes it!

The major goal of studying hard in college is getting a great job when graduate. In my mind, after four-year-study, finding job is an unworried thing. Although we may find ourselves deeply in a terrible situation, it won’t be worse anymore. But what the hero has experienced completely turned my mind head to feet. We are those people who settling in a comfortable world——school. And it’s time to thinking about the way to facing up with the competitive, cure and variety of burden of society.

This real story is the most impressive one for me. (m.lz13.cn)It is difficult to believe that the person who is the most successful business man used to sleeping in the washroom. As far as I’m consider, those troubles which occur on Chris are unbelievable, because it’s hard to image a people can overcome such difficult troubles. But Chris can make it! In the last few years, I have had to face many “tiny” troubles. I even have the thought of giving up. But now, I am not afraid of those troubles. And I believe this sentence: Everything comes to him who waits! The door of success which Chris opened evenly is not only his hope, but also the sign to everyone.

Here are some sentences which may help everyone: Don’t ever let somebody tell you, you can't do something, not even me. And this one: You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Period. And please keep them in mind, then ‘go get it’!


Review of the Pursuit of Happyness

The university has organized us to watch the movie the Pursuit of Happyness. The movie draws its materials from life. It portrays a man, Chris Gardner, who is walking bankruptcy, how to raise his son as a single parent and struggle to be a stock trader.

There is something in the world. It has no shape, no color, and no weight. It can’t be seen or touched, but everyone wants it. That’s happiness.

The spell of happyness in the title is wrong, which echoes a scene at the beginning of the movie. Chris noticed the word and told his son “There is an i in happiness. There is no y. It’s an i. ” It means that we should pursue happiness ourselves instead of asking why.

Chris Gardner hardly worked from everyday morning to night, but s till couldn’t make a change. At last, his wife couldn’t endure and left away, just leaving him and their five-year-old son. What’s more, he had no money to pay for the rent. They became homeless and slept in anywhere.

One sentence I always hear in this movie is “Everything will be

fine”, and Linda often said “Whatever” to express her no-choice situation. Sometimes we may get trapped in daily life, but why would you give in to it? Why could you give up? We ought to fight against all the obstacles in our ways to success!

To Chris, everything is life was hard. However, he didn’t accept defect easily. He gave up the job to sell a kind of medicinal machine and tried as much as he could to become a broker, which was his new dream.

Even worse, he was arrested for unpaid traffic tickers before the day of interviewing. He had to attend the interview with dirty clothes.

Fortunately, he convinced a financial manager that he was intelligent by playing with a Rubik’s Cube. This manager offered him an opportunity to be a probationary clerk. There were twenty people attending the practice and only one could be hired. Moreover, there is no salary during the six months practice. Finally, he won in the exam to be the only formal clerk in twenty people. His tears nearly ran out when he heard the good news. Happiness came a little late for him, but better late than never.

Chris is a man with purpose. He encouraged his son “Don’t ever let someone tell you that you can’t do something”. It also said to himself. I also admire Christopher. Although he and his father usually had a hard time and even had no place to stay, he was determined to trust his father and never complain.

I remember that in order to catch up with the scanners, Chris was knocked down by a car. He looked for his shoe groveling on the road without checking himself being hurt or not. Is shoe so important for him? Sure, as for a man whose account was only 21 dollars, it can be easily understood such crazy behavior made by him.

The scene gives me the deepest impression is the homeless father and son lingered on the bench in the subway station and looked at each other in silence. Chris came up with an idea to relief Christopher’s

depression. He imagined that they were surrounded by terrible monsters and needed to find a cave to hide themselves. Of course, there is

definitely no cave in the subway stations. Chris and his son curled up on the floor covered with bumf in the toilet. In order not to be disturbed, he shut the door and fastened the bolt from the inside. When hearing the knock at the door, Chris only could put his feet against the door and bury Christopher’s ears. At that moment, tears poured down his cheeks.

Finally, Chris got the job with an annual salary of 0.8 million dollars. They walked to their home and smiled to everyone.

This movie touches the chord in my heart. It wasn’t easy to scratch out a living in those hard times. Sometimes, you may get stuck. You meet difficulties and you feel sad, but you have to take heart and spare no efforts to solve problems. It will be a hard process, but perhaps after all your tries, you’ll find a way out. Just like sometimes you turn the Rubik’s Cube and discover the mass becomes all in order.

We should pursue happiness on our own. When we face difficulties, we’d better think about Chris’s situation, and I’m sure that nothing will hurt you anymore. After keeping trying and going through hard life, you’ll find happiness is just around the corner.

At the end of this movie, Chris Gardner himself brushed past the actor Will Smith. Christopher uttered “Knock, knock, knock”, which was the sound of happiness.

Let’s take the letter i instead of the letter y in happiness.

You got a dream, you gotta protect it. If you want something, go get it.


I have watched amovie, which named “The Pursuit of Happiness”. I have to admit that this is amovie excite people's mind.


It is a real story. The film is about happiness. Chris was an ordinary salesperson. He wentout to sell his scanner every day. He was hard enough, but almost nobody thoughtthe scanner was useful for him or her. Nobody bought it.


Chris had a wifeand a son. They need money to live. However, at that time, Chris could not givehis wife an ideal life. Therefore, his wife chose to leave him. This madeChris’s life worse. However, in the end, he still had his own insistence andefforts to get the success. I admire him very much.


After this movie,I thought a lot. What is happiness? How can we get happiness? In my eyes, moneyis not the most important. The most important is the family. As long as thefamily together, no matter where, no matter what time, we are happy.


In addition,happiness depends on oneself. If you feel happy, you are happy. No matter whatother people think of you, as long as you do happy.


In the end, I hopeeveryone can find his or her own happiness. Let the whole world is full ofhappiness!



Chris Gardner is a bright and talented, but marginally employed salesman. Struggling to make ends meet, Gardner finds himself and his five-year-old son evicted from their San Francisco apartment with nowhere to go. When Gardner lands an internship at a prestigious stock brokerage firm, he and his son endure many hardships, including living in shelters, in pursuit of his dream of a better life for the two of them.at last,he succeed in this,from the stroy,I know that Don't give up your pursue,maybe thingswill turn good if you carry on one more second!



